
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Tranh châm biếm
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227 Chs

CH116: Plans to lay a Siege

"You did something, didn't you?" Lana asks as she look to the side.

I follow her eyes, seeing the dark night sky, and laugh.

"Yeah... You can say I slow the time... So instead of having just a few hours... We can have 'fun'... Lots of 'fun'..." I respond, looking at her supreme sexy body, but after few hours, she seems wasted, as her eyes slowly shut down.

*Chuu*, I kiss her lips, whispering "let's sleep, my love?", and she snuggle to me, wishing to use me as a pillow, even if honestly, I'm way too aroused from her, barely holding myself back.

*Zzz...*, Lana falls asleep, and once I make sure she's deeply sleeping, I sneak out of bed, thinking 'Soul-land?.. Yuena'-space or mapping?..', while walking down, planning to stock the house with lots of food for tomorrow.

"Also can't sleep?" I hear Rias, and look to the sofas in the living-room, seeing Rias, with a skimpy clothes, barely wearing anything on her, and as I walk closer to her, I can see her perfection, with a black-choker on her neck, a white-transparent-belly-shirt, with no bra under it, a thong, and black leggings.

"Just thinking of doing some work, while all asleep... That way, I can have more time with you all when you're awake... Anything interesting in that phone?" I say as I look at her phone making lights and noises.

She show me what she's looking at, and my face turn red, as it's a video of me, singing, kinda drunk, in my home, from the party we had when we first met, probably made by Serafall, and I'm shocked that I can't recognize the app she's using.

"I really like our new house..." Rias says as I stand right beside her, moving my focus back at her, and see her smiling to me, with her hands on her huge bosom, kinda emphasizing them even more, letting me see her cleavage, and her erected nipples through her shirt, while whispering the end of the sentence, "...Step-Daddy".

'AHHH... I must escape this place... Before I push too far...' I shout in my head, feeling my erection almost popping out of my pants, creating a small mountain out of my pants.

I walk back to the kitchen, putting lots of food all over the place, and as I go fill the fridge, I see Rias has her head inside of it, grabbing a cold-drink, and her bubbly-butt, in a mere thong, is popping out, making me have naughty mischievous thoughts, yet I close my eyes, breathing deeply, relaxing, and move aside.

"Want something?" Rias turn her head, and I can see her shirt sliding off, while she has a slight smirk and a blush on her face, so I just respond "thanks, no, I'll see you soon, bye bye", and walk out of the house. *Teleport*.


'She was teasing me... She had lust... But it was more like she's checking where's the lines, between us, I guess...' I think to myself while flying at Soul-land, planning to arrive to my destination before sunset.

... Arriving at sunset to a beautiful city, seeing the white walls and blue roofs, and in the distance, behind the city, lies the vast sea, I fly forward the marina, at the end of the city, finding the place filled with fishermen, who come and go from their ships or boats.

"Excuse me?" I ask a middle-age-fisherman, who seems to come back with a good haul, and he smiles, saying "What's up mate? Need anything?", and point to the fish-container.

"Yeah, sure, but may I ask a few questions? I'm new here, and I always dreamt to sail this vast sea, but I'm kinda scared going out without a proper knowledge of this sea here..." I keep on talking, half-lies-half-truths, about my experiences in sailing the other side of the continent, while he tell me his story, which ain't much.

In the end, except a pile of fresh good looking fishes, I kinda got only basic general knowledge about this sea, the marina, and the nearby islands, while being warned about pirates again and again, which is kinda funny for me, as I travel in Red-line quite a lot, finding pirates as normal now.

"I'll come visit in the next chance I got, see ya mate" I say goodbye to the fisherman, and go to the shop he directed me to, where I buy few fishing-tools, a general map of the area, and gather more information, continuing to the place the shop-seller directs me to, an old fisherman here.

Like that, I pass few hours around the marina, and also the city, enjoying the sea-culture, which is so much different from inland-city-culture, effected by the sea. I dine in a fish restaurant, buy clothes that are more fit for the sea-climate, till I start to feel bored, being here alone, and ask 'Anyone wanna join me for a date? My loves?', and stand in an isolated ally.

*Fwoosh...*, in front of me, five girls materialize, confusing me.

