
the originals : New guy

A guy dies and is reborn in the originals with no memories of who he was, except with just information on anime and novels he had read with a few perks. 

Fayez_Mudi · Ti vi
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21 Chs


It seems people [including me] down know what powers the mc has, so here it is if I miss any tell me in the comments :

Name : Alexis Mikealson

Nickname : Alexi


1] Mysterious Core - It regulates the absorbed energy from the victims he killed. It also absorbed energy from the surroundings and helps in casting magic. It makes the communication or connection of the magic in the world much easier thus his unique way of casting magic.

2] Limit breaker

3] Enhance/manipulate objects the way he wants.

That's about it so far.


P.S I will take a bit of time and organize my dream to continue writing my fantasy. I hope You don't sleep soundly from now on as you all embrace the dark side of the fiction wholeheartedly. May they encroach on your daily lives as it consumes you.

#Fuck reality........ for Darkside