
The Pampered Secret Wife of the Tyrant God of War

Mino_Morales · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

A Live Saved

Her identity is special. She was born from a demon mother and a celestial father.


Her mom was a saint maiden demon.., meaning she was from a good minority demon side -this fact is not known to many-.

When she was five years old the great war of the demon and the celestial tribes began. Unable to choose sides, her family moved to a secluded area within the jurisdiction of the celestial realm to live in peace and harmony.


The war still reached out to them...

When her mother's demon identity was known..., her mother was slain by the celestial soldiers while protecting her. Unable to cope with the death of her mom, her dad became demon due to the darkness lurk in his heart, known as the number one enemy of any beings exclude the demon race, the demon heart.

Now, ten years later...

Her father had become the most powerful demon and took the position as the demon king by competition.

To protect her from any bad attention from the demon clan, her father was using a forbidden technique to change her appearance into a male at the cost of 100 years of his life span. Which was nothing with her father's very powerful cultivation because a demon king could live for more than ten thousand years unless he is killed by a powerful enemy regardless of age.

"Young prince Beau, the palace lord is looking for you!". The deep voice woke her up from her thought. She was looking at the burly demon with a stunned reaction and suspicion. The last time her father looking for her was three years ago to complete a dangerous mission that almost cost her life -for trying to be a Good Samaritan, the fact she kept from the demon king-, after that time the demon king had promised her to never give her another dangerous mission anymore and allow her to live peacefully.

'Does the demon king change his mind? How could he break his promise?'. Cold sweat drooping from Beau's forehead. This time is the end. Her father had sold her out to keep his throne by getting rid of his weak heir to solve the inner fight within the demon clan, for some fractions of the ancient demon still thought of the demon king as an outsider, a demon not by birthright. The sound idea ran like a flashback on Beau's quick mind.

"Another dangerous mission?! The old devil break his promise!", She blurted out in icy tone while staring at the bulky warrior with deep penetration for a quick answer.

Avoiding her killing gaze, the bulky demon warrior walk faster while answered shortly," This demon warrior couldn't say! Please follow me, young prince Beau!".

The burly demon took her to the demon palace court. Many eyes were looking at her with annoyance and belittle expression. The one and only Demon king successor that look so skinny, small, and out of place. Only her dark skin and dark hair is proof that she is from a demon clan by birth. While her father's appearance had changed when he became demon by the birth of the demon thought, his blond hair turned into silver, his blue pupils into red, his porcelain skin into dark gold, and his physique doubled in size. Staring at her with reluctance, the demon king says," Beau..., I have an important mission for you!".

Right away Beau knew. 'He breaks his promise, the cold-blooded scoundrel'. At that precise moment, Beau was looking at her father's face with scrutinized but she didn't recognize him anymore. Her father was no longer the loving and gentle soul that she knew. To his father now, she is only a tool for revenge, that can be discarded at any fine to keep his throne. As a master saint level cultivator and an elite demon assassin, her only meaning in life is to kill and catch the demon king enemy - a death or alive one person mission -.

For as long she could remember, she is the elite killer of the demon tribe, but an unbeknownst fact to her demon clan, she had never killed anyone in her years as an elite demon assassin. All of her killing targets was still alive due to her diligence of hiding them from the demon tribe by changing their appearance and identity, of course at the cost of her life span, 100 years for every life she saved, but all were worthy because her life span is menial in order to save others precious lives. Also, as long she becomes stronger, hundred of years is meaningless. "Listening to the order!", she replied cautiously while her gaze never left the demon king's cold face.

Staring at Beau back with his high domain to warn her unfilial gaze, the demon king smiled cynically. "This time, I want you to catch the target alive! He is one realm higher than you! If for any reason you unable to fulfill your mission..., don't bother to go back to the demon clan! Only the strongest can be my inheritor! Unless you could beat me... the demon king, do not ever return if you failed the mission!!!".

'One realm higher? This definitely a dead or alive mission!'. Beau looked at the demon king with a defeated look. Indeed Beau knew for sure now that the demon king wants her to fail her mission and kick her out from the demon clan. Perhaps the demon king had known the facts that she had been saving all of her killing targets from all of her missions and that's probably the reason why at this time he bestowed the dangerous mission to punish her. Catching a target is harder than pretend to kill the target by hiding them.