"Beau... Umi... Junko... Bi-Bi... and...", I ask as I pull each for a quick hug and a kiss, but can't recognize the fifth one, which isn't Bijo-Mu, Mone, or Sugar, and probably not Infi as well. but for some reason, I feel a deep-connection to.

"Wait... You're... The golden-lion?" I say in questioning tone.

"Three eyed golden lioness!" she responds cooly.

"Wow you're beautiful" I blubber, looking at this sexy cool lioness-woman, wearing a black-jacket over a white-shirt, with red-short-jeans-pants, and I mesmerized by her golden hair, golden animal-ears, and golden tail, watching her eating a lollipop.

Suddenly, she move toward me, with expectant eyes, and I can see even her eyes are golden.

"What did you say?" she asks when she's face to face with me, but I can actually 'see' love in her eyes, as she stare at me, playing with the lollipop with her hand, waiting for an answer.

"I said nice to meet you, in this form, Miss... Lioness? Princess?" I half-say-half-ask, not knowing her name yet, and not sure how to create a good vibes with her. Her eyes open wide, gazing straight at me, coming even closer, and except the growing-wish to make her mine, I can see she also has the same interest, in me, as she cutely blush.

"I don't got a name" she tell me, as she take a step back, and I respond right away "How about... Siege?" I suggest, and suddenly the girls *giggle*, but I keep looking at her, and see she's blushing hard, yet keep looking at my eyes, playing with her hair, like she find this name cute.

'Ah, I felt like she siege me for a moment, and blubbered it out... Even though it's a cute name indeed...' I wonder how I came out with such a unique name, yet now I feel it's sitting really well with her.

"Wait! If she's out... I mean, if you're out... Does it mean?..." I ask in wonder and worry, feeling she wanna go, just when we got to know each other.

"Means what?" Siege asks with a blushed face.

"That... I mean... I wish to know you better... If you wanna go back, I'm sorry for all that happened, it was surprise to me as well, with us bumping into each other and all... But please give me an opportunity to know you better?" I say, and start laughing, as she take out her tongue at me, acting so cute.

"Okay! Okay! Let's go! ...Siege? hehe, beautiful name... Can you transform your animal characteristic please? It's kinda risky in human civilization..." Junko say, and Bi-Bi adds "And hold Ayn'-hand until you get used to humans, okay? Let's go!!".

After a minute, I see Siege kinda sad, saying "...I can't", unable to hide her animal-characteristics, so I go close to her, pulling a jacket, with a hoodie, and help her take off her jacket, putting this jacket on.

"I can create illusion, as long as we're touching each other, so don't mind it... I guess this technique got it's difficulties" I tell her as I offer her my hand, and she cutely look at her own hand, then at me, and finally hold my hand, making me smile, and suggest the remaining girls my other hand, but none take it, as they laugh, and begin walking.

... Our tour/date around the city turns to a blissful time, and even training, with the amount of times I have to release king-haki, blood-lust, and pure threats, on any lustful man who come near my girls.

"Let's go there next!" Umi suggest, holding Bi-Bi hand, while Junko and Beau, also holding hands, follow her, and me and Siege following behind, but suddenly Siege stand in place, and I look at her, wondering why.

"All okay?" I ask, feeling mesmerized once again, as Siege look just too cool, so wild, like a real lion, which is funny, cause she is, and even though she doesn't have the air of maturity, like Robin, nor ethereal-vibes, like Yuena, or charm, like Mia, losing in many fields to others, but she is the coolest woman Iv'e had the chance to date with.

Siege just stare at me, saying nothing, but she's playing with her lips, softly biting them, and I'm tempted to try go for a kiss, yet decide it ain't the time yet, saying, with a smile, "Let's go buy new clothes with them? I bet you'll look even more beautiful and cool".

She smirk a bit, looking determined, and start walking, pulling me by the hand after her, into the clothing-store the girls went into.

... Sitting on a sofa, inside the store, I feel like this day is a pure joy, as girl after girl, my girls, keep coming out, modeling for me clothes, dancing cutely in front of me, as I sip a cold-drink, just maintaining space-barrier around the store, to make sure we're left alone for a while, protecting Siege, but also all the girls, who come out from time to time with for swimsuits modeling.

