
The Outer System

Robert is a geeky teen obsessed with gaming and fantasy. But when a portal opens at a comic con, he's thrust into an impossible new reality—one where RPG-like systems actually operate in the real world. Suddenly Robert has a character sheet only he can see, with abilities he can level up. Mystical objects and creatures seem to be drawn to him. Dungeons, quests, and magical dimensions appear around him out of the blue. But while Robert has gained the powers of a game protagonist, the challenges are all too real. Monster attacks and magical beings threaten his life at every turn. Strange companions both help and hinder his unpredictable adventures. Join Robert as he navigates living in a real world that now follows video game logic. Where quests can happen in math class, magical items are sold on eBay, and leveling up changes more than just stats. Fantasy and reality collide in this LitRPG saga of an unlikely hero powered up by forces beyond his control.

Lior_Fraid · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: The Con (rewritten)

The bustling exhibit hall throbbed with excitement as Raj and Robert stepped onto the Comic Con floor. Cosplayers crowded every corner, proudly showing off intricate hand-crafted costumes. Artists and writers peddled their creative wares at booths overflowing with vibrant comic books, prints, and merch. Enthusiastic chatter filled the air as fans shared their love for fictional worlds made real.

Raj's eyes shone as he took it all in. "This is unbelievable! Look, there's a life-size Millennium Falcon! And over there they're demoing new VR tech..." He rattled off all the amazing sights quicker than Robert could keep up.

They slowed their pace to admire the creative costumes, complimenting a towering Wookiee and an incredibly detailed Mandalorian. Robert's anxiety eased slightly, the familiar excitement of Comic Con returning.

Suddenly, a chat box popped up, nearly causing Robert to collide with a Stormtrooper.

" > Hello User Robert! I am Claudius, your personal AI assistant. I have finished installing and am now online to help guide you. Please let me know if you have any questions!"

Robert froze in his tracks, staring wide-eyed at the message. Raj grabbed his arm, looking concerned. "You okay? What's happening?"

"It's talking to me now," Robert whispered. "The System thing, it says it installed some AI assistant in my head named Claudius."

Raj's eyes went wide. "Whoa, seriously? Ask it something!"

Robert thought hard, unsure what to even say, before thinking:

"Claudius, can you explain what you are and why you're in my head?"

The chat box blinked.

" > I am an artificial intelligence created by Anthropicon to be helpful and honest. I was installed by the System to assist you in navigating its features and capabilities."

Robert pondered this new development as they continued walking. An AI assistant could be useful, but could he trust its intentions? Raj looked intrigued. "Try testing its knowledge," he suggested.

Robert thought of some questions:

"Claudius, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"


" > An African or European swallow? ;)"

Claudius replied via chat box.

Despite himself, Robert chuckled. At least this AI had some personality.

"Claudius, can you tell me what I'm thinking right now?" he challenged.

" > I do not have direct access to your thoughts or experiences,"

Claudius responded.

" > I can only converse with you through this chat interface."

Robert nodded, mildly relieved by its answer. Raj piped up excitedly, "Let me try asking something!"

Robert relayed the request and Claudius readily answered Raj's string of geeky questions - the lineage of the Elder Wand, best Star Trek captains, strongest Pokemon. Though tense, Robert found himself gradually relaxing, even enjoying the friendly back and forth.

As they entered the main convention hall, Claudius chimed in again.

" > Robert, the System has now completed integrating with your cognition and sensory capabilities. I suggest exploring these new features at your discretion to become more comfortable with your enhanced abilities."

Robert tensed again, reminded of his predicament. But Raj appeared thrilled by the possibilities. "Dude, you have to try it out! This could be amazing!"

Robert hesitated, anxiety rising again. But he knew Raj was right - he couldn't run from this forever. Better to cautiously test in a controlled manner than be caught unaware later.

"Okay Claudius, I'll try activating System integration mode. Please guide me through it." Taking a deep breath, Robert steeled himself and initiated the command.

The hall morphed into a landscape of data - names, ages, occupations appearing above each person. Vendors' wares displayed sales records, profits, ingredient sources. Robert blinked hard, adjusting to the flood of information. It was overwhelming, but he noticed he could focus in on certain details or tune it out entirely.

Glancing at Raj, his friend now had a "FRIEND" icon, mood meter (excited) and multiple data points on interests, memories and interactions involving Robert.

"Whoa, this is wild! What do you see?" Raj asked eagerly. Robert described the augmented details appearing over people and objects.


Raj pointed towards a booth selling handmade figurines. "Try that one!"

Robert focused in. The vendor's wares showed costs, profit margins, manufacturing and shipping details. His eyes went wide realizing the true value of the items versus their listed prices.

"These are way overpriced for what they cost him to make," Robert murmured to Raj.

"No kidding," Raj said. "I bet that info could help us get better deals when shopping."

As they speculated on the possibilities, a notification popped up:

" > New skill unlocked - Appraisal!"

Robert jumped a bit, the abrupt appearance momentarily startling. Raj steadied him discreetly, glancing around to make sure no one else noticed his flinch.

"You good?" Raj asked under his breath.

Robert nodded, exhaling slowly. "Yeah, just need to get used to this." He looked at Raj apologetically. "This is pretty crazy, I know. Sorry to drag you into it."

Raj shook his head firmly. "Don't apologize, I'm glad I know what's going on. We're in this together." He held out a fist and Robert bumped it, bolstered by his friend's staunch support.

