
Chapter 11: One Hell of a Friday (1)

Why did I do that?


[$1,162.50 → $521.23]

I spent a little over $600 because of one impulse. Ugh… Sure, I get paid every week, but a stupid purchase is a stupid purchase regardless! Thankfully, I got back home before the sun rose, so nobody saw me in that get-up.


I picked up my phone and checked the time. I needed to go for my run; hopefully, it would help rid me of my embarrassment. I dressed in my usual attire and headed out.



Who would've thought that the first person I run into this morning is her.

I looked over towards my angel of a neighbor, her blonde hair styled down much like Sawako's but a different color. I met her eyes and her face showed that I was the last person she expected to see this early in the morning.

"Is there any need to be startled, Shiina-san?"

"Not really. However, we rarely run into each other. Also, what's with the get-up?"

"I'm going for a run. Needless to say, you're heading to school?"

"Yeah. Shouldn't you be?"

"Nah, I'm not really feeling it today."


I waved her off and started moving. When I get paid next week, I should buy some AirPods for music! While the ambient noise is pleasant, it doesn't help me focus. I reached the elevator, but it was busy.

I really don't want to take the stairs, so I guess I'll wait.


Mahiru caught up with me at some point.

I glanced at her questioningly. We were nothing more than friendly acquaintances, so I couldn't understand why she was trying so hard to get my attention. I didn't mind, though—I hated seeing Tier 2 on relationships, so if I could improve even one, I'd take it.

"Yes?" I asked, looking down at her.

"I don't think it's good to skip school."

"Are you my mom?"

"No. But anyone would say that!"

"Uh-huh. Well, I'm not skipping without a reason. I have important company coming for the weekend."

"So, you're saying it's going to be loud? Should I file a complaint beforehand?"


"No, we'll probably be loud when we go out. Wanna come if we do something? We have some female friends you might get along with."

We stepped into the elevator, continuing our conversation.

"Eh?" She looked confused, as if she hadn't expected an invitation in a million years. I raised an eyebrow as I leaned against one of the elevator walls.

"You mean it?"

There wasn't any need to be so suspicious—jeez.

"Yep!" I nodded twice, exaggerating for effect.

She put her right hand to her chin and studied me. She had quite a cute thinking posture. Hehe~. I'd keep that observation to myself.


The elevator reached the ground floor, and I straightened up, ready to go.

"Sure," she finally admitted after leaving me hanging for what felt like too long. If she hadn't responded, I would've taken her silence as a no and continued with my jog. Actually, I'd still have gone jogging regardless, but I digress.

"Alright, cool! Be available tomorrow, and I'll come let you know."


I'd barely taken two steps before she stopped me again. I turned back, asking, "Yes?"

"Let me just give you my number. I don't need you getting any weird ideas about my room."

She stared me down with an icy glare. Of course, she'd say something like that.

"Haha~ Fine!" I handed her my phone and walked alongside her until she was done. We exited our apartment complex and reached the crosswalk before she handed it back.

"Why did it take so long?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I had to find a cute emoji."

I looked at her contact, and lo and behold, there was a cute cat emoji next to her name.


Girls here are so particular about this stuff.

Her face turned a little pink, but I didn't mention it. The crosswalk light turned green, and I waved her off as I finally started my jog. I couldn't deny the smile plastered on my face from our conversation. Life is truly wonderful!

{45 Minutes Later}


This park is a good spot for a break. I should check my skills and see if any leveled up while I'm here!

"System two."

Yes, I saved it to two. My coffee from earlier is set to "One" or "The Usual."

"Let's see. Oh? Sawako?"

I looked across the street and saw her exiting a pharmacy. She stepped out, clutching a small white pharmacy bag, her steps quick but uncertain. The morning sunlight caught in her jet-black hair, giving it a faint sheen. The way she carried herself and that jet black hair were too hard to miss.

I knew I had run quite a bit, but this far? To the point where I could run into her? I'll need to keep track of how far I'm going. Anyway, let me get her attention. First...

"Close. SAWAKO!"

I closed the skills tab without even being able to look at it. After that I yelled, which garnered me a lot of attention and shocked her even more, but I didn't really care about the onlookers. I did feel quite bad for scaring her.

She looked around, still unsure.

"Over here, Sawako!"

I waved, causing a bit more commotion, but again, I didn't care. She finally spotted me, though! Her face—visible even from here—looked stressed. I wonder what's going on?

Judging by the fact that she just left a pharmacy, I'm guessing someone is sick. Yeah, that's probably it.

In a few minutes, she crossed the street and ran to me quite enthusiastically, even though she was clearly stressed.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not giving her any chance to deflect.

"E-Eh? O-Oh. My mom is sick, so I came to get her medicine." She fidgeted a bit. I guess she wasn't expecting me to be so straightforward.

I looked at her gently. "I'm guessing you took off from school?"

She nodded. "Dad couldn't stay to help, so I called school earlier and told them it was an emergency."

"Want me to walk you back to your place? Even if it's daytime, a beautiful lady like yourself shouldn't be alone."

"Peu!? I-Is this considered flirting?"

"Huh? Hahahaha~, yes, you can consider this flirting! Normally, you're not supposed to point it out!"

She turned her head to look at the ground, and I couldn't help but give her a head pat. She was just being so adorable! It was kind of surprising, as I didn't expect to be in such a situation, but I'd gladly take it.

A few minutes passed, and Sawako didn't move. I continued patting her head, but I couldn't help feeling a little strange that she hadn't done anything. 

"Sawako, you there?" 

She jumped a little before quickly backing away. My hand met empty space, and I felt a bit sad that she retreated, but alas, what can I do? 

"If you don't mind, I'd appreciate your help!" 

