
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Through heaven and earth i alone am honored (III)

A/N: From now on, my fiction format will be like this:.

"..." — Dialogue

'...' — Inner dialogue (In third-person perspective)

<... > — Name of skill, ability, etc.

[...] — System 

(...) — Luna voice

|....| — Message

That's all. Sorry for the inconvenience.

= = = = = =

Kaito perspective

It's a mess right now.

Where I can see those wood monsters, they have infinitely come out of the huge diamond, looking like they are deep buried inside the center of 'Silent Forest'. Because of the <Six Eyes> that have been modified to my liking, I know what it looks like and where it is.

I can easily teleport and erase that diamond from this world, but what fun is that?

I know that something sick happened to my mind, mentality, and personality, and this is because of Luna's influence.

4 years for 4 days, I trapped myself in that training dimension to honest myself to be what I look like right now. 

(This motherfucker slanders me because you suddenly developed sycopathic tendencies. Whereas he was the one who set himself up to be that way!)

(Oi sick maniac, I had a video of you laughing histerically while torturing some higher class demon, wuahhhh, I could feel my body shivering like crazy seeing that expression of yours at the time.)

(The way you laugh histically like a true maniac sycho 100% loo like that snake man in blazblue franchise)

(What was that man's name again? Ha-hazama? Yeah I think that's the name of that man.)


Shit, this woman really knows how to counter my slander while giving me a horrible mental attack.

(Heh. You're too young to debate with me, baby snake-chan~)

"Yeah-yeah, whatever you said, babe."

Me and Luna now look like an eternal enemy that always debates whenever we can.

Those 4 years, there's no time where that woman doesn't give me a horrible mental attack with that poisonous mouth of hers.

I am already invincible thanks to the mental attack she gave me.

My gaze right now can't be separated from the figure of Narrus, who so elegantly cuts down all the monsters in front of her eyes. 

She mastered the battlefield with the black sword I gave her, raising the morale of the soldiers surrounding her.

"Look, Luna, that's my girl below there." 

I cannot help but show off my girl to that sick woman.

(I wasn't blind, you shit; that woman was worth being your first wife anyway. But that girl is still far from being the sole controller of your harem in the future.)

"Who said I wanted to open a harem?"

(Hypocrite shit, I know what you are thinking, like it is the back of my hand. Even if you truly persuade me about what you just said... Heh, I can only say goodbye to that woman's future as a mindless sex doll due to your limitless libido.)


Shit, I'm almost laughing. There's nothing funny, but it just tickles me to hear those mindless things from her.

"Listen, I love my chocolate milk; seriously, she has a tendency to keep up with me. Don't you see that she has those love-sick faces right now? She was so beautiful while showing no mercy to those monsters."

I smiled while mesmerized by those cold expressions. I don't know; maybe something inside me broke and twisted and made me look like a madman.

Is this my true nature? If it's true, then I must thank ROB and Luna for awakening this kind of sick personality in me.

Life is too boring if there's no spice or catastrophe in it.

Also, being good to others doesn't make them appreciate what you do or give them.

After all you're just being nosy to others private life.

(HAHAHAHAHA, you really had a screw loose on your head, dipshit!)

(Ahnnn~ Seeing you screw loose like this made me wet!)

Rolled eyes, as expected from her.

In those 4 years, I slowly grasped her chaotic, maddened nature.

Her real, true nature.

That's why I said we are too compatible with each other.

Maybe ROB will decide too give me a second life to take care of the sicko-deep shit that bounds me as the person behind the system.

It is also why 4 years of training do not feel too long or boring, because there is so much entertainment in just talking shit with Luna without holding back any vulgar words or hurting anyone's feelings.

"Hmmm? I feel some spirit energy from the castle."

I, who was flying in the air—I mean, lying between the clouds—could not help but avert my gaze from my chocolate milk to the castle.

My eyes, which have been integrated with the modification <Six Eyes>, can clearly see the presence of all people in the castle.

It is not the final vision because there are still so many abilities in my eyes that have not been incorporated into my arsenal.

Just like now, I can see a vision of the shape of someone's body as that person carries energy within them.

If the original <Six Eyes> on Gojo could clearly see the fluctuation curse energy on someone, I modified them to see any type of energy that living beings had, no matter how far away it was.

Suddenly, the castle and its surroundings were frozen, and all kinds of ice perked and grew, eventually stopping before it reached the territory.

