
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · Ti vi
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33 Chs

Death Is Only The Beginning

(Tatia POV)

(Three Years Ago)

"So you're telling me that you knew the first woman with my face? And that she was your servant, before running off with your betrothed, the first man who had Erik's face? And that both Erik and I are descendants of them? But if they became immortal before having children, how could that be? And if doppelgangers come around every five hundred years... what happened to the first ones?"

I ask with my mind beginning to hurt from what Qetsiyah told me about the first immortals and their ultimate fate.

"Yes... I thought she was my best friend, the one person I could confide in, but I was wrong... And I never said direct descendants of them. Amara had two siblings with children of their own. One line stayed with the coven, while the other stayed in Greece. Both lines had the potential to produce a doppelganger of Amara. While Silas was like me, from a powerful family in our coven. With many different lines in his family. One of them settled in Italy, another in England, another stayed in Greece, and the last of them sailed across the sea, ending up in the homeland of Erik and his siblings. All with the potential to produce a doppelganger of Silas."

After a moment of silence, Qetsiyah continued.

"As far as the doppelgangers from five hundred years ago, they were exterminated... They were both from the lines that stayed in Greece, the last of their lines. Being the first doppelgangers... they were targeted by my old coven, who sought to use their blood and resurrect Marcos, the leader of the coven, even in death. The coven was hoping to find a way to break a curse that was placed on the whole coven. You see, they were cursed to never be able to have a home, anywhere they settled. The land itself would turn against them. After five hundred years they couldn't handle being a nomadic coven anymore. Thanks to my descendants they failed to complete their plans, but I did learn one thing that day, two things actually."

(3rd POV On The Other Side)

(At The Same Time As The Linking Of The Mikaelson Coven)

Tatia and Qetsiyah are watching as Erik, his sister Freya, and Harald begin their spell. Just as the clouds began to form in the sky, Qetsiyah grabbed Tatia's wrist. Before they disappeared from where they were, reappearing right in between the three. Qetsiyah bows her head while muttering a spell using Expression magic. That's perfectly overlapping and connecting itself to their chanting. Before linking Tatia's soul to the spell that the Mikaelson's are doing. When a bright light flashes, both Tatia and Qetsiyah disappear.

They reappear inside a giant cave with hundreds of people huddling inside. In the darkest part of the cave is a statue that both women are standing in front of and Qetsiyah begins to chant again

"Ohto Eestanay As Vazat Esvet Ohnaz Eespalit."

After the first time she said the words of the spell, more witches, both men and women, appeared all around the statue. They all had a glazed-over look in their eyes and began repeating the chant. The last time they say the words it is as if a legion of voices are whispering at once.

"Ohto Eestanay As Vazat Esvet Ohnaz Eespalit."

Tatia walks to the statue and grabs its wrist, just as the stone begins to crack, Tatia gasps for breath. After a moment of regaining her bearings, she holds both sides of the statue's head chanting.

"Jaryakata zem, daryet acza."

As her eyes turn black as obsidian. Seconds later the face of the statue falls away as the actual face of Amara is shown. When her eyes snap open they immediately turn black.

"Jaryakata zem, daryet acza"

When Tatia finished chanting, her body went limp. Only for Amara, with black eyes, to hold her up and bite into her neck. As thunder rumbled, shaking the whole cave, a whisper could barely be heard.


(Erik POV)

I wake up with a groan realizing that I am in mine and Juliette's room. Just then flashes of us completing the ritual flow through my mind. It wasn't supposed to be taxing enough to knock us out... I hear a muffled scream coming from Harald, breaking me from my thoughts.


I jump to my feet speeding to Harald's room and barging through the door. I see Harald curled up in a ball on the ground, as the veins of his forearms quickly turn a dark red. I pick him up just as his hands glow a bright red like mine do. He unconsciously begins siphoning away at my vampiric side. Slowly but quicker than I was comfortable with, I started to desiccate. I speed towards where I hear Freya in the main hall of the Longhouse.