"Proof me wrong, Beau!!". Right after the demon king finished his words, he left in a swoosh, while all the demon elders and warriors nodded in agreement of the mission before all of them also left.

To kill or be killed.

Beau's target is one realm higher than her, the master saint king realm. This is definitely a suicidal mission. Beau gritted her teeth in a painful expression. This is definitely the demon elders conspiracy to kick her out from the demon clan. Of course, she could just run away and never go back to the clan. But where? Her father had planted a wisp of his soul in her divine consciousness. All her life, she could never run away unless she gets rid of it with the help of a supreme master immortal-Beside her father, she known not such a person-. She dooms if she does the mission and otherwise.


Her only choice is to let fate dictated her life and hoping that it have mercy on her.

That was three days ago.

Now she was laying by the giant tree bark while black blood oozing from her stomach area.

Of course.

Her mission had failed.

She was trying to catch her target but before she could even make any move, the vicious powerful target had tricked her by pretending to negotiate while shooting a poisonous arrow instantly at her vital point.

Only by luck, she had avoided the main course of the killing arrow..., her heart, and the arrow lodged in her stomach instead.

And.... to make matters worse...

Her target killed himself after laughing evilly at her sure demise. No chance of obtaining the antidote or even make a real bargaining deal with her target. For the target know that the demon tribe would not let him go after they found him and rather than suffering a worse fate than dying, her target had jumped off from the demon Devourer cliff. Dead for sure!


This would be her ending...

What a sad and lonely ending to died in a dark jungle without even an animal to morn her.

At that flick of the moment...

She thought of any reason why she should fight for her demise.

None found...

This is the second time she was knocking at the gate of life and death, and just like last year... even though she found no reason to be alive, she is unwilling to leave the meaningless life of her behind.

By persistence and perseverance..., she fought really hard...

For two full days, she had been fighting to keep awake and grasp on a strand of the hope of living.

That's when Beau saw him...

Her one and only hope in the dark alley of death...

A glimpse of the man with a glorious aura of a peerless cultivator...

A Supreme master immortal...

Her savior...

From that moment on...

Her life is no longer her's anymore...

It belongs to him...

"Your highness, the young wanderer life is saved! Are we going to leave him or keep him?!". As the right hand of the god of war, Cloud was pretty surprised that the tyrant man was willing to waste the one and only immortal pill to save the life of an unknown and unimportant youngster.

"Keep him!". The answer was short but full of authority. The God of war is only twenty-five years old but the 1000 years old Cloud will not even try to argue with him of his reckless decision. Nobody argues with the god of war and leaves unharmed.


A stranger stranded out of nowhere with a very suspicious poisoned wound at the border of the demon and the celestial realm...

For all they know...

He could be a killer or a spy from the demon clan...

Why the god of war even bother to help him and keep him on top of that?

But Cloud could only swallow his thought and answered instead," As your wish, your highness!"

After one month in the realm of purgatory, Beau finally pulled herself out and returned to the world of the living.

When she was awake...

She was laying in a very comfy bed.

Sniffing deeply for a couple of times...

She found out that she was no longer in the demon territory.

It's the celestial realm.

At that moment, she realized how she had missed the celestial world precious aura for the last ten years she had migrated to the demon realm...

After a short while of unintentionally converting the new law of celestial world into her body, she yelped excitingly.

No longer she felt her dark aura, instead a white aura started to spread around her.

This is the benefit of being born as a half race, for she was able to change her cultivation law from the demon realm to the celestial realm as simple as changing a switch.

Right away she concentrated in a lotus position on her bed and greedily absorbed the bountiful celestial aura surrounding the area and instantly she exchanged all of her dark aurae with a brand new white one.

She felt like a newborn baby...

Gone was her darker color skin... shredded like a molt...

It was replaced by a smooth jade and flawless skin.

Her long dark hair also turns into a wavy blond one.

Even though she is still in a male shell but her new appearance made her a very pretty and unparalleled one.

