
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

24 The Hands of Bligh

Thousands of miles away from Fyhir, Savage beasts and wild vegetation predominated region. Unlike most sections of Mathras, a dense fog covered this area which caused most of the vegetation to have strange colors. In fact, they would only grow in places like this–where the sunlight could not touch them. Unlike most plants who needed the sun for its growth, they abhorred its piercing light. Just like the floral, the beast also thrived within the artificial darkness caused by the fog, and a majority of the beast had a reputation for being the most venomous creatures in Mathras.

If the constant howls of beasts or, the oddly shaped vegetation, and the ominous whistling caused by the howling wind did not scare Intruders away, then the number of beast corpses would do the job. Coupled with the fowl stench which pervaded the air. Originating from the corpses and excrement of the beasts. With several venomous creatures inhabiting this region of Mathras, poisonous gases covered a fair proportion of the region. Death, and a painful one at that, would be the only reward for those who wandered carelessly into this deathtrap.

However, the silhouette of a man-like being weaved through the vegetation covered with fog. Taking a closer look, it was an Elf who had a black glow covering his body. Meanwhile, the fog and poisonous gases in the area, churned and parted, almost as if the black glow on the Elf's body was their weakness.

Without saying a word, the Elf who had only his eyes and ears exposed, continued on his journey through the forest. A few minutes later, he appeared before a massive rock formation. The fog in this area was denser than others regions of the forest, and the number of vegetation had decreased, too. Occasionally, the faint howls of beast reverberated, but none of them ever wandered to this area.

With a distance of twenty meters separating the Elf and the entrance of the formation, a loud but serpentine voice echoed. "Who goes there?! Bring forth your sacrifice or lose your life," it said, and the hissing of several snakes followed.

However, the Elf said nothing. Instead, he removed the cloth covering his face. Revealing his handsome face which Elhorn, Lumvug, and Arilya would instantly recognize. Because, the Elf was the famed Hariel. Although he removed the cloth covering his face, a blue scarf covered his forehead. Meanwhile, just as he removed the cloth, he made a strange gesture with his index and thump fingers while saying, "Malak… it's me."

While his voice echoed, the sound of several snakes slithering together drifted into Hariel's ears. However, he maintained is bland facial expression while staring at the entrance of the rock formation.

A few seconds later, he could see the silhouette of an off creature through the fog. It made its way towards Hariel's position, but still Hariel showed no reaction.

"What's the need for all these theatrics? Don't waste my time Malak," Hariel said as he crossed his arms around his chest.

Just as he finished speaking, a large serpentine creature appeared before him. Only a distance of three meters separated them. Taking a look at this creature, it had the lower half of a serpent while its upper half was that of a human man. Albeit a serpent-like human male. It had a black scale which complemented the ground of the forest while its naked upper half had no distinguishing feature. But, his face lacked a nose and ears. Instead, he had strange gill-like openings on his neck. Just like its lower half, the hair on his head which went down to his back had a black color. The same with his reptilian slit eyes. He had a sly smile on his face as he stared at Hariel with his forked tongue occasionally popping out from his mouth.

"Hariel, what happened to you? We haven't seen you in the last three weeks. The boss was about to send someone to search for you. By the way, stop calling me Malak. My name is Malikieth," Malikieth said while mimicking Hariel's posture.

Hariel, on the other hand, had a frown on his face as he heard Malikieth's words.

"What I was doing or where I went is none of your business. I had some stuff to handle, and I lost track of time. What does Yenarel want with me? Did you tell him I went out? If you did, I'll…" before Hariel could finish his statement, Malikieth interrupted him. "I said nothing! Don't blame me for your mistakes. The boss found out himself, and how many times do I've to tell you not to call him by his name? If you keep on threatening me, you'll become an enemy to all Snakemen," Malikieth said while increasing the distance between him and Hariel.

Although his words sounded like that of someone confident in himself, his facial expressions and reaction betrayed his words.

"Snakemen? Haha… you guys will join the long list of those who have me already. I've being traveling for a while now, I don't want to spend another minute here. Open the gate for me and don't tell Yenarel I've returned. Do you understand, Malak?" Hariel said with a meaningful expression on his face while curling his hands into a fist.

Malikieth could not hide his terror as he saw Hariel's reaction which made him to turn around and flee. But, just as he slithered a few meters, he suddenly paused as if he had remembered something. Which made Hariel wonder what the cowardly snake was up to.