"How's this?" Junko asks, coming out in a white-green-dress, and as she come near me, crouching down a bit, her dress slip a bit, showing she's not wearing any bra, and I rise up, kissing her lips, but when I try pull her to me, she giggle, and escapes back inside the changing booth.

"It's weird, isn't it?" Beau act shyly, modeling a black-overall-dress, and I responds-out-loud "she's so damn beautiful, that shy side, mmm", and I stand, planning to follow her into the booth, feeling my lust reach an overdrive, but just then Bi-Bi comes out.

"I'm a bunny, hop hop..." Bi-Bi, in a black-bunny-costume, with red-bunny-ears-bow, and a white-bunny-tail, jumping around, and I want her to bounce in a different place, right on me.

"Oh! Cute!", Umi exhale as she come out, and I see her in a black-dress, kinda looking, or acting, as a mama, having a mature-motherly-vibes, who make me wonder 'Doesn't she have a son? Or it's an android-fake-son? I need to have a conversation with her about it...', and comment "You three look so amazing, it's kinda getting harder for me, and I mean it litterly, look", and point at the bump on my pants.

*Giggles*, the girls go back to the booth, leaving me dry, but a moment later, Siege comes out, wearing a black-jacket and a black-thong, but a second after, when she's standing close to me, while I'm back at the sofa, she open the jacket, showing a black-bikini-bra.

"Wanna marry me?" I ask jokingly, and Siege blush so hard, that I don't believe it's her, as all her cool-attitude disappear like it never existed in the first place, and she cutely play with her hair, with both hands, and her lips shape to a 'O', like a little-girl who doesn't know how a kiss looks like, and that's what she imagined it's like.

"mmmmm" Siege make a noise, while taking her face close to me, and I understand she didn't take it at a joke value, rather, she's more than willing, and wish for a kiss, plus, it's obvious she never kissed before.

*Chuu*, I put my lips on hers, and my hands are on her waist, pulling her to sit on my lap, with her two knees on the sofa, as our lips just glued together, not moving, just sticking together.

*cough, cough*, Siege separate our lips, and I laugh, saying "my princess, you can breath from the nose, you know?", and think 'I think I saw in some animal-tv-program that if you block a lion mouth, then he can't breath from his nose'.

I look at Siege, feeling desire for her, and *Chuu...*, kiss her again, this time moving my lips, and soon she move her lips as well, but then she suddenly push me back, *cough...*, she again find it hard to breath, exhaling and inhaling air heavily, and I kiss her neck, hands, bosom, and keep moving, even licking the sweat who falls off of her body, till I hear another *COUGH, COUGH*, from the girls, who watch us.

"Yo" I call Umi, Beau, Junko, and Bi-Bi, who came out, wearing new clothes, and I release the shy Siege, letting her go to them, while we're all smiling, as they're letting me know they've expected it to happen long ago.

... By the time evening arrive, and the sun set off, all the girls say 'goodbye', kissing me, and return inside Infinity, leaving me alone with Siege.

"What do you wanna do now? Wanna stay outside? Did they told you about Yuena'-space? Or do you wanna return inside Infinity? Or maybe... Go back to the forest we met at?" I ask Siege, but she look utterly confused, scratching her own head, acting like she's kinda dizzy, but I enjoy her new style, wearing a red-sweater, black-jeans, and black-high-heels.

I hug her close, patting her head, and whisper "I like you... Please come and join my wives... Let's get to know each other better?", and she whispers back "Can't I become like the others? Always with you?.. As one?".

I laugh, smiling happily, asking the girls 'What do you think? Is it good for her? Can she?', and I hear a positive response from them all, as it seems they've already talked about it, and from there this idea came from.

"I would love to, Siege, will you become my wife? Be together? Forever?" I ask, and she take her tongue out, returning to her cool-attitude, whispering "I do", and hug me close.

I hold her tight, and *teleport*.


Outside the city, hidden inside the forest, I sit, planning to go into meditation, while Siege sitting in front of me, gazing at me like I'm some rare animal, which kinda interfere with my concentration, and I hug her to me, raining kisses on her face.

