
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Tranh châm biếm
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227 Chs

CH21: Is it wrong to pick up girls in a different worlds?

"CLOSE YOUR EYES", Wu yells at me from the next room, after 20 minutes she disappeared.

"NO, COME TO THE BALCONY IN 3 MINUTES", I hear her shout again, just answering "OKAY", and wait for 5 minutes before walking to the 2nd floor balcony, where we always sit.

Opening the door, on the balustrade, the balcony hand-railings, I see a mature Xiao Wu, standing with her side to me, looking a bit anxious.

She makes 360 degrees turn, and her silky black hair in a high pony-tail fly around her, together with the white frills of her pink dress. She's taller, but still shorter than me by at least a head, including her silver high heels.

'She looks...' I think, but blubber out loud "...Beautiful".

She look so pure, yet so charming, and all I can think about is how much I wanna kiss her right now, staring at her plump red lips, who looks like they've never been kissed before.

She stretch her long fingers, showing her curvy body, and touch gently her white fur bunny ear, who's filled with pink fur inside, and through the slit of her dress I can see those perfect legs.

"I... You... Please marry me?" I stagger in my words, and all I want is for her be mine.

She smile gently, looking at me with her pink-red eyes, with lots of silver jewelry on her, red lip-gloss, and red fingernail polish, adding that make-up to her mature charm, and make another 360 degrees turn.

I step forward, putting a hand on her waist, saying "Wu, I like you", and I see her closing her eyes, tilting her head a bit, so I close the distance between our faces, and lay my lips on hers, and we gently kiss each other, sloppily, but full of romance.

"Am I the first to see you like this?" I ask her, and she nod 'yes' shyly.

"Lucky me" I mutter, and she giggle.

"Does it mean you agree to be together with me?" I ask, and she answers "mother said I can trust you, and, and, you...you're... also.. btfl".

"I'm what?" I ask, wanna hear her clearly.

"YOU ALSO LOOK GOOD, okay? happy now?" she shyly-yell, making me laugh at her childish behavior, saying "as long as you find me satisfying, my queen".

She punch me gently, give me a quick kiss on the lips, grab my hand, and lead me to sit on the bench, and as I sit, she sit on my lap, with her back to me.

I put my hands around her, and she rest her back on my chest, as we look at the night sky, and we both say together "the moon is beautiful tonight", and laugh from the coincidence.

"Do you really... like me? I mean, I am childish, and kinda violent, I know that, and I can be pretty short tempered, and, and, if you want to us to be together, so, I, want it to promise me to be together always" Wu throw her fears at me.

I caress her head gently, whispering "I more than like you, I love you, and probably will love you, forever, this feelings don't just fade away, it's like a scar in the heart" I tell her quietly, opening up to her.

"... and I was in love with you even before I met you ... when Mia told me about you ... I knew I want us to be always together, and it was even more since I met you ... Plus ... mmm ... Mia said you're a snotty-naughty brat, haha, I was ready for that" I laugh at my own joke.

She turn around angry, saying "LIE!".

It just make me laugh harder, hugging her hard before she start punching me, and say "I love you, all of you, whatever you do. I guess I'm blind? or got love sickness? smitten about you? Don't care, as long as you're with me".

I kiss her lips, while sending my tongue out, licking her lips, which make her surprise and open her mouth, so I shove my tongue in, licking her tongue, and from that we turn to a hot sloppy kiss for few minutes, before we stop, and return to daze into the night sky.

I put my hand on a tree branch, manipulate few strong branches to appear above us, pull a sling-bed out of my space-pocket, and tie it up while Wu hug me like a koala.

Then, I lay down on it, Wu half on top of me, and I pull a blanket, cover us, kiss her forehead, and say "good night my love", and she answer "good night", and whisper really quietly "my love", and we fall asleep to the shining moon.


"Good morning, birthday boy" Wu wakes me up, and I'm shocked how much I missed sleeping with all that meditations through the nights.

I hug her on top of me, saying "you're really beautiful in the morning", kiss her lips, and get up to start the day.

"I plan to go visit Mia, want me to tell her anything? How was the cake?" I ask her as I put some clothes on, ready to teleport.

"Tell her it really had the taste of love, and I miss her, and wish her well" Wu answers, and I steal another quick kiss, say "goodbye, see ya later", and *Teleport*.


At the tree house, Robin and Mia cuddle together, still asleeping, so I quickly get naked, and push myself to the middle, hugging them, but that just wakes them up.

"Good morning, birthday boy" Mia says, and I burst laughing, and when she asks "What happened?", I tell her "You are really mother and daughter, exactly the same sentence in the morning".

Mia gets mad and asks "YOU ATE HER?", and I nod 'no', "but I saw her mature form, and now I really really really wanna eat her", and we both laugh.

"By the way, she told me to tell you that... hmm... She wish you well, she misses you, and that it have the taste of love" I tell her, and she looks funny at me, asking "the taste of love? what?".

I answer "maybe she ate me?", and I win a pinch to my hip, yelling "The Cake! THE CAKE! I told her you put love and carrots in the cake!".