"Hariel, the others have being waiting for you. With your arrival, the Hands of Blight will assembled for the first time in ten years. Don't say I didn't give you a heads up!" Malikieth said as he slithered away like a frightened snake.

Meanwhile, Hariel assumed a pensive demeanor after hearing Malikieth's declaration and his facial expression had become sterner.

'If Yenarel has gathered everyone, it means something big is about to happen. Or, is he about to start the plan? Hmm… I wonder if he knows about those human Intruders already,' Hariel mused.

While this thought occupied his mind, a loud explosion echoed into the air. Followed by Malikieth's voice, "Hariel, it's open. The boss already knows about your arrival. He said you should come to the river. The others are waiting for you!"

"Damn it," Hariel muttered he walked towards the entrance of the rock formation.

A few hours later.

Hariel weaved through the gigantic rock formation which resembled a massive multicursal maze. Since the rocks in the formation were several hundreds of feet high, the fog gathered at the surface. Leaving a clear, but cold and dark path below. However, several crystalline rocks embedded in the rocks acted like neon lights–illuminating Hariel's path.

With his head slightly lowered, Hariel walked in lazy steps while the occasionally chirping and cracking of insects and frogs echoed around him. If one listened closely enough, they would hear crashing waves, almost like the sound of a waterfall.

After walking on the same path for several minutes, Hariel made a sharp turn to his left and then again to his right, and then to his left again. At that moment, he reached the center of the massive rock formation. The rocks at the center towered higher than the other paths, and the accumulated fog formed a continuous downpour of water which formed a waterfall and a river at the bottom. The river had a slight brownish blue color, and visible living creature swam in it.

Hariel did not know the depths or width of the river or, where the water flowed towards. In fact, he did not care. Unlike most people who would have appreciated the wonders of nature; instead, Hariel focused his gaze of four people sitting close to the river.

Since the crashing waves of the waterfall echoed in all directions, they did not know about Hariel's arrival, and he did not plan on drawing their attention, too. But, he had a questioning look in his eyes as he scanned the area around the four individuals. Almost as if he was looking for someone.

Just as he began his search, a calm but sharp voice drifted into his ears, "Are you looking for me?"

Before Hariel could respond, someone placed a hand on his shoulder pulling him into a side hug.

"Yenarel, why are you looking for me? Why did you gather all of us?" Hariel said as he brushed off the hand from his shoulder. He still maintained the same bland expression on his face.

Meanwhile, the person he called Yenarel was a Forest-Elf like himself. He wore the same clothes like a human male and looked just as handsome as most Elves. But he had a deep scar on the left side of his cheeks and underneath his right eye. On both ears, he had two earrings placed on them, and his nose, too. Just like Hariel, he had a blue scarf covering his forehead. Unlike Hariel, he had the amicable aura around him; amplified by the smile he had on his face as he stared at Hariel.

"Haha… you haven't changed one bit, Hariel. It has been a while, but it's good to see you. Let's not keep the others waiting, we have already waited ten years for this day," Yenarel said while tapping Hariel's shoulders for the second time.

Just like before, Hariel brushed off Yenarel's hand again. Saying nothing in response, he walked in light steps towards the four individuals seated by the river. Meanwhile, Yenarel chuckled softly while shaking his head. Wasting no time, he also joined Hariel as they approached the others.

With only a few meters separating Hariel and Yenarel from the others, one of them noticed the approaching duo which alerted the remaining three.

"Hariel, where the hell did you go to? We searched all over Mornwood but we couldn't find you!" a brutish-looking Snakeman bellowed.

Unlike Malikieth, his upper half resembled that of a seasoned warrior who had survived countless battles. Although not flexed, his bulging muscles had several thick veins which resembled mini-snakes. His muscular physique coupled with the scars on his body, would send chills done the spines of those who saw him. As he stared at Hariel, he had a stern expression on his face.

Meanwhile, the two female Ice-Elves by his right said nothing, the same with the Forest-Elf by his left. However, they had indifferent expressions on their faces as they stared at Hariel and Yenarel. Just like the duo, they also had a blue scarf covering their foreheads.

Unlike Forest-Elves or High-Elves, the Ice-Elves have a frosty white complexion. They usually had silver hair and wore thick clothes. Like most Elves, they also had a proficient for archery and magic. But their magic related more to the ice element. Although their frosty white complexion made them look like frozen corpses, they looked just as beautiful as the other Elves.

