
The Origin Emperor

Shen Shikong, on the moment of his glorious success, was betrayed and killed. But mysteriously, he was transmigrated to another world and he finds himself in a weak youngster’s body. Along with his transmigration, he found an item he got form his father when he was a kid also came along with him. He found it was actually a gaming like system, that helps him cultivate to become strong. This is the story of how a weak young boy grows into the Ruler of the Origin, against all odds. -------------------------------------------------- Release rate - 2 chapters/day

LordofEnding · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 79 – Ruthless

Zhu Xuan spent the whole day killing various puppets below Qi gathering late stage as he moved deep into the plane while avoiding the other candidates and higher cultivation puppets and he already got more than 105 points.

His few months training experience in Snowcape Demon Mountain helped him avoid them as long as he is careful enough since this plane is also had forest mostly. And this experience also gave him a feeling that he is been observed by someone but he is unable to find anyone nearby.

Currently, it was the dawn of the next morning in the plane and he is fighting two puppets near a clearing and a water pond, one with Qi gathering mid stage and another with Qi gathering initial stage.

He found the Qi gathering mid stage puppet near the pond and started fighting with it, but there was a Qi gathering initial stage puppet nearby and also came to attack him after hearing the sound of battle. He already looks exhausted and sweating while fighting the puppets for quite a while. After few minutes of fighting, he successfully killed them and sat down exhausted heavily breathing.

But suddenly numerous shadows came out of the forest and surrounded him. He saw there are more than ten candidates surrounding him with weapons on their hands. One of the guy, who is the only one among the group with Qi gathering middle stage, came out in the front and said with a mocking tone "Didn't expect this did you? This is what you get for offending senior Zhu Lang."

He didn't bother waiting for Zhu Xuan's reaction and turned towards the people surrounding Zhu Xuan and shouted "Everyone beat him up and ruin his elemental roots like Senior Zhu Lang asked us and we will be heavily rewarded."

He turned to look back at Zhu Xuan to find him in front of him hitting his chest with a fire palm. He flew back in confusion of how he was attacked, while the others who surrounded Zhu Xuan saw how he attacked by forming a fire Qi in the foot of his legs and moved with incredible speed without any disturbance to the atmosphere.

Zhu Xuan expected someone attacking ever since he saw Meng Haoran and Zhu Lang observing him when he entered the plane. It only increased his vigilance when he felt someone observing him so when the second puppet also attacked he figured it would be a chance to attract the enemies who is observing him.

So he acted exhausted while fighting them and just as he expected they revealed themselves to attack him.

The rest of the group didn't expect Zhu Xuan to be so powerful and immediately moved to attack him as a group, but his movement was incredibly fast and reached the one at Qi gathering mid stage he attacked earlier.

Zhu Xuan lifted him up by holding his neck and everyone who joined together stopped their attacks seeing it. He spoke in a sarcastic tone "Didn't Meng Haoran tell you about me? Even he… is really an idiot."

He was about to say Even Meng Haoran and his teammates suffered defeat because of me. But he felt the same feeling he experienced since the day before of being observed from behind him.

Everyone on the group was in front of him together so the person who is behind him must be stronger than them. So he changed his sentence in the last moment, because he believed the person who is hiding in the dark didn't know the reason behind the defeat of Meng Haoran's team is him yet and if he said it out loud the person will become more vigilant.

The person who is been lifted struggled and said in a weak voice "Young master, please forgive me. It was my mistake to come after you."

Zhu Xuan got back from his thought and looked at the man. He didn't say anything and put his hand in the person's abdomen and the fire essence moved inside his body like a needle and started burning his elemental root.

He started screaming while twitching; Zhu Xuan let go of him and they guy fell down while spewing lots of blood. His eyes become crazy and moved his fist against Zhu Xuan while howling like a mad man and with a casual flick with his leg; Zhu Xuan sent the other flying.

He fell down right before the rest of the group coughing up lots of blood and screamed at Zhu Xuan "You are ruthless, how could you destroy my elemental roots?"

Everyone who heard were frightened and remembered the person's earlier words to destroy Zhu Xuan's elemental root but he got his elemental root ruined in the end. The freakiest thing is no one could understand how Zhu Xuan destroyed his elemental root.

"Anyone else wants to ruin my elemental roots?" Zhu Xuan looked at them and asked in a flat tone. But they felt like the devil was looking at them and stepped back in fear.

"If not then get lost". Everyone had a complicated look on their face and moved away while the one who lost his elemental root shouting at him crazily "You can't escape just because you are strong. There are lots of people looking for you. You will also lose your elemental roots you bastard."

Zhu Xuan appeared before him in a second and slapped him hard. His tooth flew out and he fainted directly.

Zhu Xuan didn't bother and left the place directly.

He is using the same movement technique he used earlier, to move fast towards a clearing he found earlier few kilometers away from his place.

This movement technique is called Fire Cloud steps and the palm attack technique is Thousand Imprints, which Zhu Xuan learned from the jade card of Jinghua grandmaster.

Fire Cloud steps forms a fire Qi to counteract the gravity and make his body light, and when he moves it will makes his feel like he moving among clouds with swift and silent movements.

Whereas Thousand Imprints is an incomplete technique which will form layers and layers of palm made of Fire Qi superimposed and the final attack will be concentrated with more power and reduce opponent's defense.

He learnt this because knew he can't use his multiple style attacks using fire Qi, since there will be someone who will be able to recognize it. So he learnt these two Fire elemental techniques from the techniques he got from Jinghua grandmaster.

After travelling for a while, he reached the edge of the forest near the clearing and stopped right there. He turned around in the direction he felt the gaze while moving and spoke calmly "You have been following me for a day now and I think it's time you come out to meet me."

There was no response and Zhu Xuan felt the gaze disappear and he wondered if the other person left. Minutes passed while Zhu Xuan still looking at the same direction where he felt the gaze earlier.

Suddenly a voice came right beside him that startled him "Interesting, you have lots of experience and able to feel my gaze, observing you all this time."

Zhu Xuan immediately used his movement technique to gain distance and turned around to see a person who is fully covered in black expect his eyes standing in the same place he was there a moment ago and the person reminded Zhu Xuan of assassins in the games he played while in Earth.

He calmed himself down while closely observing the person in front of him realizing this is going to be a hard fight.