Mia let me go, smiling happily, really really happilly.

"mmmmm, noisy, ouchouch ouch, I want a massage, and it better be a good one" Robin wakes up mumbling and snuggling me, so I happily oblige, and massage her, and from there massage Mia, then bring breakfast to bed, happy about the women with me, as it's the best thing about this birthday, that's the best present I could ever wish for.

While getting ready to go tour Paradise, Robin tells me "hide the ladder, hide the tree-house, and make sure no one can even see it from any angle. Also, finish organize the paths and spaces, cause the construction goona start today. Keep getting money, cause it costs a lottt, or I would just sell some of my companies, tell me what you wanna do in a week".

I nod, and remember all that need to be done, plus plan to get some cash flow, mainly thinking about meeting Rayleigh and Shakky, hope we can close the long-term deal today.

After a few hours of work, I go to the base-camp and say my goodbye to Mia and Robin, before I *Teleport* to collect more alcohol stock, and then *Teleport* to the Red-line.


At the rip-off bar, I sit on the bar, next to Rayleigh, and in front of Shakky, discussing prices and stock's amounts.

The deal is super beneficial to me, as it seems my scotch, wine, and vodka, are supreme quality here, and the demand is astonishing.

We sign a basic deal, shake hands, and before I leave they tell me about interesting shops in Sabaody archipelago, so I plan to buy lots of food, as it's so cheap and tasty here, and stock my space-pocket to the brim with it.

At noon, finishing with shopping, I *teleport* to Hancock's ship, 'seeing' it empty, so I *teleport* into her bedroom, and 'see' her not far away, in a throne room, with lots of people, so I share my 6th sense with her, and see her shoo them off, running to me.

"My dear, how are you?" I ask as she jump into my arms, hugging me like a kid.

"I missed you" she tells me, and snuggle me.

I carry her up to the bed, but even though she looks ready for some 'action', I tell her "let's do another session of tattoo-removal?".

She nods 'yes', and asks "Please teach me how it's done, I have 2 sisters who also have the same problem, I want to help them remove it too", and I nod back 'yeah', as she get naked, and I start the session, while explaining everything to her, plus give her the instruction manuals I got with me, making her extremely happy.

By the time we finish, and she walks to the showers to wash herself, I follow her, and make love in the sitting-bath leisurely, afraid that the session will make her feel pain somehow, but she seems to love it, and I relax as she jump on me, water splashing everywhere, her giant boobs slapping my face every hump, and her blue-ocean eyes gaze at me full of love.

We keep cumming together to the sound of her heavenly moans.

After more than an hour I say goodbye, leaving all the equipment in her place, plus a pile of snacks and deserts from Earth, as gift, and she gives me a present, a sword, more a beautiful one, who looks like it's made in the highest quality I ever saw, and I kiss her, thank her happily, and think 'where should I try it out?', while I *Teleport* to Soul-land.


At the balcony, I see Wu mediate, while both Mings fight, training haki.

'Their growth-speed is wonderful, way better than I thought, it really works for them' I think as I walk forward them.

We chat for a while, before I decide to visit beasts colonies, and say goodbye.

I start at Gu-Yuena, the silver-dragon empress, hide-out, who's in Star Dou forest, and by teleport and running I arrive to the place she showed me on the map after few hours.

I use my 6th sense, but cannot find her, but suddenly, a disturbance in space appeared in my senses, so I go toward it, and looking inside, it seems to lead to a stable space, so I decide to walk-in.

"Hi, fancy seeing you coming so quickly" Gu-Yuena voice came to my ear, and using my 6th sense, I can see that this part of the forest was like a different space, like a space bubble, which I cannot create yet, and she was in a cave, who looked more like a beautiful house, just without windows.

I went inside, saying "sorry for the intrusion", and as I sat in the living-room, she walks out from a room and sit in front of me.

I first take out lots of food, snack, and drinks, and put all on the table, fill 2 rice-wine glasses, and give her one, saying "from another land, kinda delicious, would you like to try?", and she smile, *cling* my glass, and taste it, and then drinks all, so I refill it, as we also enjoy the food.

"Your space-control is advanced, but not enough, and your elements are barely existing. I heard you search for spirit-bones to power-up, so I've got a deal to offer" Gu Yuena start to talk seriously.

"My wish is pretty similar to yours, I want a planet, or at least a domain, for dragons, see if I can revive them all, and fight the humans .... I agree to share with you lots of spirit-bones of the strongest dragons ever existed, and in return ... I want you to help me get back my sealed powers from the 'god domain', try to help me create a domain for us dragons, and if possible revive them. What do you say?"

"That's sounds amazing, for my part, as I plan to build a beast-kin force, and dragon tribe's force can be a major part of it ... As for revive, I have no idea how, I'll try find a way, not only here, even from other lands. As for your sealed powers, I don't know anything about that 'god domain', please explain, is it the place the strongest entities of this land reside?" I talk back to her on my side.