"It's suddenly become Ice castle~"

(Pfftt, your reaction is so flat~)

"Then what should I do? Show an exaggerated shock reaction?"

(Heh, it's annoying if you really do that and it's made me want to vomit.)


It's really amusing, but still, that queen really had no idea how powerfully she borrowed power from the spirit ice itself.

"What an idiot,"

Instantly, I vanished from my place, leaving an afterimage because there's an idiot who needs to be saved before becoming an ice statue.


"This place had become a majestic igloo."

I can not help but notice that when I enter the castle, it only takes one second to arrive at her in Godspeed form. I can teleport as well, thanks to Gojo's ability, but it is slower than my godspeed.

"Achoo! Shit, it's so cold."

I could not help but rub my hands as the temperature in this place is so freaking cold; it must be below 100 degrees Celsius right now.

( Gosh, stop being so dramatic. I know that you've just acting like a clown right now.)

"Tch, boring."

Like Luna said, I was being dramatic because it is not cold at all, even though I do not have immunity to cold temperatures because my base constitution already touches the realm of ROB, even though it is only 1% for the time being.

I don't waste time enjoying the magnificent scenery around me, as I have already reached the place where the idiot queen and those elders were.


I do not speak where I break the door in front of the queen, but inside the room I can clearly see those rats who are already dead because their souls have been frozen, preventing them from reaching the afterlife or even having a chance to be born in the future.

Their existence has already been deleted.

"Well, it is their own fault that they are being eaten by greedy feelings, even though they are already old."

"At the same time, it's not fun at all."

My hands push one of them to the ground, and it immediately breaks into pieces due to its fragility.


I then create a tiny blue sphere in the middle of the room that acts like a blackhole before it's devoured and sucked all those rats into it before it's vanished.

After that, I walk deeper and open the door where those rats perform the ritual to awaken the monster's disaster.

"What am I seeing right now? A bloody, dark cultist?"

The room was magnetic because it was decorated with wood and glass materials, but it also gave off a sickening feeling that made normal living beings go insane just by looking at it.

A bloody red magic circle or rune script can be found in the center of the room.

Suddenly, I have the impression that something has attempted to enter my mind and take control of my body, but who am I?


Suddenly, a flying ghost appeared with a murderous gaze that locked into my eyes.

"Who are you?! Why can't I invade and control your mind?!"

"Heh, a jerk like you has no right to know my name."

Things became furious at my cheap provocation, and suddenly he showed things that felt like greedy sin that tried to surround me at a rapid pace.

"It's futile,"

Those black subtance things come to a halt in mid-air as they appear to collide with something invisible that protects me.

It is pointless because I inherited the power of Limitless, which has already been upgraded thousands of times. It is not over yet; I can easily augment the ability to infinity with <Augmentation >.

Whereas augmentation itself appears to be similar to the Oppai dragon's boost ability, it is not temporary like what that protagonist does.

Because my ability is permanent and has no boundaries or limitations, I can freely increase it as much as I want.

Because I inherited Gojo Satoru's character card, it also affected my arrogance because I could feel his tremendous ego and how terrified he was, which made him always say he was the strongest.


Look at him; seeing his attack don't even reach me made him suddenly become an idiot.

"Let's not waste time, shall we?"

I snapped my fingers and summoned the same blue sphere that acted like a black hole. That ghost suddenly panicked as he was being sucked into that thing.

He tried to scream while trying his best to break free, but it's futile action.

No matter what you are, if it's below deity level the way I set it right now, there's no escape from this technique.

Also, I modified the blue technique, which is why it differs from the original.

At the same time, whoever gets sucked into that blue sphere, no matter what happens, will be completely erased.

[Ding! The hidden boss of the story has been slain; the system will reward you!]

[Reward: Absorbtion]

[Detected talent: <Instant Learning (Absolute), <Eternal Evolution> and one of the techniques from <Limitless >; the reward has been upgraded to the highest level]

[Reward: Ultimate Skill: Gluttonous King Beelzebub]

(Whistle... What luck! You get one of the demon slime protagonist's ultimate skills. It appears that there is no need for your system to reward you after this, as you can easily obtain any bloodline, skill, ability, passive, mimicry, or anything else.)

(When you combine your two talents, you have a nice leisurely path to complete assimiliation of your title.)

