
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

My Own Masterpiece (I)

Late Evening

The library, which was full of books, was a favorite place for those who enjoyed reading or wanted to learn everything.

In the library near the window that shows the bright moon out there, far from the atmosphere of blue earth, there is a witch with a new type of book in her hand that appears to be different from the one she read the night before.

The moonlight that shone on her face and part of her body enhanced her beauty, and it can easily capture someone.

Despite the warm tea she made yesterday to get her through the night, there is a glass of wine and a new wine bottle that she has just opened on the small table next to her.

There was no sound inside the library except for the sound of her flipping a paper book and reading the words until the end of the page.

Despite being a nympho, she could not stop thinking about Kaito and wanted to throw herself into his embrace and serve him with her entire being.

She still had a good habit and needed it as a witch who enjoyed storing knowledge in her brain.

*Creak* *Open* *Closed*

"Hmm?" Her attention is distracted from the book, where her head looks at the source of the sound.

"...Hmmm? Oh, there is Miss Witch in this library."

Narrus walked closer to Dinelynd and sat in the opposite chair.

"Hey there, it's quite unusual for the sword maiden to be in the library, especially at this hour." She greets her and closes the book in her hand before placing it on the table.

Both of them smiled at each other, and the way they addressed each other was distant, which was natural given that their relationship was only an acquaintance.

"So, what's brought you here?" Dinelynd tried to break the ice between them.

"Nothing; I tried to find a book that piqued my interest and would help me pass the time while my husband indulged in our princess's extensive private session training." She smiled faintly while looking at the moon beyond the glass window.

"Eh??? Ahh, that's what you mean." For a sec, Dinelynd was confused, but instantly she understood the meaning of her word.

She chuckles secretly as she praises her dream man for capturing all of the kingdom's beautiful and important women.

"Is it not natural for Princess to eventually become a docile girl who falls in love with a man of his stature?" She attempted to grab her glass of wine and shake it gently in a circular motion before taking a sip with those juicy lips of hers.

"I cannot help but want to throw myself at him because he meets all of my criteria for a dream man. Where one of them is, he can make a woman like me completely submissive."

She grinned at her opposite, who remained silent and raised her brow.

"You are a dangerous and lucky woman to get his attention and be his woman, I believe." Dinelynd sighs faintly before taking a sip of her wine.


Narrus smiles faintly before taking a gulp of wine straight from the bottle.

"Hey!" Dinelynd barks, unable to believe that the woman in front of her can just chug those wines into her stomach like that.

"Fuu... It's hit the spot; don't mind, little thing, as this wine was not your own after all, right?" This time, she was the one who grinned.

"Unbelievable..." Dinelynd shook her head before getting busy with her own wine.

That night, two strangers who had never spoken or met before became closer over a bottle of wine.


Training Room

Despite the fact that Almia was horny as hell, her nose was sniffing an endless amount of aphrodisiac effect from the scent of his sperm, which scattered and sickened her in every direction in the queen's home.

Kaito grabs her and holds her in a princess hug as she enters the training room. This irritated Almia to the point where that girl bit his neck as hard as she could, intending to make him bleed and leave a scar.

It was futile for Kaito to deactivate his limitless to let her bite him. His skin was too hard for teeth to penetrate.

Knowing this irritated Almia, who pouted and glared at the man.

Both of them were now standing at each other with swords in their hands, which gave them a sense of dejavu because they had sparred just a few hours before.

No, it is not a fucking sparring match in which one side attacks the other while the other side defends and does not dare to launch a counterattack because it could accidentally kill her due to the large margin of their strength in all aspects.

Almia, who was in a horny state, quickly became normal and reached her peak condition with <Absolute Restoration>.

"Listen, from now on. You will be my masterpiece, where I will train you, molding your whole existence to be a madness tyranity queen like what you desire."

Almia nodded, hearing it.

"First, you tried to attack me with full power in one strike."

Without responding, Almia quickly gathered her strength in her leg and arm before dashing and launching a full-power swing attack at Kaito.


The sound of steel swords colliding echoed throughout the training room.

"Good, then try to attack me in five consecutive attacks with the same strength."

Almia nodded before carrying out Kaito's order perfectly.

"Nice, then keep attacking me as much as you can." Remember that there should be no delay between attacks, and the amount of power used must be consistent. But before that, give me your sword first."

Almia simply handed Kaito the sword and was curious as to what he intended to do with it.

In the next second, her pupil expanded, and he saw those steel swords being coated by a dark aura, transforming them into a black sword similar to what Narrus had.

She then quickly grabbed the handle of the sword that had been thrown suddenly by Kaito.

With just a glance and the feel of her hand gripping the sword's handle, she realized it was unbelievably sharp, sharper than the artifact from her predecessor that was imbued with the wind element.

At the same time, its durability defied description, giving the impression that the sword would be impossible to break no matter what she did to it.

"Hmmm? What the... It's so light as if it were a feather!"

When she tried to swing the sword, she was astounded to discover that it had no weight. Also, the sound of slicing through the air was pleasing to her ears.

The girl's questioning expression caused Kaito to smile and open his mouth to explain things to her.

"This was an ability that I learned to make any type of weapon into the deadliest weapon in the world."

Kaito toned it down for the time being, as he plans to introduce his woman to a world other than their own, as well as all kinds of otherworldly knowledge, after he visits the human kingdom.

He then explains how <Armament Haki> works with the sword.

Hearing it opened Almia's eyes, and she was amazed to see such a convenient ability that could reduce the cost of weapon maintenance. Hell, it can even transform an ordinary steel sword into a deadly black sword like what they grip right now.

"Let us begin what I have instructed you to do: launch consecutive attacks with full power and no break or delay between each attack."

Almia nodded and dashed without saying anything, believing Kaito would always be able to see all of her pattern attacks, even if she tried to launch a hidden attack at him.

At first glance, she realizes Kaito lacks sword skills and defends himself with stiff and awkward movements.

She also noticed that his galaxy eyes, which had captivated her attention, must have given him a perfect vision, or perhaps even a broken vision, allowing him to see his surroundings at 360°.

The sound of the sword colliding was so powerful that it made the entire training room tremble; this difference made Almia tremble with excitement as she opened a Pandora box and entered a whole new realm.

Hours later, Almia falls on her knee, having reached her limit. Her nightgown was drenched with sweat, and her entire body trembled from exhaustion.

"How is it? You must have noticed that your sword skill has increased at a rapid pace, while you can still control your entire strength and squee all of the fibers of your muscle to launch all those swing attacks without pausing."

Kaito, whose entire existence is already distinct from Almia, simply stands there, playfully swinging the black sword in his hand.

Almia, whose stamina had been drained to the last drop, could only nod weakly as Kaito explained that she could feel her sword skill increase at a rapid pace and reach a new level.

If it can be described using a power scale, such as FGO Tier skill.

Her sword skill was previously at B Tier, but with this type of training, it has improved to B+ Tier and will reach the wall before it can reach A Tier.

Her raw strength control, which was previously C+ Tier, has nearly reached B+ Tier.

Her stamina and agility, which were previously C Tier, had been improved to B Tier.

Overall, her physique was now classified as B Tier.

"Good, then we will go to the next session." Almia, whose vision had become hazy due to a lack of oxygen in her brain, trembled in fear as if she had just seen a true devil who smiled sweetly at her as if she were the most delicious meat on the planet!

To be continued


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See you in next chapter~