Yuena nods 'yes', agreeing to all my words, and adding "Since we found an agreement, I'll open a portal to Dragon cemetery, and we'll go there. You can get 6 spirit-bones, for arms, legs, skull, and chest, plus 1 external...", Yuena rushing the process, shocking me.

"...I guess you can choose elements that you wish to develop, and maybe take on dragon-wings. You might even become partly dragon, officially becoming a beast-kin" Gu-Yuena smiles as she explain, and we stand up, walk deep underground, where she open a space portal, walking inside, and me after her.

We arrive in a rocky mountains land, who's dark and has a malignant vibes.

"Come, it's close by" Gu Yuena tells me.

I hold her hand.

"What are you doing?" she asks, kinda angry.

I tell her "I feel malignant vibes, but look, when I hold your hand they disappear", and she gaze at me, then *breath*, exhale air, inhale air, loudly, and says "okay, whatever, let's go".

After around half an hour we're standing at a place filled with enormous bones, gigantic dragon skeletons, and in the middle there's a black altar, with many stone-boxes on top.

We walk up on it, and I see writings, saying dragons names and which spirit-bone it is.

Yuena tell me "Let's take right-arm light-dragon-king, left-arm dark-dragon-king, right-leg wind-dragon-king, left-leg earth-dragon-king, as for chest... space-dragon-king , and as for skull, time-dragon-king. I think that's best".

I just nod 'yeah', sure that's way more than I ever dream or wish for, plus the elements seems amazing, just missing a few, but there's not much I can do with only 6 spirit-bones.

I suddenly remember, and ask "What about the external spirit-bone?", and Yuena answers "I think the Crown-prince Dragon-god left his wings, wait here, I'll be right back", and disappear.

'Hey, Infi, Bro Ge, ya there? You see what's happening here?' I think in my head.

[Yeah, bro Ayn, that's... more than I even planned for you, that's awesome].

<Hello, I am in Infinity, and I do see you and your surroundings>.

'haha, good to hear you. Say, Infi, can I absorb those spirit-bones? would they open up my elements?' I ask happily.

<Yes. According to my calculations, I can negate the negative effects if the power overwhelms yours, same of ice-silk-worm-Ge, as those bones are all above 1 million years, I will seal it in Infinity's core until you could control it>.

I listen to it in shock, understanding how otherworldly those spirit-bones are, and just say 'thank you, thank you so much, I'll do it, and let you know before I start'.

"Here's the spine external spirit-bone. The dragon-god death left nothing but a core, but the son was the second-strongest, so this bone should be amazing" Yuena comes back, give me the 2-giant-wings who are still connected.

I stock them all in my space-pocket, hold Gu-Yuena hand, and asks "let's go back?", and she nods 'yes', starting to walk back to the space portal.

On the way, she asks me "do you really need to hold my hand?", and I answer "more than need, I want to. You're amazing women. Am I that disgusting for you to touch?" I ask in a sad-puppy-face, and she respond "no no, it's okay", making me feel no one ever teased her before.

"Are you living alone?" I ask, and she says "yes", so I try to pry and asks "not getting bored? lonely?" and she shake her head, looking sad, so I grip her hand stronger and say "I'll come visit you from now on! I'll bring lots of interesting things! from lots of places! just you wait!" and smile with all my teeth.

Yuena gently smile back, but the sadness leaks from her.

When we're back, I tell her "I'll assimilate the spirit-bones here, okay? I'll just take out a rag and sit here".

Yuena answers "sure", sitting on the sofa, looking at the pile of drinks, snacks, and food, take a potato-chip bag, and start eating, crunching loudly, and smiling from the noises she makes.

I sit down a soft rag, sit, and think 'Infi, I'm ready, any preferred arrangement? something to prepare?', and Infi's answer shock me.

<hahaha, you always just suicide, like eating those soul-fruits, or assimilate a 1 million years creature, without thinking ... what happened? maybe it takes humans 14 Earth-years before the brain starts to work?>,

I *exhale* in misery, from how true those words are.

'Yeah, probably, so any instructions?' I ask again.

<No, but maybe start from legs, then arms, skull, chest, and then external, bones>, and like that I start the assimilation.

After 3 hours I finished with the 6 bones.

The last 2 bones, especially the last one, was so painful, I bet that's even worse than what Wolverine felt when his body was disacted and rebuilt in the lab.

I'm filled with scratching scars, and I even froze my body before I tear myself apart when my skull and rib-cage were replaced.

I'm now left with the external, so I ask Gu-Yuena "Please lock me up, hold me down, help me not move, while I do the last one".

Yuena come near me, sit on my back, her legs lock mine, her hands lock mine, and I think 'Infi, Let's do it'.



Waking up, I can't even remember anything from the burst of pain and shock, as barely my brain functioned, cause I had to be awake or it will fail, but my brain scared to even remember what happened.

I open my eyes, and see the rug.

I feel something soft above me, so I gently roll, and catch Gu Yuena body, who fell asleep on top of me, into a hug, letting her keep sleeping.