I smiled hearing the blabbering of her mouth, as I know that girl is a thirsty, manipulative tsundere who tried to raise her chaotic future husband to completely match his taste.

Not that I hate it, though, as I don't care about the mundane opinion of others, At the same time, I had a super-obsession-sick girl to be my future wife for free~

(Kukuku, you know me so well, my cutie little pet~)

I rolled my eyes before teleporting and standing in front of an elf queen that had been frozen and had become a beautiful ice statue.

Unlike the mice that died completely where their souls had been frozen, the queen was still alive because of the blessing of the spirit of Ice that lived inside of her.

It's also an answer to how she can affect the souls of herself and others with this kind of ability.

"Interesting. Worthy to be a queen."

I place my hands on her body to learn the ice element with my talent <Instant Learning (Absolute).< p>

[You had learned <Ice Manipulation>!]

[Due to the <Instant Learning (Absolute) and <Eternal Evolution>. <Ice Manipulation> has been evolved in the highest level version]

[You learn <Ice Lordship>]

Instantly, I tried to absorb all the elements of ice that spread to the castle and also the clause of effect that frozen the entire body of Ephildis.

It takes no more than 10 seconds to absorb all of it.

Ephildis, who is not affected by the frozen effect, falls due to a sudden change in her body's condition.


".... Human?"

I can see her life force gradually returning as she appears to absorb the natural energy surrounding her.

"Yes... This is human that you despise~"

I tried to make her laugh while cheering her up.

"...Hehe, yeah..."

She chuckled softly as she tried to move her body before hugging me as if her life depended on it.

"You feel... so warm..."


What is this lady saying? I recognize that I don't even have a fire element.

(Fool, you have infinite energy in your body and consciousness; she lacks energy to rejuvenate her body, which is why she acts like a leech attached to you to suck your energy.)

Ah, that's why she did this.

At the same time, my passive <Pleasant Scent> automatically works, giving her a calm effect.

...Shit, her huge honkers are really spongy, and what about her huge fat ass? Isn't this woman's body too alluring? As expected, the MILF heroine from the hentai universe was unique on many levels.

(Focus young man, out there there's two heroines who need you to win their heart!)

Oh yeah, you're right, babe.

"Cough, Um, Beauty, There's still a war out there outside of your kingdom. How about you let your hug go and save your citizens and soldiers?"

Ephildis slowly raises her head to look into my eyes.

"Your eyes... so pretty."

Ah, she had been attracted to my eyes. Due to my assimilation with Gojo Satoru, my eyes change to look like his, and it's so freaking attention-grabbing to those who see it.

Still, it doesn't change my eyes to look like him, as it's strangely changed the color of my eyes to look like Hoshino Ai but without the stars and more darker.

While we look at each other, that looks like a drama-romance anime scene. Suddenly, we can feel there's a tremor below our feet, due to my instinct and vision, Six-Eyes.

The final boss of the rampage monster has come.

Ephildis, who was almost drawn by how beautiful my eyes were, quickly released her hug, a faint blush on her face.

"Cough, come on, humans. We need to save those people in distress."

Is she just acting embarrassed right now?

Heh. How cute.


Outside the wall of kingdom agraliel 

Third-person point of view

Siege defense from the rampage of monsters continued, where two sides have been fighting each other. Even though the event is not over, hundreds of soldiers have died as a result of its provisions.

"Sigh... Sigh... Sigh... How long must I defend..."

All of the soldiers who are still alive express their situation in this manner; they are already fighting nonstop, squeezing all of their stamina and focus to face an endless number of monsters.

If this continues for several hours, they will most likely die of exhaustion rather than at the hands of the monster.

On the siege defense battlefield, there are now three heroines who have captured a magician who has joined their force and is assisting them in defending their home.

Previously, those present where Dinelynd was given to their queen by Narrus and that mysterious human were terrified that the witch would attack their back.

But their fears were quickly dispelled when the person themselves assisted them in killing the monster with AOE magic.

Two brave heroines who lead the tide of war between two sides, Narrus and Almia, succeed in advancing their positions to get closer to getting inside the forest, where they also notice there is a source that spawns all those monsters they faced.

"Almia, go back; don't force yourself."

Narrus warns Almia, who is fighting by her side, unlike her, who has been enhanced by her lovely husband's omnipotent, hot, fresh yogurt. As for Almia, she's just in the early advanced class of sword skill, which has just been a breakthrough from the intermediate class.

