
The Painter and her Business man

Cassie William, a small town painter finds herself clashing with the CEO of Beaumont enterprise, Adrian Beaumont. She soon realise that Adrian is rude and arrogant but she doesn't hesitate to call him out. Impressed by her honesty, Adrian decides to offer her a deal that would turn her life upside down

Brokenwingsforever · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Marking territory

We get to the roller place and we walk to the door, Adrian is on his phone texting while I scan the place. Looks pretty fun, there are kids running around, arcade, bowling alley, roller pit even a bar and restaurant.

"Come, this way" he says grabbing my hand and leading me behind him.

"Adrian! hey" Nicole shouts, she hugs him. "I'm so glad you could make it"

"Yeah, I missed this place" he says smiling at her "I hope you don't mind" he says as he moves to the side, Nicole's eyes meet mine and her face drops instantly.

"I invited Cass" he continues

"Oh that's great more the merrier" she says chuckling, I can tell you that now, she IS not happy that i'm here!

"Hey" I wave at her awkwardly and give her a smile, if only she knew he didn't invite me cause he wants to hang with me, it was just more convenient to come along as we will be having sex later.

"Okay, why don't we hop on the rollers?" she says grinning at Adrian

"Great idea, I use to be the best out of everyone at roller skating, wonder if I still got it" he says smiling at her

"I'm sure you're still amazing" she says rubbing his arm. Erm I'm standing right here bitch stop flirting with him. Nope, no jealous remember! I give them a fake smile

"I'll have to pass on that, I've never done rollerskating ever " I hold my hands up

"Oh what a shame!" Nicole says, she's clearly happy I won't be there with them.

"I can show you" Adrian says. I look up at him slightly in shock, why is he being nice, normal Adrian would say okay or sit here. His eyes don't leave mine, I glance at Nicole who has her arms crossed and a bitchy look on her face.

"No, that's fine. You're here to hang out with Nicole not teach me how to roller-skate. You go have fun" she looks at me intently, yes bitch I'm not your competition, I'm in my own lane. Adrian's lips press into a hard line "Okay" he says turning to Nicole, with that they both leave.

I sat at the bar watching them while having a beer. I caught Adrian looking at me a few times like he wasn't happy, especially when I was talking to the barman.


"Ade's gone to the rest room, let's grab a booth" she says. I follow her and we sit down.

"So what's going on between you and Ade?" She asks giving me a fake smile. She is sitting there twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

"Nothing at all" I reply

"Come on, who invites a girl on his date with another girl" She says her tone slightly off

"I didn't know this was a date otherwise I wouldn't have come, he just said he was meeting with you"

"Well for what it's worth, I don't know if he told you but me and him have a lot of history, I'm pretty sure he'll be asking me out again soon. You shouldn't waste your time trying anything" she says flicking the strand of hair she was twirling back. Hmm so much history that he is sleeping with me? right !

"That's good for you but it's not like that at all. Me and Adrian aren't even friends" I say bluntly, I cannot believe she is sitting here marking her territory. Is what she is saying true? is he going to get back with her? if that's the case I guess that would mean our thing would just end, I mean he did say anytime either one of us wants to end it we just walk away. The thought of walking away made me a little sad.

But that aside I thought Nicole was nice, she's coming across a bit bitchy, maybe it's because she has feelings for him? I mean she's got nothing to worry about I doubt Adrian is even interested in me like that, besides she is very pretty, blonde hair, pink lips, blue eyes and she has a petite frame, I'm sure that's his type.

"So why are you here then?" she asks, before I have the chance to reply Adrian walks over.

"Everything okay?" Adrian asks holding a tray of drinks and food.

"Yeah just girl talk" Nicole says with a smile. I nod .He hands Nicole pink cocktail and a veggie burger. He turns to me a places a beer and a hot dog in front of me, he sits down. He's having the same thing as me. a slight smile dances on my face. We have our food and drinks, the whole time it was excruciating and awkward watching Nicole flirt with Adrian, but I was surprise to see that there were not reactions on his part. Even when her hands roamed his hair and touches his hand and arm. He just never reacted.


"Tonight was great, let me know when you're free again!" she says as she kisses him on the cheek

"I had fun, we'll definitely do something soon" He says hugging her back.

"Cass, I'll see you around" she waves at me before leaving

"You ready?" Adrian says softly

"Yeah" I look up a give him a smile, his eyes are looking at me softly. Why is he looking at me like that? He grabs my hand leading me to the car. Another silent ride to the Beaumont mansion. We're welcomed at the door by the woman who took me into his office. We make our way upstairs, I plop my bag on the floor and sit on the bed.I'm actually pretty tired. Adrian is standing by the door, texting on his phone.

"Rain check" he says

"I need to handle something, I'll be in my office if you need anything. Make yourself comfortable" he says before leaving. I change into my silk Pj shorts and top and tuck myself in his big king size bed. Before I know it I've drifted off.


I wake up to unfamiliar surrounding, right I'm at the Beaumont mansion, I look beside me and the bed is empty, no sign of Adrian. I brush my teeth and get dressed and make my way downstairs. A voice startles me. "Good morning, Miss Williams" I turn to see the same woman from last night "Morning" I say softly "We haven't been properly introduce, I'm Mrs Lint. The head housekeeper" she smiles "Nice to meet you Mrs Lint"

"You must be looking for Mr Beaumont"

I nod " Yes I am, do you know where he is?"

"He's in the gym, If you use the back door to the garden on the left side there is an out house that's the gym" she says

"Thank you" I make my way to the garden, it's such a beautiful day. The garden always takes my breath away, It's so beautiful and vast. I walk over to the gym, the door is already open. Peaking my head through I see Adrian doing press ups, music playing in the background. He looks sweaty, handsome, toned, his skin so smooth, I never noticed until now how big his arms are.

He catches me starring at him and he gets up, turning down the music.

"Morning" I say softly walking over to him

"Morning, sleep well? " He replies

"Yes I did, I'm sorry I fell asleep, I know that's not what we planned"

"It's fine don't worry, I finished pretty late to be honest" He moves closer to me tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I stare up at him, this is so unlike him where did rude Adrian go. His eyes meet mine and he clears his throat.

"I'm pretty busy today so won't be able to spend any time with you" he says bluntly and he's back

"Okay, that's fine. I call a cab"

"No, Miguel will drive you home, I've already made arrangements with him" his eyes dark, his voice low.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later" I look up at him through my lashes, my eyes skimming over his lips

I grab my stuff and make my way outside. I find the same guy who parked my car waiting outside

"Ready Miss Williams" he says

"Yes thank you" As I get in the car I catch Adrian in the window watching me. I give me a short smile and turn my attention Miguel. I give him the address and we drive away.