"Great! Let's go!" I hadn't taken much of a break, but I assumed we'd just be walking, so it shouldn't be too taxing. I seriously need to check my skills later, though.

We both went to the crosswalk, waiting for the light to turn green. A comfortable silence enveloped us, but it didn't last long because I wanted to keep her mind off worrying.

"Are you free tomorrow?" 

She lifted her head slightly, tilting it to think. "I should be. Dad said he'd take care of Mom over the weekend."

Nodding, I brought up my potential outing. "Great! Itsuki's staying over at my place for the weekend, and we'll probably go do who knows what. Wanna join us?" 

"Why are you inviting me?" She wasn't as nervous or embarrassed as she had been earlier, but it took her a bit longer than usual to ask. At least she wasn't looking down at the ground anymore!

"Why wouldn't I?" 

"I mean, when boys hang out with each other, don't they usually hit on women?" 

"..." My face went deadpan. I looked down at her, unsure of what to say. The light finally turned green, and as we started walking, I finally responded to that ridiculous statement.

"Sawako... that's not all that happens. I also planned on inviting Yume and Nanami, plus a neighbor of mine. She's a girl who goes to the same school as me. Unfortunately, Yuta's busy this weekend, and I know Itsuki is going to bring his girlfriend. If anything, this will be more like a girl hangout than any 'dude' outing." 

"I-I see. You're not going to plan something perverted, right?!" 

Me: O_O

"Seriously, Sawako, who's been teaching you these things?!" 

"M-My mom! After you left last night, she kept hounding me! She kept saying things like, 'Use protection,' and, 'Some men are open perverts, and some are closeted. Be wary of him just in case.' It was weird!"

My face flushed red. I didn't need a mirror or a picture to know. Sawako had just very loudly, in a public area, with adults in business suits heading to work, announced that with no shame.

"Please lower your voice." 

She looked up at me, and I very embarrassedly matched her gaze. 

"Why is your face so red?" she asked. Somehow, she didn't get it. It was probably better this way.


The comfortable silence returned, but if I had to point out what was different this time, it was how much closer we seemed. So close, in fact, that as we walked, our hands would occasionally graze against each other. I didn't think much of it at first, but I couldn't help feeling a little surprised that Sawako didn't react the way typical anime characters would—freaking out over something so small. Then again, this was real life, not an anime, and after spending time with her, I've come to realize she's quite a unique individual.

Time and distance passed quickly, the morning sun rising higher than when we first met. We passed by tall buildings, some with sleek modern designs, while others retained their '90s charm. The wind picked up slightly, just a soft breeze. My workout clothes felt perfect for the weather, and Sawako's casual outfit seemed just as fitting. 

I hadn't really taken note earlier, but she was dressed in a cozy cream-colored sweater, high-waisted jeans, and white sneakers. Combined with her jet-black hair and black eyes, she painted a beautiful picture. The more I looked at her, the more I couldn't help but think of her as Mahiru's opposite. 

"We're here! I hope she didn't do anything stupid..." We arrived at the front door quickly. There were two chairs outside that I hadn't noticed last time. I moved to sit in one, but I got stopped. 

Sawako grabbed my arm. "Why are you sitting out here? Come inside!" 

I shrugged in response. How was I going to tell her I wanted to take a short break before leaving? Exactly—I couldn't. 

Her home wasn't much different than I'd imagined. A traditional middle-class Japanese house—not lacking in any necessities, but also without many high-tech accessories. 

We took off our shoes and headed to the living room, where her mom sat on the couch with a noticeable fever. Yet, she still seemed determined to get up and do some work. Talk about self-discipline.

"Here you go, Mom!" Sawako rushed over to give her the medicine. 

"Thanks, dear! Oh, I see you brought Amane over. How did that happen?" 

"I ran into her while I was running, and I told her I'd bring her home." 

"Oh~? Quite the gentleman, I see! Cough! Cough!" 

"Take your medicine, Mom, before you start saying anything weird!" 

"Fine~ Fine~" Sawako helped her mom to the kitchen while I helped myself to one of the chairs in the comfy living room. 


Was someone else here? I heard the door unlock and footsteps approaching quickly. 

"Youko, they let me off ear—A guest?" 

"Hello, sir!" I stood up quickly and gave a light bow. 

"I thought the shoes at the door were strange, but I brushed it off. Are you that boy Sawako and Youko were talking about? What was it... Amane?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"I see. Nice to meet you. I'm Kuronuma Kitao—just call me whatever, honestly!" 

I nodded, not really knowing how to respond. 



Mrs. Youko and Sawako returned at the perfect time. 

"Hey! Work let me off early, surprisingly. So, I'll take care of Mom. Go ahead and continue your date in a more fitting way, Sawako!" 

"D-Dad?! We aren't doing anything like that! Right, Amane?"

Now, normally, I'd help her out, but this was too good of an opportunity. I looked away awkwardly, scratching my cheek. "I thought it was. I mean, we were flirting in the park!" 


I couldn't see her reaction, but that sound she made told me everything I needed to know. 

"Hehe~" I could hear her mom laughing. Her father, however, was strangely silent. 

"I don't know how to feel about this... I tried being a good adult, but to see my pure daughter like this! Be gone, fiend!" 

"Dad, stop! You're embarrassing me!" 


"Hahaha~!" I glanced back at the family, unable to do anything but laugh. Sawako's embarrassment and her father playfully clutching his chest were like something straight out of an anime. It was too hilarious! 

Sorry guys, this chapter was supposed to come out hours ago but my power went out. I come home to that shit. Hah~ Anyways, I'm going to write today's chapter and a bonus chapter to make up for it.

Again, sorry


Zektcreators' thoughts