
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

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45 Chs

An Adventurous Deal

*The waiters looked at Sinifer and Lizy, scanning them as if they're from a another world.

*They started walking towards the table where the chefs and bartender was standing at.

Hello, My name is Sinifer and I would like to help you in exchange for gold. I believe me and my sister here could provide some great benefits to uh this compan- i mean restaurant.

* Sinifer smiles after he said that!

Uh huh. So what kind of skills do you have that you may have at this very moment?

Well it technically depends on what kind of skills you're specifically looking for. Like I don't know magic abilities, excessive strength, good listener it could be any thing. I'm letting you know now, I'm amazing at everything that requires mental activities because my tolerance for mental activities are way higher then my physical so just tell me. What are you looking for in us?

hmm. We're looking for more waiters who can take orders and listen to our customers. Provide our customers with the meals they hope to eat. Clean the tables our customers left after they eat. occasionally mop the floors as our customers might drop some s'mores on the floor and we obviously don't want anymore. Are you capable of doing those task everyday?

Yeah! We can do that. I'm confident we can fulfil your requirements of us providing the customers what they want and need because all they want to do is feed on the meed. As I can ensure that the deed has been done. 

*Sinifer smiles as he knows what he has done.

Wow big brother you're good at talking to people, I could've never knew you were able to do that so well. * Lizy is surprised by that fact.

Interesting, so you call yourself S-sinfer?

It's Sinifer, sir.

Ok, I didn't know you like to rhyme and commit crime over the grime. While waiting for a fine.

Y-yeah I commit many crimes over the grime as I sometimes forget the time. I always mind my own time as I'm always in my prime. Come on dude, I know how to rhyme with the dime in order to pay for the fine that i did not mind. hehe!

Haha Sinifer! You're funny, I've met a few people who like rhyming but it seems like you know how it works haha! It's AMAZING! b-but uh I will need to ask my manager that we got ourselves new hires. Although it seems from my perspective you both meet the requirements that our restaurant needs. the traffic has gotten bigger given that we're still getting settled in the kingdom of MagicTar. I will be right back as I will need to discuss this with him.

* The waiter rushes to get the manager who runs the restaurant.

See Lizy, I told you i got this under control. My sheer intellect alone is enough to deal with this rather under advanced civilization whose technology is rather subpar. I gotta say with my years of experience in human psychology, Manipulating people should help us get around with ease. The persuasion of words are more powerful then you think, Lizy. With the Waiter gone for a brief moment. What do you gotta say about that Lizy?

A-a lot big brother, you're starting to talk like this again. i know i needed to accept the new you but you're incredible talented and smart. You know your way around situations and yes you do make small errors here and their. Although you know something about human psychology at such a young age is abnormal. where did you get all this sudden burst of knowledge out of nowhere? Suddenly knowing which ingredients to flames and oils? I-i still don't understand.

Look Lizy. Its complicated so much to the point of you not even understanding a single word I said. Just don't worry about it. I'm the better big brother you could ever wish for! According to my calculations and research i gather while adventuring across this kingdom, I guarantee that I'm the most intellectually capable person in this world. Due to the lack of knowledge this world has, they don't possess such abroad views and understanding like I do.

I see... 

*Lizy looks surprised as they can't describe the emotions that she is experiencing.

I'm sorry Lizy. i got ahead of myself for a moment their. That's ok because it looks like the manager is on his way...