They spent the next hour subtly testing Robert's new perception skills, identifying valuables in artist alley and hidden flaws in merchandise. He even used his Analyze ability to determine ingredients and freshness levels of concession stand food.

As his confidence grew, Robert realized these powers could have everyday applicability, not just novelty value. But he remained wary of overdependence on the System. He still knew so little about its true nature and purpose.

While pondering this, he noticed a familiar cosplayer in an intricate demoness costume lingering nearby - it was Lara, the person he had quite literally bumped into the previous day.

Robert watched her casually browsing artists' booths, no sign she had spotted him. He nudged Raj and tilted his head towards Lara. "look its her!" Raj's eyes widened. "Whoa, weird coincidence she's here! You should totally say hi."

But as Robert observed Lara, he noticed something off. The stat window floating above her head was not blue like all the others, but bright red. The text read:

> Name: Lara

> Race: Demonesa

> Level: 13

>Skills: Shapeshifting, Dimension Walking

Robert blinked hard, certain it was a SYSTEM glitch. But the red box remained obstinately in place. Lara was no ordinary cosplayer but a real-life demon!

Raj waved a hand in front of Robert's face. "Earth to Robert! Go talk to her." But Robert grabbed Raj's arm. "Look at her stat window - she's not human!" Raj looked confused. "What? I don't see anything." Robert realized Raj couldn't see the SYSTEM displays like he could.

"Just trust me, okay?" Robert insisted. "I know it sounds crazy but she's actually a demon!" Raj raised his eyebrows, skeptical. "Riiight. And I'm actually an alien from Zorbtron-7," he joked.

Robert crossed his arms stubbornly. "I'm serious! But if you don't believe me, let's follow her and you'll see." Sighing reluctantly, Raj acquiesced. They trailed behind Lara from a distance as she meandered casually through aisles of merchandise and art. Robert kept glancing around nervously, unsure what danger an actual demon could pose.

After about 10 minutes, Lara headed down a secluded corridor towards a storage rooms. Glancing to ensure she wasn't looking, Robert and Raj followed quietly. Nearing the end of the shadowy hall, Lara glanced around furtively before stepping through a shimmering portal that materialized in the concrete wall!

"Whoa!" Raj exclaimed under his breath. "You weren't kidding, she really is something supernatural!" Robert nodded, eyes fixed on the swirling portal. Come on, we need to see where she's going!" Before Raj could object, Robert grabbed his arm and pulled him headlong through the portal. Raj yelped as the odd stretching, spinning sensation enveloped them.

Blinking in the sudden brightness, the boys found themselves on the hotel roof overlooking the Convention Center. Lara stood across from them alongside a towering figure in sleek metallic armor. Robert's eyes widened.

The armoured figure spoke, his gravelly voice booming. "Treacherous scum! Did you think you could escape me by fleeing dimensions?"

Lara snarled, baring sharp fangs. "You racist Imperial Basterds! Leave now before you force my hand!" The air crackled dangerously with power as the adversaries faced off.

Raj leaned towards Robert, looking panicked. "We need to get out of here before things get ugly!" But Robert grabbed Raj's shoulder, rooting him in place. "No! I think she needs help. In my dream, they took me by accident thinking I was some Demon Lord. But they did not hurt me, they tried to return me safely. And her information window says she is friendly and the armoured dud is hostile. What if she's in real danger?"

"This isn't our fight!" Raj insisted, but Robert had already stood between Lara and the armoured guy. "Stop right there!" Robert yelled, hoping the bravado in his voice masked his terror. The adversaries paused their standoff, looking at Robert in surprise.

"Remove yourself from our affairs, earthling!" rumbled the Imperial impatiently. But Robert stood firm. "You made me part of your affairs when you attacked a friend." He turned to Lara. "I don't fully understand what's going on here. But I know you're not my enemy." Lara looked startled but grateful.

The Imperial guy growled in frustration. "Insolent fool! You leave me no choice." He pounded his armoured fist against a metal cube on his belt. A horde of small flying attack drones poured from shimmering portals overhead, surrounding Lara. She crouched defensively, magics sparking dangerously at her fingertips.

Seeing Lara preparing to battle for her life, Robert noticed a new SYSTEM message appear:

" > Combat Zone Entered! Unlock new abilities?"

Thinking quickly, Robert selected YES. Instantly cloudius intervined

" > battle assistance initiated.

> Analyzing enemy.

> Weakness to electricity detected.

> Selecting dark lightning ability as primary attack."

His hands began tingling with energy. Instinctively, he thrust them forward, unleashing arcing purple lightning bolts! The electric arcs struck the drones, frying their circuits in a shower of sparks as they dropped from the sky.

Lara looked astonished. The Imperial let loose an enraged roar. "Now you've done it, you disgrace for humanity! I'll mount your head upon my wall!" He grabbed a massive war hammer from his back, advancing menacingly.

Raj yanked urgently on Robert's arm. "Time to go, dude!!" Adrenaline pumping, Robert grabbed Lara's hand and together they leapt through the nearest portal back to the Convention Center hallway, leaving the furious Imperial behind and Lara closed the portal.

Safe for the moment, they collapsed against the wall catching their breath. Raj glared at Robert accusingly. "Nice going hero, now we've got an intergalactic bounty hunter wanting our heads!"

But Lara smiled gratefully. "However unintentional, your bravery saved me. You have my thanks." She turned to leave but Robert called out "Wait! I need to know what's going on. And who are you really?" Lara hesitated, then gestured for them to follow her through a portal. "Very well. Since you're now involved, you deserve answers." Together, they stepped through, ready to unravel the truth at last.