When I get there my neck is beginning to turn grey, I see Freya talking to Lilly and Jack.

"Freya help me... We need to put him to sleep... Now."

Without hesitation, Freya, Lilly, and Jack jump to their feet and run over to me. Just as I lay Harald down we watch the red veins spread up his arms. I touch his forehead and begin muttering a sleeping spell as Lilly and Jack lightly hold him down. Freya, seeing Harald begin to siphon away the sleeping spell, muttered to herself before running back to her room to grab an elixir. When she came back to the main hall she gently coaxed Harald to drink it. Immediately he falls into unconsciousness.

"What the hell was that? He had magic. He wasn't a siphoner. What the hell happened TO MY SON?"

I ask no one in particular, as I pace the room, keeping my eyes on Harald's sleeping body, just as Magnus comes into the hall.

"I don't know brother. I never knew of a siphoner before I met you. I don't have a single clue on how you even became one. But he was definitely a regular witch... It's as if something tried to strip him of his magic. Only for him to desperately and instinctively unlock the ability."

Freya guesses. I stare at her forcing myself not to roar at her for not having an actual answer to what happened. Before I take a breath and look at Harald's body saying in a deadly calm voice.

"Then we are going to need answers. I'm going to need your help sister... We have rituals to complete."

(Hours Later)

I am standing next to Freya, in one of the back rooms, in front of a small circle of salt, soaked in mine and Freya's blood. Freya and I just finished muttering an Astral Summoning Spell.

Inside the circle of blood-soaked salt, is a silver necklace with a small pendant of a sphere that has detailed vines wrapping around the sphere and a small crystal on the front.

After a few minutes of nothing, someone appears inside the circle. My mother, Esther wearing the same dress she died in, but in pristine condition. Around her neck is the necklace, her Talisman.

Freya glares at Esther, while I have a complicated look. Seeing my time as a child, with her raising me, teaching me magic. Mixing with the woman I know she became after the death of Henrik. The final image that flashes through my mind is the shriveled body of Tatia, which was completely drained of her blood.

"Mother, we... I have a problem, and if you help me with this. I will complete what you planned before you died."

I say while holding up her Grimoire opened to a page detailing one of her most powerful spells, that she created before her death.

(Six Months Later)

I am standing in the center of the sacred grounds that Dahlia's death caused. Which has been cleared of the fallen trees, and become a clearing in the middle of the woods. Holding my left hand is Harald, looking healthy, on the wrist of his hand that I am holding is a bracelet with a wolf's head pendant. The eyes of the wolf are two different stones one is an emerald and the other is a kyanite stone. It is his Talisman and when he unlocks his wolf side it will also be his Moonlight bracelet. His left hand is holding Freya's hand and her other hand is holding an urn with the Mikaelson clan crest on it. In front of us is a stone casket, like the ones you find in a crypt, surrounded by a circle of salt. Inside the casket is the black paragon diamond. Just then Esther appears on the other side of the casket, still wearing her Talisman. She nods at me before I begin to chant.

"La cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie. De la cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie."

The paragon diamond cracks just as Freya pours the ashes from the urn into the casket while perfectly joining the chant.

"La cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie. De la cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie."

Harald is unable to perfectly chant along with us so he channels his Talisman while linking his power to both Freya and me as his hands dimly glow red.

"La cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie. De la cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie."

Freya and I continue to chant as the paragon diamond shatters like glass, releasing the Nexus Vorti. Which turns into a black liquid mixed with the ashes.

"From ash to bone, from bone to flesh, from flesh to life."

The black liquid solidifies into a hard black substance. A few minutes later a hand punched through it and I said, while raising my hand towards my mother.

"A deal is a deal, thank you, Mother."

Before telekinetically pulling the necklace towards me forcing her to instantly disappear. When it is in my hand I siphon the Astral Summoning Spell, before looking towards the casket and helping free the person. Until I saw a young face and said while smirking.

"Welcome back baby brother."

If you liked this chapter, leave me a Power Stone. Have a nice day.

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