
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

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45 Chs

A New Adventure!

*Sinifer and Lizy Looked up and around as they saw marvelous structures that MagicTar has built upon generations and generations ago.

I can't believe this is what was near our home.

Yeah Big brother, I thought it was a town all along that's what other people said but it was a Kingdom instead!

It seems that they were wrong about this place being a town. Although the statues, the people they all look so different. Some have axes , swords , shields, staffs anything that is abnormal from my perspective!

*Sinifer and Lizy walk as they're talking.

So this is MagicTar, the greatest City Of Magic.

Yeah I think so Big brother. Given how people are exaggerating MagicTar it must be really good.

I agree, something about this place must be appealing to people around the world if they're coming from all kinds of places that we don't know of yet.

What I'm noticing from us walking and talking is that everything has Magic with it or in it.

You're right, Big brother I see a shop that says Magic tools and Magic food!

Interesting with everything having the word Magic with it. Our bodies must be made out of magic as well.

Remember us accidently killing that farmer and we notice him disappearing into thin air? maybe that's the reason everything has magic inside of it.

Our bodies need magic to functional.

Yeah Big brother I remember us doing that. I've never seen that before until that happened to the farmer!

So I've concluded if our bodies are made out of Magic then that tells us if we receive a fatal blow to our bodies, we evaporate into the air.

Great conclusion Big brother. I-i guess that makes sense.

I think it does too, although I could be wrong maybe Magic food is just a way for us to regenerate our magic faster.

Your guess is just as good as mine. Lizy don't shy away from asking questions!

Yep, I will make sure to ask all the best of questions!

Talking about magic and food, I'm hungry! I haven't no WE haven't ate anything in at least a day or so! Oh gosh Lizy we're going to starve!

Since you mentioned food. My stomach is growling at me, Big brother why didn't you think this through?

Haha my fault Lizy. I'm your Big brother after all. I tend to make mistakes too hehe BUT I will figure out a way for us to gain shelter and food.

Given we're in some medieval timeline or world. My intellectual capabilities far surpass anyone in this world. We should get food and shelter with ease, My knowledge from other worlds is incomprehensible to anyone here. Follow me Lizy we're going on an Adventure!

Lead the way Big brother haha!

*Sinifer and Lizy both explored the Kingdom of MagicTar, down one alley way and down the next.

Whoa Big brother! Look at the Weapon Shop it has some cool weapons I assume!

It does have some cool Magical weapons but we can't buy those because we gotta keep exploring. If we're going to get settled I'm going to need more information about this place.

Ok, lets keep exploring!

*They both kept exploring the Kingdom, finding more adventurers more stores. Even coming across a Inn near by, until suddenly...

Uh Lizy, I'm starving. It feels like my stomach is going to eat through me at anytime. Ok, lets go inside this Restaurant they must contain some food that we can probably eat.

B-big brother we need money! How are we suppose to even buy anything from this City! Every thing is so expensive. * Lizy Huffs and Puffs.

*Sinifer and Lizy both head inside the restaurant. They hear lots of people talking as they both are walking in. 

Stranger - Oh man! I love MEEE SUM BEER! 


Stranger - Man, once I'm done eating this food I'm going to bust an entire load on all you. HAHA! My Magic is still unmatched by you inferiors!

Stranger- We will see about that MISTER!

Wow theirs plenty of people here, don't get distracted Lizy just follow my lead.

*Sinifer and Lizy both head towards the waiters. That were serving the adventurers and strangers around the restaurant.

Hello! I got a deal that can benefit both of us...

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