
The Overlord of the Omniverse

Ryu fought for a long time to reach his level of power, controlling the entire Omniverse. Now, after reaching the pinnacle of power, he wants to enjoy an adventure in other realities and fill the void left after reaching the maximum power. --------------------------------- This is fanfic, and the only character created by me is the protagonist

The_Hermit77 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

The beginning of the journey

After snapping his fingers Ryu appeared in a simple wooden house in the Senju clan, the time was in the morning, with the configuration being a young orphan who had a house and an inheritance left by his parents, a good amount of money that could support him for a long time.

"Very interesting, all this Japanese architecture" Ryu said, looking across the territory of the Senju clan, which was in decline after the death of the first and second Hokage.

After observing the Senju clan, Ryu decided to explore Konoha a bit and see how he could get to know Tsunade and have more contact with her.

Upon leaving the Senju Clan, Ryu came across several small shops and people walking and having their routines, and when passing by these stores everyone greeted him, showing the respect that remained of the Senju clan.

After passing several ninja shops, Ryu decided to go eat. For Ryu, it is not necessary to eat, but Ryu enjoys the pleasure that food provides.

After walking a bit Ryu finds a Ramen Ichiraku, where Naruto ate ramen in the anime.

"I came to the world of Naruto so I have to eat some Ramen here"

Upon entering the small restaurant, Ryu sat at a table. Teuchi the restaurant owner looked at Ryu and greeted:

"Hello young man, what would be your request"

"I'll take the best dish available since I don't know much about Ramen" Ryu said with a smile on his face.

"No problem, Young man, I'm glad you chose our restaurant. In this case, I'm going to make a simple ramen with pork and vegetables, ok? Teuchi asked.

"Sure, let's see if the ramen here is really good" Ryu said with a laugh.

Teuchi chuckled and spoke to Ayame." Ayame, go prepare the Ramen and I'll help you soon"

"Okay dad"

While waiting for the ramen, Ryu looked around and saw a sign on the wall of the restaurant that read:

[Looking for young people to learn medical ninjutsu, requested by Princess Senju Tsunade, if interested go to Konoha hospital to perform a chakra test]

When looking at the poster, Ryu was happy, because now he had his first objective.

"Now I just go to the Konoha hospital and show my talent to Tsunade and try to become her disciple and have more contact with her"

After a few minutes, the ramen was ready and Ryu liked it.

"Thank you so much for the ramen, it was delicious" Ryu said with a smile.

"Thank you very much for the compliment, what would be the name of the young man"

"My name is Ryu Senju"

"What a surprise, a Senju. It's been a while since a Senju came to our restaurant, after the death of the first and second Hokage the Senju clan has been dwindling with time" Teuchi said with a surprised expression.

"Unfortunately, the clan has dwindled, but what can I say, that's life"

"Goodbye Mr. Teuchi, another day I come here again"

Ryu gave his money to Ayame and left the restaurant, heading to the Konoha hospital to meet Tsunade.