
Beast Battle • 3


A bright silver blast of light filled the battle square, exploding from Sylver's chest to every corner, blinding even Melina but especially her Beast Companion.

The light disoriented the Nightpanther, causing the Umbra Strike it had summoned to strike the mere ground, leaving behind a crater.

Even if the projectile had hit Sylver, the damage would have been much less, because the bright light had reduced so much of the shadow gathered to create the Ability in the first place.

When the lights dissipated, Sylver was nowhere to be seen. He did not keep everyone searching for long, because — following his master's orders — he reappeared moments later, leaping toward the Nightpanther with his fangs bared.

"Luminous Fang!" Aeric commanded.

Sylver's jaws glowed with radiant energy as he drew closer.

"Dark Shield!" Melina cried.