
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

MajesticArtists · Khác
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45 Chs

Research Remembrance

Heh That's your friends huh? What happened to them i'm curious lets delve deeper!

[REDACTED] : delve deeper... no don't please i don't want to remember why!

*You delved deeper into your past...

Researcher 1: Now, don't you see something is up with our reality... it worries me *Shivers...

Researcher 2 replied: How do you think we solve the problem sir?

Researcher 1: Well i'm not sure [REDACTED] but we need to find out where its coming! or els--

Researcher 4: BUT uh mr. [REDACTED] how're we going to find out where this phenomenon is happening?

Researcher 3: Yeah, HOW are we going to find out? Isn't the government corrupt in many areas?

Researcher 1: Well... The government is indeed corrupt well techniquely ours IS but the world doesn't see that. All the other nations see is happy and Joyful people BUT thats not the case though we're the most advanced country in the world.

Researcher 6: Thats why i came here to learn more about technology!

Researcher 5: Heh You're such a newbie bro!

Researcher 1: ...

Reseacher 2: Sir!

Researcher 1: Yes?

Reseacher 2: Should i research what's going around in the world as well? It seems according to my calculations and observations... We aren't the only ones affected by this event... *Pushes up glasses...

Researcher 1: Yes! Do that, we will get a hand on what happened in our reality!

Researcher 3: WAIT! Can't the government track down our locations and dispose of us SEPARATELY?

Researcher 1: Huh... no thats impossible and--

Researcher 5: -- and Its possible because of how advanced our technology is... you got to include we have the best spying software, the best security software in the world. It's plasuible for the government to capture us without a doubt...


Researcher 5: Wow... You got mad because i stated a fact wow... so scary, like bro its OBVIOUS that they can track us down if we make the wrong move we're SCREWED we can't further our investigation!

Researcher 1: Who said we can't further our investigation? Oh wait... We're going to find out whats going on! Our world could be at stake here! If we sit here wait until something "MAGICAL" to happen then we would be oblivious to whats happening to us!

Researcher 1: * walks around the table I didn't study Physics , Art , Programming, Engineering , chemistry, for NOTHING, i wanted more knowledge to understand the universe and other realities! I was fascinated by Art and Programming soon later influenced by engineering. I'm a expert in all 5 fields and you all know that! Combining the 5 you get a super genius! Its like creating the avatar master of 4 elements which makes him the leader of all 4 elements! That person who has the knowledge of 5 fields and expertise... and that person is me!

While other small brains were busy playing silly video games and watching Tv Shows caring about what people think about them and try to impress said people just to be later forgotten by the world in 100 years. Poor people were jealous of how Rich the zillionaires were with there fancy hovering cars fancy suits. Beautiful kids who were born in a aristcracy while having no cares in the world and yet poor people didn't even bother working smart in order to achieve there level. They complained about the rich having too much money while sucking up all the crumbs the rich left for them.

Hmph why even bother helping the poor? Why should i give my hard earned money while i worked for it in order to achieve such wealth? No one wants to include some or most Rich people started poor as well but they worked smart and hard to get to where they're at now! I still have empathy for the poor but i can't brush off the fact that they still I MEAN STILL COMPLAIN about Rich people having so much wealth and yet they don't even want try to innovate new technologies some poor people do rise to the top 20% don't get me wrong but the poor are going to stay poor because of there ignorance and incuriousness to studying new careers or paths. They instead go for the quickest job that gives money and so that they can feel a sense of accomplishment.

Everyone: ...

Researcher 1: AND don't even say crimes and family issues are a problem! NO they solved those problems in our current society already. Its really up to the poor if they're willing to innovate and create ideas, we all know that our country is run by brilliant engineers who're also insanely smart...

Researcher 3: it seems that you're not the only genius one in the country...

Hello author here I'm sure people with 200+ IQ should comprehend this haaha Jk enjoy reading my novel!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MajesticArtistscreators' thoughts