
Help Her

"So the men and woman consumed by the waters and are brought back are Drowner." The Golden eyed girl stated, unable to hide the vibrant glow upon her cheeks.

"Correct," Clara joyfully said, stroking the girl's silver hair. "and they are usually found in groups praying on the unsuspecting by large bodies of water.

"That is enough, Clara." Kerr impatiently shouted, clenching his blade, "We are in the middle of the Hollow Marshes. Explain to the little brat once we are out of this damn hell whole."

"It's Aurelia, not brat," The young girl barked, glaring at the man griping his broken sword with three fingers.

Not bothering to reply, Kerr slowly came to a halt peering into a large swampy marsh flowing by. Waving his arm, Clara fell back into the trees with Aurelia by her side, "remain hidden. We will follow behind from here on out. Remember, bodies of water mean Drowners."

Holding her breath, Leif raised his bastard sword. Suddenly with a flick to his blade, a high pitch hum echoed out. Shooting Kerr a glance, the duo nodded towards one another, continuing on by foot, continually flicking their blades, releasing hums throughout the marsh.

"See anything?" whispered Kerr gripping his broken sword.

"No, but be on guard. These bastards love to sleep under the mud," Leif stated when all of a sudden, a sense the air grew tense at the slight bubbles of air floating to the top of the murky swamp.


Pushing out the swamps, a grotesque monster with fin-like claws appeared, its skin wrinkled and brown. However, a vague image of a human face could be seen as its shark-like teeth flashed. Tearing out of the swamp, over twenty Drowners appeared charging towards the duo.

"Fall back! There are too many!" Leif screamed, "Clara, pick 'em off now!"

Releasing five arrows, Clara paled, watching her arrow pierce through the head of one Drowner. However, the other four were quick dodge with exquisite ease. Their fishlike eyes gleamed with hunger.

Pulling from her quiver at an impeccable rate, Aurelia watched in amazement. At the quick ease of the arrows piercing through the sky. Not willing to be outdone, the young mage lifted her staff, pointing towards her target.


piercing through the air like a crimson arrow, a defining blast echoed out as the head of a downer exploded. Showering the ground with brain matter. Coming to a quick halt, the Drowner turned in the direction of Aurelia.

Knowing her position was compromised, Aurelia shot out of the tree a few meters behind the downers while Kerr and Leif stood a few meters away in front of the monsters gripping their swords. Dripping with perspiration, a single arrow shot through the air.

Covering her body with Arcana, Aurelia flew with the arrow released by Clara. With her featherfoot active, Aurelia arrived the moment Clara's arrow pierced the Drowners skull. Slashing out with her arm, the air tore apart, severing three monsters into pieces.

Turning their blades towards her, a giant forcefield suddenly echoed out as Aurelia didn't even bother to move or defend. Using Force Blast as a defense spell, all the Drowners clawing at her tiny body was blasted away.

Hearing the breaking of bones, Keir and Leif tore into the Drowners as many tried to pick their damaged bodies off the ground, only to have their heads severed in a matter of seconds.

"Amazing, your magic is truly powerful!" Lief shouted in envy, bending over as he began ripping the fangs and claws from the Drowners. " Who taught you?"

"Dumb-Dumb taught Aurelia a week ago." Said Aurelia scrunching her brow in confusion, watching Lief and Kerr." What are you doing?"

Snorting, Kerr arose with a fiery expression, "Unlike you girl, we need to survive. Do you think weapons are cheap? Look at my blade. Half of it is missing. Why do you think I walk around with such a tattered weapon!"

"Kerr, that's enough!" said Lief placing his arm upon Kerr's shoulder.

Slapping it away, he cursed, "To hell with you, Lief. It's not your fingers that are missing."

Shooting the petrified Aurelia a vicious stare, Kerr spat upon the corpses, walking off in a puff of rage.

"I... Forgive him, Aurelia." Said Lief softly, noticing the misty eyes of the young girl. "you must understand, life outside your castle is hard. We battle every day to eat. Every day we risk our lives. So please forgive him!"

Wrapping her arms around Aurelia, Clara patted her head, "it's fine, let's just go collect Ravens Glass, Ok? The faster we leave this place, the better."

Wiping the tears away, Aurelia nodded, sending a particular glance towards Kerr, looking down at his missing fingers. Clenching his fist, he turned, meeting the gaze of the golden-eyed girl. Lowering her head in a panic, Aurelia bit her lips.

Noticing the small interaction, Lief did not voice his opinion, merely leaving it be as he cleaned the battlefield. He was not there to make friends with the young mage, only collect the reward for bringing her in. However, there was an icy blackness festering within his heart as he turned to Kerr.

Beckoning with his palm Kerr drew a little close. Clenching his shoulder, Lief spoke in a hushed tone, "If you dare to talk to her like that, I will kill you. She is connected to a duke. Get yourself killed but do not take us down with you. Know your place, Kerr. You lost your fingers, not your fucking mind."

Clenching his grip around his shoulder, Kerr's eyes widened in fear as he saw the ruthless expression of his friend. Clenching his teeth, he bitterly nodded, "it... it will not happen again. I promise."

"Good, my man!" said Lief with a warm smile, patting his shoulder like one would a friend walking away as nothing happened.

Capturing everything with his sterling eyes, Zireael showed no form of concern, merely laying lazily upon a cloud.

"Truly, you might be the worst teacher ever." The voice of The Master echoed throughout the depts of the clouds.

"You really have nothing to do. That must be it," Said Zireael turning towards the setting sun within the distance. "What can I do for you, master?"

With a sigh echoing, The Master's ethereal words resounded once more, "Help her, Zireael. Not every session needs to be a bloody one. Her future is built upon the present; if you show her, such cruelty would essentially create a monster that not even you can trust."

"Trust, huh." Whispered the young lord.

"Alos, the world you live on, not that you asked, is a large world filled with monsters that will require the both of you to fend off. Right now, you only have the level of Arcana of a master. Compared to what you were, it's pathetic."

"Please, I do not absorb the Qi of Heaven and Earth. My soul creates power for me. It's a lot slower than stealing Arcana, but It's an infinite supply that requires time. Why do think I remain upon this world!?" Zireael barked, glaring towards the setting star within the heavens, Belmooth.

(A/N: Figured I'd give the sun a name.)

"Do not raise your voice towards me, boy." The master commanded a hint of authority within his tone, "I do not question your decision to renounce the ways of the Heavens, but rather I want you to help yourself by helping her. You have entered a path seen by none, and you need to test your metal. Your skills are so advance that your current body cannot handle them. Why not grow alongside that bun? Why not actually start creating something based upon the Silver Arcana you use?"

"You need not train her, for I can handle that, but why not give her the experience. Travel side by side with her. Gain familiarity with her. You but a child when you fell and remain as such."

Hiding his expression within the shadows of his hair, the ethereal voice of the master fell silent upon the Realm of Alos fading away like a hazy dream.

"Y-y-you are correct," Zireael bitterly muttered, gazing upon the little girl with golden mage looking back and forth for enemies. " Guide her but do not limit her. I shall listen, master."

Lifting his head, the silver hair upon the young lord began to shift from a silver color into a wildfire flame pigment when a dark leather jerkin appeared over his snow-white tunic. While a dark set of Breeches appeared, giving him the appearance of a rather well-set Noble Warrior.