Cloud was still gaping at the youth standing in front of him. The dirty rag had cleanup and shined like a diamond in the rough, now his appearance looked similar to the prestigious family of the upper celestial god and it even exceeded the god of war countenance. 'But the youngsters couldn't be from a prestigious celestial family', Cloud thought before saying...

"You cleaned up pretty nicely! This old man still doesn't know that your young life is well deserved to be saved by the one and only immortal pill in the whole realms. But since it is what it is, from now on, you would pledge your loyalty to the God of war and be his vessel in this lifetime!".

Enthusiastically, Beau answers with a beautiful glowing smile," I am willing! The God of War will not regret saving my life!". The shining smile that could bewitch any creatures alive within proximity made the old man Cloud gulped loudly at his perverted reaction. He had never thought that the other half part of his body is still functioning normally. What's going on? He, a devoted monk, had a weird reaction on a young boy? After this incident, he definitely needs to cultivate in a close door retreat for at least one year to clean all of this demon thought.

'Cough cough'. Trying to keep his cool expression the old man Cloud cleared his throat before continuing his speech. "As it is! Follow me and let's start your training!".

The God of war laid naked in the massive dragon room. Four naked women are busy licking his broad toned chest from every direction while two naked women were enjoying his dragon spear. After long years of war, his bloodthirst nature could only be satisfied by an abundant sexual indulgence activity. It had been a month since he was in close door dual cultivation with hundreds of women. Every day six beautiful new women would replace the exhausted six beautiful women from the other day.

Half of the god of war face was covered from his forehead down to his high nose area, and his thin sexy lips smiled in great satisfaction every time one of the women was dried out from all of their cultivation energy. Of course, they could still recover back their cultivation but it would take at least one year to get back all of their Yin energy that they had exhausted. But it was worth it for them, for the one and only of a lifetime chance. A chance to be pregnant with the heir of the god of war. A change to upgrade their life and become the wife of the prestigious family of the upper celestial god.


Little that they know, that only the true love of the god of war could be impregnated with his seeds. And to this day the god of war still hasn't found his one and only true love yet.


Only his one and only true love will be able to take off his mask but none of the women he had slept with was able to do so, even when they tried so hard for it because they know whoever is able to take off the god of war mask will become his one and only wife.

"Ohhh My Lord....". One of the women fell on top of the powerful taut light gold body in ecstasy but only to be swung aside effortlessly by the tyrant god.

"Next in line!", ordered the god of war without care. Another woman climbed on top of his precious dragon that still protruding like a stronghold pillar.

"Ohhh..., your dragon is so big, strong, hard, and delicious my lord!", she said while moaning loudly. "Ahhh my lord..., the wild dragon fills me up deep to my womb! Oh...my... my... Please fill me up with your seeds my lord!!!". The woman was trashing in ecstasy like a whirlwind, but nothing...

No seeds...

She was still screaming in ecstasy when her body also swung aside like a toy by the tyrant god.

One by one the women took a turn, one by one their Yin energy was wasted and their cultivation level drastically went down to an early earth level from the saint level, which is two realms down, but they were still smiling happily at the chance of spending the night with the god of war. Such an unforgettable night.

It was said...

That all the women were still moaning in ecstasy even after many days went by from their fornication time with the god of war.

Only the saint level women are qualified to be on the bed with the god of war or they would die upon impact with his potent dragon. The God of war powerful dragon is standing up like a spear without any clue of when it would be satisfied from sucking all of the Yin energy.

After two long months...

It finally happened...

At that instant....

The God of war soul energy was pushing all the wasted women from the dragon massive room and right away he entered a close door retreat to digest all the energy he had obtained from unrested two months sex events. The beautiful women that were waiting behind the closed door were swearing at their lost chance to spend a night with the god of war.

"Don't worry ladies, in another year the god of war should need your help again! But for now, we are willing to satisfy your needs! A favor for a favor!". One of the bulky guards smirked while smacking his hand to the closest bountiful woman behind. The invitation was taken. To be with the guards of the god of war means they have a higher chance to be admitted on the next year god of war sex event. Thus, the guards get to enjoy the leftover woman. Such a great gift after long years of war at the borderlands.