The last of the Espingtonians made it down into the Hangar safely. Claris Reeder ─ along with her team: Serenity, Navazio, and Chrissy ─ escorted the residents to their respective campsites underground. There, other Hangar Guard assisted Claris and her unit as family and friends reunited. Navazio ended up staying above in the North Espington Square to guard the entrance of the Hangar.
Rauen and Sehgal ─ once Eagles on the Espington Ruckus team ─ stood at the front of the parked tram as it idled in the North Espington Station. The two newly-titled Tram Guard listened to the underground cheers and applause as both Cities got to finally rejoice. The Hangar doors slammed shut, sealing all noise from down below. Navazio, and many other Guard in the Square, kept watching as the North Espington Wall Guard eyed the Pines.