
The Online Shop Master

Since his youth, Allen Star, a dedicated Sales Associate, finds his world shattered when AI abruptly replaces him due to technological advancements. Struggling with the sudden loss of his identity and purpose, Allen falls into a deep depression, which tragically leads to his untimely death. But Allen's story doesn't end there. In a twist of fate, he finds himself reincarnated into a fantastical world teeming with mythical beasts and powerful beings. Armed with his unique set of skills acquired from years of salesmanship and his unwavering determination, Allen sets out to carve a new path for himself in this magical realm. With the help of his online shop, a relic from his previous life that somehow transcended into the magical world, Allen embarks on a journey of survival and self-discovery. Leveraging his expertise in selling items and crafting compelling product descriptions, Allen begins to navigate the complexities of this unfamiliar world. But it won't be easy. Allen must contend with ferocious creatures, formidable adversaries, and ancient mysteries lurking in the shadows. Along the way, he forms unlikely alliances, hones his newfound magical abilities, and discovers the true extent of his potential. As Allen adapts to his new surroundings and embraces his role as a merchant in the magical realm, he soon realizes that his salesmanship skills are more than just a means of survival—they're the key to unlocking his destiny and reshaping the world around him. Join Allen on an epic adventure filled with danger, intrigue, and the transformative power of resilience as he embarks on a quest to thrive in a world where the only currency that matters is the strength of one's spirit.

Cromein · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Allen's heart raced as he stumbled into the surreal landscape that greeted him. Towering trees loomed overhead, casting ominous shadows that danced in the flickering light. The air crackled with arcane energy, sending shivers down his spine. It was as if he had stepped into a realm torn from the pages of a fantastical epic.

Lost in a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief, Allen's thoughts raced back to his former life—a life spent navigating the cutthroat world of salesmanship. But now, standing on unfamiliar ground, he realized that everything he had known had been swept away like dust in the wind.

"Dude, seriously? Did I just warp into a D&D campaign or something?" Allen muttered to himself, eyeing the strange surroundings with a mix of awe and incredulity. "I hope I've got some epic powers like those manga and novel protagonists. Open system! Open sesame! Open status!"

He waved his arms dramatically, expecting a burst of magical energy or at least a cool interface to appear before him. But to his disappointment, nothing happened. "Well, that was anticlimactic," he grumbled, scratching his head in frustration.

Just then, his hand brushed against something familiar in his pocket—the reassuring shape of his smartphone. With a mixture of hope and skepticism, Allen pulled it out and unlocked the screen, half-expecting to see an error message or a battery drained to oblivion.

To his surprise, however, the screen lit up with a single app—his online shop. "Oh, thank the tech gods for small miracles," he exclaimed, relief washing over him as he realized he still had some connection to his past life.

With newfound determination, Allen set off into the unknown, his smartphone in hand and a quip on his lips. "Well, at least I've got internet access in this mystical realm. Maybe I can finally catch up on my fantasy Netflix queue while I figure out what the heck is going on."

His musings were interrupted by the sight of a traveling merchant named Mike, who looked like he'd just stepped out of a Renaissance fair. "Hey there! Name's Allen Star. Mind telling me where the nearest town is? I seem to have taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque," Allen quipped, flashing a lopsided grin.

Mike chuckled, shaking his head at Allen's jest. "Eskarn Town, friend. Kingdom of Allersia. You're in for a wild ride if you're tagging along with me," he replied, offering Allen a spot on his cart.

Allen's eyes widened with curiosity as he climbed aboard. "So, Mike, what brings you to these neck of the woods?" he asked, eager for conversation to distract him from the strangeness of his situation.

Mike chuckled, adjusting the reins as the cart rumbled forward. "Ah, just your typical merchant's errands—buy low, sell high, and pray you don't run into any bandits along the way," he quipped, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

As they journeyed together, Allen couldn't help but notice the eclectic mix of characters they encountered along the way—merchants with more goods than sense, travelers with tales as tall as the trees, and the occasional mystical creature lurking in the shadows.

"So, Allen, what's your story? You don't strike me as your average traveler," Mike remarked, casting a sidelong glance at Allen.

Allen chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well, you could say I'm in between careers at the moment. Used to be a Sales Associate back in the day, but I guess you could say I got... downsized," he replied, his tone tinged with bitterness.

Mike nodded sympathetically, his gaze lingering on Allen with newfound respect. "Well, my friend, you've got a lot more adventure ahead of you than you realize. Who knows? Maybe this little detour will lead you to your next big opportunity," he said, a hint of optimism in his voice.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of three burly mercenaries, their armor gleaming in the sunlight as they approached the cart. "Boss, we've got company," the first one grunted, his voice gruff and commanding.

Mike nodded, acknowledging the mercenaries with a curt nod. "Gentlemen, meet Allen. He's joining us on our journey to Eskarn Town," he introduced, gesturing towards Allen.

The mercenaries eyed Allen with suspicion, their expressions unreadable behind their helmets. "Welcome aboard, stranger. Names Grant," the first one said, his voice gruff but not unkind.

"I'm Joe," the second one chimed in, offering a nod of acknowledgment.

"And I'm Max," the third one said, his voice quieter than the others but no less intimidating.

Allen offered a hesitant smile, suddenly feeling outnumbered and out of place. "Nice to meet you all. So, uh, what's the deal with the whole 'escort guild' thing?" he asked, hoping to break the tension with some casual conversation.

Grant chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with his comrades. "Let's just say, traveling these roads without a bit of muscle to back you up is a surefire way to wind up in a ditch somewhere," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact.

Allen nodded, realizing the wisdom in their caution. "Got it. Well, glad to have you guys watching my back," he said, offering a grateful smile.

Night fell as they reached the gates of Eskarn Town, where a burly guard eyed Allen with suspicion. "Who's this joker?" the guard grunted, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

"Easy there, big guy. Name's Allen. Got robbed by bandits, so I'm a bit light on belongings at the moment," Allen quipped, flashing his most winning smile.

The guard raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by Allen's charm. "Uh-huh. And I'm the king of Allersia. Place your hand on the crystal, buddy. Let's see if you're as innocent as you claim," he retorted, gesturing toward a glowing crystal beside the gate.

Allen shrugged, complying with the guard's request as he braced himself for whatever arcane test lay ahead. As the crystal emitted a soft white light, confirming Allen's innocence, the guard grunted in acknowledgment, handing him a blank iron plate for a new Entry ID.

"Looks like the joke's on you, big guy," Allen quipped, his grin widening as he strolled through the gate into the bustling town beyond.