Hariel, on the other hand, did not bother to answer the muscular Snakeman. In fact, Hariel looked towards the direction of the waterfall. Pretending as if he did not hear the words of the Snakeman.

Infuriated, the Snakeman was about to speak again, but Yenarel beat him to it, saying "Xix, calm down. This is the first time in a long time we have gathered together. Do you really want to spoil the mood?" Yenarel asked while frowning.

Although he felt aggrieved, the Snakeman named Xix said nothing in response. With his arms folded across his chest, he stared at Hariel with a frown on his face.

Hariel chuckled softly after Yenarel chided Xin. He stared at the brutish Snakeman while mouthing the word 'Pussy' with a smile on his face.

At that moment, all the muscles on Xix's body bulged in anger but he did not react to the provocation which made Hariel giggle.

"Now, now… let's settle down. I know we have a lot of catching up to do, but we have gathered for an important event," Yenarel said while gesturing for Xix to remain calm.

"Boss, what important event? Are we finally enacting our plan?" the Forest-Elf asked. Apart from Hariel, the others stared at Yenarel expecting his answer.

"Not really. This is the final step before we begin our plan. Listen carefully everyone. First, I want to take you all for the good work over the years. If not for your efforts, our brothers and sisters would still be suffering under the oppression of the High-Elves," Yenarel said while clapping his hands.

Apart from Hariel, the other Elves had faint smiles on their faces while Xix had a broad smile on his face.

"Haha… your words are too kind, boss. Those bastards made it easy for us," Xix said while the tip of his black tail wiggled.

"It doesn't matter. You have done a great job for your brothers and sisters, and history will remember you kindly. But we must now focus on the next task. Have you heard of Nahjor?" Yenarel asked.

"Boss, isn't that one of the settlements housing a section of the infantry protecting the border," one of the female Ice-Elf asked.

"Yes. Unlike the other settlements, its infantry numbers in the thousands. A bit above our numbers. If we can eliminate the High-Elves assigned to Nahjor, then it will convince our brothers and sisters who think the High-Elves are invincible. It won't be easy, but I've a plan that will turn the battle in our favor. We have all shed blood to get to this point, some of us more than others," Yenarel paused at this point as he stared at the others, with his gaze lingering on Hariel. "It has taken us everything we have to get to this point, and I know we'll not fail. We are the hope of our brethren. A blight to the evil of the High-Elves, and together, as the Hands of Blight, we shall begin a new history for our race," Yenarel added.

The moment he finished speaking, Xin, and the others had looks of anticipation in their eyes. Only Hariel did not show much reaction to Yenarel's words.

"Prepare your men, we will strike in three months. You may leave now. Hariel, wait behind," Yenarel said.

Saying nothing in response, Xix and the others left the area. Leaving Yenarel and Hariel alone.

"Yenarel, I'm not interested in Nahjor. You guys can do whatever you want. I've other things to do," Hariel said while gazing at the flowing river.

However, Yenarel chuckled softly as he said, "Are you sure you won't join us?"

Hariel said nothing in response. In fact, he was already walking towards another direction. But after he took five steps, Yenarel's voice echoed again, "Well, too bad you won't join us. You could have found answers to what happened that night." Yenarel sighed as he made his declaration, "it's a real shame," he added.

Meanwhile, Hariel was rooted on the spot while his body shuddered. But he had not turned his head yet.

"Yenarel, don't mess with me! Tell me what you know! Now!" Hariel roared as he walked towards Yenarel with bloodshot eyes. A black glow radiated through his blue scarf as he approached Yenarel. However, Yenarel had a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Hariel. I would never lie to you. We both have a debt to pay to that bastard. But I won't tell you anything unless you help me with Nahjor. But here is a little clue, you will find the answers you seek in Nahjor," Yenarel said as he stared at Hariel who was only a few inches away from him.

"Good. Since you have no one under your command, you can do as you like. When it's time, I'll let you know," Yenarel said as he tapped Hariel's shoulders. Before walking towards the direction of the maze-like rock formation. Meanwhile, Hariel continued to stare at him with bloodshot eyes.

Just as Yenarel was about to leave the river area, his voice drifted into Hariel's ears, "Next time you want to visit your brother let me know, and be careful of external invaders. See you soon, Hariel."