


???: You think you are worth to be here? Huh? ANSWER ME!!!

I stayed silent. Tears start to well up in the corner of my eyes. My eyes were planted on the floor.

???: You don't belong here! You know that already. You can't even do anything properly, can you??

???(2): I told you, she is not worthy to be here, I warned you son didn't I? I told you will regret loving her. She is not up to your standards.

Please don't agree with her. Please.

???: You're right mum, she is not worthy. I can't believe I dated you.

You bastard.

???: By the way you are fired and we are over.

You bastard.

My eyes were blurry as they were covered in my own tears. I simply looked up straight into my lovers' eyes. A classic tear escaped from my eyes.

I said: Thanks for your honesty, I appreciate it.

A faint smile appeared on my face.

'You will regret this...'

I said and walked away from the scene, wishing I didn't exist.


Arghhhhhh. WHO is disturbing my fucking sleep?!!

I yanked my hand from underneath my bedsheet covers and searched for my phone, which I presumed it will be on the bedside table.

I finally fetched it and placed into my ear after pressing the answer button and not even attempting a look at the caller ID.

???: Hello~Who is it?

??? (2): Son~ wake up!

???: Eomma? what is it?~

Mom: Son~ did you forget? The meeting your father is going to announce you as the next heir as to Lord's Law limited.

Son: OMG!!! am I late?

Checks the time, dang it...Aisshhhh it's 9.30. I need to be there at 10!!!

Fuck my life!

Son: I'm gonna hang up now mum... I will see you there.

After hanging up, I rush out of my bed looking like a maniac, trying to organise my life together.

In the process of having a little amount of time, I still managed to look handsome in the attire I just found a couple of minutes ago and along the side of cleaning my self.

Feeling more attracted to myself more and more, I look at the time again and rush out thinking this is not the time to be so obsessed with your self.

I found my car key and headed out of the door and drove all the way to the Lord's Law.


I reached in about ten minutes or so, as it was quite close to my house.

I parked my car and headed to the entrance, while several employees greeted my presence as the 'New Heir To The Throne' or just mesmerized by my amazing beauty, which appealed especially to the ladies.

I bowed and give the ladies a smile to brighten their moods for the rest of the day ahead.

I reached my Fathers office, stood there for a minute to neaten myself up and checking my breath. All good.

I took a deep breath and knocked precisely three times and waited for a signal for my entrance.

???: Come in.

That deeps voice always at all times send shivers through my spine.

I opened the door and there revealed my father sitting in his chair and reading some papers.

I always admired his determination for working hard throughout the years and I still do.

To describe my father, it would be like a devoted workaholic, caring and loving husband to his wife and a strict but filled with kindness to his children. Of course, a respectable Lawyer in the industry of Law, admired by his works by many, Mr Jeon, my father.

As I stood beside his table and cleared my throat to get his undivided attention from his work. He swiftly looked up and a smile was plastered on his face.

I smiled and bowed and said: Hello Father.

Mr Jeon: Hello, my son. Are you ready?

Son: Yes, father I'm ready.

With that, he stood up from his chair and guided me to the meeting room to introduce me as the next heir to the throne.

There were many people in the audience seated around the oval-shaped table, including my mother.

My mother, in comparison to my father, she treats me with extra love any other son could have as well to my older brother, who is in the US, preparing to be a doctor and I believe he is in his final year of training.

I will tell you more about him later. Anyway, back to my mother, she is sweet and caring for her children, but she can be possessive sometimes and she will try the ultimate best to ruin any relationships I will ever have if it doesn't meet her standards. There were cases that happened many times, where I had to break up with a girl if it doesn't suit my mothers taste. But there is one girl in particular that my mind wonders to after my break up with her, I was in the bliss of the influence of my mother. I wonder how and where she is. My mother always told me that it was for the best.

My Father doesn't know this side of her. I guess she can be blinded by her ignorant bliss of possessiveness.

In the reality of having these thoughts, I was standing in front of these people next to my father and he was middle of explaining why there this meeting being held.

The time has finally come as my father stated:

Let me introduce the next CEO of the Lord's Law Limited, my son, Jeon Jungkook.