After a while, I feel the whole process, of her becoming a soul-ring, takes form, into my spirit-eyes, kinda automatically, like it was suppose to happen since the first moment we ever met, like she belongs there, like we're already one.

While kissing, smearing out tongues into each other mouths, Siege suddenly glow, transforming to a pure energy wave, who flows into me, into my 3rd-eye, into the middle of my forehead, and I enter a deep meditation state, feeling this assimilation is much more than just a soul-ring, it's an evolution process, like the moment we bumped into each other when we first met, but much stronger.

I use this opportunity to try meditate the technique the dragon-of-fate-and-destiny gave me, in West-city, as a wish I made to him (e.g. DBZ, Shenron, Diving-dragon), and shocked, not just by the fact that the cultivation of this technique advances much faster now, but from the amount of powers this technique can grant me.

'... It's so much more than wish granting ... Magic materialization, creating thing from thin-air... Flight. Healing. Deviation. Teleportation. Telepathy. Undo seals. Time-space-rift-creation. I can even drow-out dormant-power-potential from anyone... And in the future... wow... Granting eternal youth! Granting immortality!'.


By the time I open my eyes, it's already mid-day outside, and I notice that at least a day passed-by, yet not more than a week, and *teleport*.


"Yo" I call the girls when I arrive inside Yuena'-space, and begin sharing my 6th-sense, feeling it's stronger than ever, finding all the girls and signaling them to come over, as I enter inside the tree-house.

"Where have you been for the last days?" Raki question me, coming next to me, wearing a loose black-jacket over her black bikini, and I pull her to my lap, as I fall onto the sofa, kissing her, full of love, while passing her the memories, from Earth, to Soul-land adventure, and of course, Siege, plus the cultivation-session I went into.

*Fwoosh!* the girls materialize, going outside Infinity, and I first pull Siege to my lap, as Raki move aside, going to call the girls, tempting them to come quicker, with the information she got from me, as I fondle Siege body, kissing her lips.

'She's 5,000 years old, but already had absolute fire and absolute light, plus the power of destiny... And I think Iv'e got some effect on other'-creatures, which can make them cultivate much faster... I wonder if Yuena will sense it...' I think as I pass Siege the memories of what happened, plus the technique I cultivated, and she smirk, and move aside, as other girls come near me.

... After passing my memories to all the girls, finally, lastly, Yuena comes over, looking deep into my eyes, acting shyly, with an infuriated gaze smeared on her face, and I smile gently, opening my arms, and a second later, she jumps at me.

As her boobs squashed on my chest, I pass her the memories, and she just whispers "Dragon god...", so I ask "What?", confused by her reaction, and she tells me "This power... This third-eye... It came from the dragon-god bloodline... Three-eyed-golden-lions are decedents of the golden-dragons...".

"Yo, Siege, heard it? We're destined to marry" I laugh, and look over to Siege, seeing she's already mixing really well with the girls, and together with the other girls who're a soul-rings, it goes so smooth, I'm sinking into this blissful feeling, who always comes when I'm next to my wives.

Siege come over, as the girls push her to me, and she sits on Yuena'-lap, who sit on my lap, and I *chuckle*, saying "So you're actually family, right? That's... Sexy cool?", and laugh happily, hugging them tightly, and relax back on the sofa.

"So, a party?" Wu asks, sitting on the edge of the sofa, and I smile, hugging her to us as well, thinking 'I need bigger sofas...', and pull out a huge fluffy-cloud, which I got from Point-Nemo, my sky-island, in Red-line, thinking 'I better go visit there...'.

"WHOOOO" Perona jumps onto the fluffy-cloud, who's in the middle of the living-rooms, and the girls begin jumping in as well, as so am I, and soon, a party begins, even without planning, like it always happens when I'm near the girls.

Mia rolls over me, and I hug her close, hearing her whispering to me "I think you just opened a new path in cultivation... At least for me.. When I'm near you.. It's like.. MMmmmm...", she stop talking, and begin moaning, as my hands roam over her sensitive spots.

... 'I don't know if it's a one-man-harem, or a lesbians-sex-party' I laugh to myself, looking at girls making out everywhere, and shift my gears up, beginning to show them what's a man is, which no woman can give them, and obviously, and much more important, no other man as well.