
The Pandora

A prophecy of elders and the emergence of an 'outlaw'. increasing scientific breakthroughs in the magically influenced world. 'Regions 'beyond science and fear spreading among people. will our MC find out the secrets of regions? are those monsters or creatures away from magic and science? will those be the only things against MC? Well as the saying goes " if I trust you blindly, don't prove me blind."

badass_girl_3020 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs



The bright stars gleamed in contrast to the dark sky. 'Pshh', went a shooting star streaking the sky icy blue followed by many of its kind. The two moons, trapped in the planet's gravity for an eternity, faced each other from opposite directions like shining knights amidst a celestial duel. They kept the east and western horizon bright during the night. Both of the two moons could be seen from a place every two of Earth's weeks, and seeing two full moons was a yearly spectacle.

planes were stretching and rarely ending. the people living there had only a handful of people who had seen something like an endless stretch of water which we call the ocean. those people called it the afterlife. there were no continents but a huge land mass covering a large portion of the massive planet.

lush green grasses covered most of the land. some trees were so high that they seemed to reach the violet sky. some rivers ran through the land above high plains and low valleys. varied creatures ran through the mountains and plain. there were creatures sweet enough to be kept as pets while some were so vile and vicious to the point of ripping you apart on sight. those creatures lived in the periphery of the united continent which the natives liked to call the land as 'PANDORA'. the land that gave birth to them and the land that could be the probable reason for their demise.

On the huge landmass of Pandora, most people were concentrated near the rivers originating from the mountains in the heart of Pandora. Those people were living in patches of settlements along the river 'MATA 'which meant mother. it was the longest river stretching from the mountains up till where the sight went. Like anywhere else not everyone was the same some enjoyed hurting while some were kind. amidst all the hustle, all those people still came together to benefit their settlements in any way they could. some kids helped their parents on their farm some helped to cook and some were' Outlaws'. Outlaws who did not help in farming or any other chore but did things to satiate their curiosity and desire to create This desire to create something was one of the backbones of the settlements. those outlaws were the reason they could see light in the dark, they were the reason people started living longer and happy with fewer diseases.

the settlement respected these outlaws and used to shower them with gifts whenever a big invention or theory was made that would help their small village grow more prosperous and healthy.

Some great Outlaws had already lived through decades, making the Pandora a great place. Yet there were regions in Pandora where they could never keep their foot. They named those regions ' Dark Regions'. the only thing known was a high density of unknown creatures were present there which prevented their entry into those regions—some shield that acted like a barrier to any human from entering. but what could stop a curious mind, they used to send troops to investigate those regions. But a series of unknown deaths and vanishments of the outlaws sent to investigate those dark regions spread a wave of fear among people preventing them from going near that region.

It was not the fact that they couldn't understand it that upset the people. For which not all of the people were outlaws. As a result of various instances of bad things happening at those times, people began to consider those beams of light as a negative omen.

'Rihi ' one of the founder outlaws, who now had walk-on support due to her age said "The newer generation will always be better than the previous generation, so don't be disheartened. we are Outlaws we live by our rules and make this world a better place for all of us. someday somebody will come who will be courageous and smart enough to enter and investigate Dark regions ...

And I hope that day comes soon".
