
The path I walk to becoming invincible

As a young man was walking down the street thinking of what to do with his boring lonely life, where his family disowned him for not being smart enough his and girlfriend left him for not being rich enough, something that he wished for like most otaku around the world happens to him. He gets the chance to be reborn in another world, full of magic and wonder. Watch as he rises up to the top of the world so that he will never be scorned by any of his loved ones again. Watch the beginning of a legend. Disclaimer for any of y'all cease and desist nibbas, it's a fan-fic. That and the fact that I have legit no way of earning money from this due to country of residence and my age, plus the concept that if I want to piggyback off someone else's creation I sure as hell wouldn't put it in a blatant way, like for example using names from the original. But just to be extra suuuuuper sure I don't get my house raided by the FBI, I own nothing happened in this. Characters other than my OCs are owned by their respective owners (who in case wasn't clear, is not me) and any placed or names used are purely coincidental and not a personal attack or something like that (don't want a Dominos' Noid case on my hands fellas). If there's a cover (doubtful at best) that you made on this novel(in other words I didn't draw or something) and want me to remove use the comments system and publicly tell me so that I feel shame and remove it. If I don't respond right away don't go ape-shit tho please and chill for a couple days-a couple months cause I have regular internet issues. That should about do it, right?

Goblin_of_Trash · Khác
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20 Chs


Over the course of the past year, Broad had taken up a hobby of pushing Draig so hard in training that he wouldn't be able to lift a finger for hours. This hobby only became harder for Draig as he got better at healing magic and his <stamina recovery> grew in level, since Broad didn't have to worry about Draig getting injured out of commission or get too tired to continue for long.

The sadistic training was added on to the increasing doses of diluted object X, the same black liquid that he was given on his first day. Every week, Draig would take a small break for a day or two to explore Metaroni and talk to his friends in the healer's guild. Over the year Draig became a sort of mascot for the city, especially with his characteristic white hair and blue eyes along with his innocent looking face, the while city had an impression of a harmless rabbit that needs protection.

Of course due to his constant abuse-like training and intake of Object X, there were rumours of him being a massive masochist with a taste disorder. The citizens didn't expose him to these rumours in an unspoken rule to try and protect his innocence, and the adventurers generally saw him as a enthusiastic but clumsy little brother that needed protection.

Whenever Draig visits the healer's guild, whichever receptionist that was on break would pounce on him and spend their time playing with him. Each receptionist would regularly gamble their break times on the day that Draig visits, and would use that time as either bargaining chips or a form of currency among each other.

They all had their special ways of enjoying their time with Draig. Some would spend their day teasing him due to his innocence, others would go on shopping sprees and drag him across the city from store to store. There was even a time where a receptionist asked him to massage her shoulders and back for hours, another day she asked him to accompany her to her house and let her take care of him for the day. The receptionist either saw Draig as a little brother or a target for relationships, so they always had eventful days together.


On a day like any other, Draig was sprawled across the table on the corner of the guild. That corner had become an unofficial clinic at the guild, and the scene of large scary men lined up before a physically paralysed Draig was common. Draig's hand would periodically glow and whoever was closest to him would have their wounds healed. There were two lines spreading away from Draig, one with people that had wounds and the other with people who were poisoned or other similar problems.

Draig had been constantly casting his magic for half a day now, and had almost reached mana depletion for the umpteenth time.

Draig:"Umm? Excuse me but can you bring the more seriously wounded people to the front, I'm about to run out of mana and I would prefer that no one dies today because I didn't have enough mana."

All the adventures shifted around and brought the more severely injured to the front. Just then the guild door was violently pushed open, and a suspicious looking man made his way into the guild.

Man:"Oi! I heard that there was a healer that healed for free in this guild! Where is the little fucker!"

The room was taken aback, but Draig ignored him to focus on healing the adventurer beside him. The man scanned the room around him, before glimpsing Draig sprawled on the table healing the adventurer. Sauntering over to the corner, ignoring the long line completely the man drew closer to the young healer.

Man:"Oi! You little shit! I need you to heal me right now!"

Draig ignored him and continued to cast heal on the heavily injured man infront of him. The man didn't take kindly to that and slammed his hand on the table, jolting Draig physical and mentally.

Man:"Oi, Oi, Oi, Oiiiii! Is that how you treat an injured man in need! I said I'm injured and need you to treat me now!"

Draig slowly turned to the man after checking on the injured people around him.

Draig:"Excuse me, but I need you to wait your turn. I'll get to healing you soon but I'm starting to run out of mana, and unless you have some kind of mortal wound that you are keeping down with sheer willpower please wait in line."

Draig calmly told the man, who's face darkened the more he was spoken to.

Man:"Listen here you little bitch! I don't care how much mana you have left or whatever, I'm telling you, no ordering you as an injured person to heal me! NOW!"

The whole guild became dead quiet, quiet to the point that a pin dropping would sound like an ear deafening explosion.

Draig:"Excuse me, like I said there are more injured people and people who have been waiting for almost an hour now. So if you don't have a mortal injury, I'm going to have to ask you to go to the back of the line. The one on my right is for physical injuries, the one on the left is for poisoning and such."

Draig continued to patiently explain to the man, there had been similar people in the past who demanded treatment from Draig but they usually give up when explained to. This man was determined to be treated at his convenience though.

Man:"Are you deaf too you fucking piece of shit!? Haah!? I said I don't care about your mana or these pussies that are lined up! TREAT ME NOW!!"

Draig was dumbfounded by what he had heard, a unholy fury was starting to build up inside him without him noticing. The surrounding adventurers were livid because of what they were hearing, they were using all their self control to prevent themselves from tearing the man a new hole. The more self-disciplined ones were holding back the ones that were more short tempered, the man was either ignoring the others or was blissfully unaware.