
The Owl House: The legend of a chimera

First to start I'm writing this mostly because I'm bored/stressed and a friend told me that this might help me relax, also because all the stories I was reading don't upload new chapters :v so this is my first time writing so I listen to suggestions for improvement. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- A boy from Great Britain, went for a walk like every morning to a park near his house, however he found a fact that disconcerted him near one of the alleys in the area, a woman's screams were heard, despite that a large part of him knew that going there meant finding something that could possibly risk his life, succumbing to his curiosity, he decided to go see............ After all, what could happen? those were probably his last thoughts since when he got there the only thing he remembers is that everything went dark .................. however he he felt that something was looking at him in the depths of that abyss of darkness ----------------------- Nietzsche: "If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you"

Rey_Master · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs


Well, first I would like to apologize for not uploading chapters. I had several problems these months since the university and personal.

First clarify a few things so they don't get scared.

I am not going to leave the story but I will make some changes in these days and I will re-upload the chapters but with changes so it would be good to re-read them.

Second, as I said before I had some problems, mostly financial, so I will create a Patreon where I will upload advanced chapters, exclusive content, mensions, surveys, easter eggs etc. Trying to make it as interactive as possible. I'll be putting my Patreon to work in a few days. I would appreciate your support, really.

Finally, I will make a schedule to publish each story, since I am working on 3 at the same time, one with a "The owl house" theme, the other with a "Dc" theme and another with a supernatural series theme and normal. I plan to upload more history but it will be later, okay?

Well that's all I wanted to say, I hope you can help me and I hope you enjoy these stories.