"I'm... fine, Narrus-nee. I... can continue this..."

Hearing the stuttering word from her, Narrus rolled her eyes.

'It's really a waste of my energy to defend this bitch from those monsters, like, Hey, this girl is going to my husband's personal pet cocksleeve!"

'I want her to be flawless so I can get my double reward later!'


Narrus cannot help but take a glance at the witch, who flies in the air with her magic broom.

'Never mind, her destiny already being locked by her husband to be his slave.'

Why can she say that when she knows Dinelynd is still alive because Kaito is holding back his power? Narrus notices this because she remembers that her husband will be an emperor and the sole ruler of his vast territory in the future.

Automatically, seeing the power output magic that Dinelynd shows off. Narrus has a sneaking suspicion that her husband will turn that woman into his magician.

It is natural for the ruler to gather all kinds of brilliant people to be his subordinates, especially Kaito, who has a tendency to be a tyrant emperor who favors those who are kind to him while showing no mercy to his enemies.

She is also aware of Kaito's sickening personality, but she does not mind because she enjoys watching her husband act like a chaotic pyscho madman, as she herself has that personality.

'What my future sisters call me in that dream...'

'Hmmm... Oh yeah, an obsession sickening wife!'

Narrus cannot help but chuckle as all her future sisters are also not much different from her; they also have a sick personality and an unhealthy obsession with love and attention for Kaito, they're husband.

Where they still defend against the continuous wave of monsters that jump at them, suddenly there's a tremor from the ground under their feet.

Where suddenly thousands of roots appeared on the surface and whipped all the soldiers and monsters without mercy.


All of the souldiers were blown away in all directions, leaving Narrus and Almia to dodge and get away from those roots. As for Dinelynd, she was in the sky, too far from the range attack of those roots.

"This is bad... Cough x2."

Almia's stamina has been depleted to the point where she can not even stand straight without <AurorBlade > in her hand, which she used to support her body.

She looked at Narrus with a little hope that she was concerned about her condition, but Narrus was cold to her, which made her pout.

She could not blame Narrus because they were on a battlefield and could not lose their focus even for a second.

As for Narrus, her eyes were focused on something where she could feel that something huge had appeared, and she tried to approach her and Almia.


Narrus quickly embraced Almia and leapt from their position as a root attempted to whip them. It does not stop with one attack; other roots strangely focus on them, and Narrus grits her teeth because she can not move much because she is hugging a dead weight on her arm.

'Tsk, this bitch...'

Slowly, the tolerance meter on Narrus is going to errupt as those roots almost graze her skin, which Kaito always praises for being a lovely chocolate milk.

Her eyes then met Dinelynd, who looked at them with a sickening smile Narrus then throws the princess Almia, just like that, to Dinelynd.

Princess Almia who cannot think clearly as exhaustion was killing her, suddenly felt the world was turn upside down in her eyes before her body bump Dinelynd while her face buried between those huge milkers.

Dinelynd almost panics when suddenly Narrus yeets the dead weight into her; lucky for her, she can catch the girl before she dodges an incoming attack and tries to flee around to dodge another attack from those roots.

"Sigh... Finally, I feel as light as a feather; how much weight does that girl have?"

Narrus grumbled as she massaged her shoulders, having just thrown some heavy weight that burdened her body.

If Almia hears what Narrus just said, she will undoubtedly suffer from depression and attempt suicide.


Narrus slashes the root that comes to whip her body with her black sword before focusing her energy on her legs to launch a counterattack and slash all those roots before her husband arrives.

The way she slashed and hack all the roots while gracefully avoiding the incoming attacks astounded those who still had energy and were barely alive.

The title of "War Goddess" or "Sword Maiden" seems already 100% for sure given to her after this incident.

Dinelynd, who is hugging Almia, who appears to have fainted as a result of being suffocated by her massive badonkers, smiles wryly as she watches Narrus perform.

"As expected of her, who had a connection with that mysterious man."

She was good at predicting where she had a glimpse of Narrus and Kaito, who had a special relationship because only the strongest male was interested in the strongest female.

"Interesting... I really want to know more about that man..."

Unconsciously, Kaito has drawn her attention, and Dinelynd is looking for the strongest man in the world.

She too doesn't idle while giving support to Narrus to attract some agro to herself.

