
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Olympus, filled with so much beauty and life, with gods and goddesses moving here and there.

Hermes sped through the crowd causing a breeze to blow some of the ladies gown back.

He sped into Zeus' palace where they were hosting a party, "father, I have news" he said to Zeus who sat on his throne about to collect a cup filled with grape wine from his cupbearer.

Zeus, ruler of Olympus, and king of all greek gods, like many gods he was very charming, irresistible, he looked like a man who was in his nineties with his long with beard and his completely white long hair, but he had a very masculine figure and no gods dared mess with him, he was one of the gods who still had great power.

"Oh, Hermes my boy, come join us" He said, but Hermes walked towards him to let him know of the urgency of the matter.

"It is urgent father, it is about the humans" He whispered to him.

"The humans" Zeus spoke out loud bringing everyone's attention towards him.

"Ha...ha...ha" He laughed, "who cares about some weak life form" He added.

"Athena does" Hermes said.

"Athena?" He asked.

"Yes, she walks with some humans to stop the destruction that befalls them by the Pandora's box" Hermes said to his father and there was a great gasp in the hall by the gods and goddesses who were present there.

"The humans have lived their worth, they were already coming to an end with or without the box" Zeus said not having any feeling of remorse for the sudden doom of mankind.

"Athena may have reason to believe that this could come back to you" He added knowing his father, he would do anything to keep his throne.

"What did you say?" Zeus' expression completely changed as it seem that the Pandora disaster could affect him.

"Can we speak privately?" he said to Zeus as he gestured for them to go out.

"Hey this is a party, is it not? Music" He said as he walked out with Hermes, the music continued in the background as they walked out to the Porch.

"Now boy, what where you saying?" He asked with a rather serious approach.

"Athena believes that someone had called the box to earth to destroy them and in one way or the other attack you" he said but he felt like everything he just said didn't make sense.

"How does killing a few million of people affect me?" He asked "they'll just breed more of them" he added.

"When she told me about it, it made sense" Hermes said confused.

"Humans are over hundreds of million, even the Pandora's box can't kill them all" he said tapping on his shoulder "now let's enjoy the party" he added.

"And if someone was planning on attacking me with the box, whom might that be? He asked

"She said she has her suspicion" Hermes answered.

"And the box is with this person?" He asked again.

"No the box is in her possession"

"Did you see the box?" He asked

"No father" Hermes said feeling a bit useless.

"The Pandora's box has being missing for a very long time, if anyone found it, I would know, I am Zeus after all" He said with a smirk.

"But what about the creature she had kille....." Hermes spoke but was interjected by Zeus, "I will not hear anymore, no one can stop the power of Zeus" his anger kindled and it made lightning appear in the sky, Hermes trembled seeing his eyes glow.

"Please father do not be offended by my incompetence, I am sorry" he said face down.


While Hera walked about anxiously waiting for the news of the kraken, a man walked in, it was her Olympian guard.

"My lady, a message was sent from Atlantis, Poseidon has heard about the death of the kraken and his on his way to Olympus"

She laughed sinisterly, "Poseidon took control of that kraken to steal from ships without Zeus' knowledge, he must think Zeus was the one who ordered its death" she continued her laugh.

"I shall go to Olympus, to witness the drama" she added as she walked out...

Really sorry about my last upload time....so I'm given two extra chapter today.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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