
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

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45 Chs

Looking for a new role!

I told him i didn't want to work at Sector c4! Oh well i might as well walk around the facility and look around. Hopefully Alexis and Bill are here or atleast on there way here, Sinifer begins walking down the hallway. Man I wonder why people are such idiots i can't be the only one who's a true genius in here.

~Hey you!

Since Bill and Alexis landed a job here, we should initiate our mission but thats too soon we need more clearence on whether its the right time to begin our mission. Although there are some flaws in the security system while there're no cameras inside the rooms of sectors but they're cameras in the hallways and doorways and card scanners everywhere to ensure no one can bamboozle there way in. Its a clever and smart design i do say so myself but it will be difficult to outplay them if there are cameras in each corner of the facility.


Sinifer begins to pace in a haste! Ok some guy is calling me for some reason i might as well ignore him, now lets get back to brain storming our contingency plan. Should i gain access to higher floors or should i try and get a promotion in the facility so that they can trust me with redacted information? No no that would seem way to obvious given that Alfred is a threat to our mission he can trap us at any time but we must play it "cool".

I'm already looking suspicious as we speak because the average camera runs about twenty four hours a day seven days a week which i can conclude that each camera keeps that memory for a short amount of time before it deletes it. I also can't forget that each camera has about a hundred and eighty degrees in range in which is enough to cover each area precisely without any blind spots Hmmm they're more smarter then i realize! DAMN IT! How can i---

--HEY you stop right there show me your ID now sir!

Oh my evilness freak this! Sinifer quickly dashes down the halls in hopes of ditching the body guard!

Oh you think you can run from me? Keep that same energy BOY! The bodyguard dashes after Sinifer with high momentum!

Oh SHIT! Sinifer runs faster and faster in order to dust the bodyguard and yet no prevail.

I said stop right there SIR! The bodyguard reaches for Sinifers back collared shirt in order to gain some reach! Almost there gahhh!

*Dam this guy he can't catch a break! That's it i might as well do this!

Sinifer rapidly tackles the ground in a turtle like state in which catched the bodyguard off "guard" (hehe) the bodyguard flew a great distance while sliding down the hallways!

Sinifer quickly gets up from his turtle like state then looks ahead of him. The bodyguard really "Fell" for it haha, nice try dude next time don't chase me ever again!

The bodyguard didn't say anything but looks at Sinifer with confusion and irritation! Y-you tripped me... the bodyguard gets up from his fallen state, Hey i give you two options its either "I put youin a choke hold or you show me your ID which it gonna be?"

I choose neither i choose neither!

What? i said two OPTIONS i never said neither you idiot now give me your ID. *The bodyguard slowly walks up to Sinifer.

N-no let me through or else!

Look dude please i'm just a normal guy just trying to do his job just let me see your ID please that's all i ask of you.

Sorry but that isn't happening it's either you forcefully take my ID or you let me through which it gonna be?

I'm going to forcefully beat the living crap out of you, that's what i'm going to do how about that?

So be it then! Sinifer quickly gets into his basketball like stance as if he is ready to guard someone!

The bodyguard also does the exact stance Sinifer is resembling.

Sinifer jerks to the left then to the right while the bodyguard does the same as well.

Damn it! This guy is serious with his job! Ugh i didn't want to do this but i have no choice! Give up now or else you gotta face my dip game!

Your dip what? Dude just give me your ID and let me get this over with!

Sinifer jerks to the left profusely while the bodyguard does the same as well then Sinifer quickly jerks to the right but then stops then jerks back to the left again! The bodyguard does the same but he got confused with Sinifers movement then "Oh oh no" THE BODYGUARD BROKE HIS ANKLE OOOHOO!


Hmph! I perfectly calculated my movements way before you can even perceive them you're really stupid if you thought i would get caught by a braindead weakling like you!

P-Please call someone to help me! I'm in severe pain right now i can't walk i can't move PLEASE HELP ME!

Sinifer looks at the bodyguard as he pleads for help while in agony! No help yourself i don't ever want to see you again its best if we never meet eachother ever again got that?


Goodbye! Sinifer runs past the bodyguard whose on the floor with a broken ankle! Wow that was unexpected too bad he didn't expect my dip game though HAHAHA. Now where is Alexis or Bill damn it did they even get here?

Sinifer looks around in area sector c3 oh! A bathroom Sinifer whips out his card from his pocket then initiates his card swiping skills! Sinifer swipes the card on the scanner and yet nothing happens, FUCK THIS! Sinifer swipes the card in the "correct" side, the door proceeds to open in a vertical motion. Yes i'm in! Sinifer rushes towards a stall and opens it then closes the door infront of him.

Do you know what a SMT is? Come on you atleast took Electric engineering classes right?

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

MajesticArtistscreators' thoughts