Not long after that, Narrus could feel from the direction of the castle that had been frozen and made all kinds of directions spike to the outside building suddenly became a normal castle where agrarian royalty lived.

After that, she can feel Ephildis fly behind her back with those butterfly ice wings to where she is now.


All that Dinelynd can do just sighs relievedly that her little sister to be like was just fine, as she knows what she is doing to kill all those scum geezers. She also wants to fly directly to check on her, but she is a realistic woman, and this side desperately needs some assistance, even if it is only a small amount of effort.

Ephildis quickly joined the battlefield, where she used her Ice magic to slash all the roots that got in her way, as well as freeze them to reduce their mobility.

Her gaze was drawn to her fallen soldier as well as the soldiers who were barely alive on the other side of the battlefield.

She clenches her teeth, her emotions bursting to the point where she almost loses control and goes on a rampage to kill those monsters.

"Ephys! Calm yourself!"

Dinelynd, who was sensitive to Ephyldis's magical fluctuation, quickly shouted to her while flying to the top of the wall to place Almia, who was unconscious in there, before flying back to assist the queen.

Two of them are now concentrating their efforts on saving the soldier who is still alive while defending themselves from all incoming attacks.

As for Narrus, the dark elf sword maiden grew stronger and stronger with each enemy she slaughtered.

Luna secretly gifted that girl with < Advanced Growth Rate > to make her grow stronger hundredfold for every enemy she slain.

Narrus is unaware of this because she is too focused on slaying all the enemies in front of her eyes.

There was another tremor where the ground was violently shaking, followed by a huge roar from the forest area. There is a huge monster that is taller than the trees in the forest that everyone can see.

Kaito mentioned the final boss, where he just saved Ephildis from a frozen state.

It was that thing that let out dark emitted by that monster, instilling fear in all living beings who could see it.

Dinelynd and Ephildis, who are busy saving the soldier, can feel their bodies shudder and instinctively look in the direction of that huge monster.

"It's not good,"

Ephildis, who used her magic eyes, can see how much energy that monster has; at the same time, it's also letting out some poisonous things that made all the trees around it melt.

"I see... That thing your ancestor mentioned in the sacred history book where they need to seal that thing despite killing it because that thing seems immortal, especially since they can not even get close to it without getting poisoned by those vicious poison subtance."

Dinelynd finally understands the monster described in the book she secretly read in the library kingdom's hidden room.

When Dinelynd said the word, Ephildis' face darkened. As she knows that even if she tried the same move she used to erase those old geezer, she knows her capability power and believes it will have no effect on that monster.

"However, I am not going to sit and watch my kingdom and citizens perish at the hands of that monster."

As the queen and ruler of the Agraliel kingdom, she felt obligated to do whatever she could to protect her people.

"Diny-nee... if anything happens to me... I beg you to take care of my daughter and train her to be a better queen than when I was queen."

Dinelynd was taken aback when he heard Ephildis' words. She knew from the start that that idiot would go all out to defend the kingdom and stop that massive monster in exchange for her life.

Her mouth was open, and her entire body screamed to stop Ephildis from acting recklessly, but she could not because of her realistic thinking.

'No... Just shut up, you shitty brain... This is not the time for me to thinking rationally!'

Her body was trembling, and tears were threatening to fall from her corner eyes.

"It's okay, Diny-nee. It's okay—"

"Sigh... Stop this cheap kind of soap opera scene, would you?"

When they hear a man's voice enter their ears, they both turn their heads to see the man who has shocked their existence, the man who has mysteriously turned upside down all the events that have been planted by the 'Will of the world'

In awe, the woman and the others stood frozen as the man, standing tall and not far from them, gazed steadily at the colossal monster before turning his head, revealing his striking features and those captivating dark galaxy glitter eyes. The eyes were like black holes, drawing in the light and bending it, creating a sense of depth and mystery.

The effect was so powerful that it made Dinelynd and Ephildis feel as if they were being pulled into the abyss of the unknown, almost suffocating under the weight of the enchanting gaze. The scene was akin to a hypnotic trance, leaving the two of them breathless and spellbound by the mesmerizing beauty of the man's eyes. 

Kaito secretly smiled at two frozen beauties who appeared mesmerized by his eyes. He chuckled quietly as it appeared that he had already captured the attention of two mature beauties with just his eyes.


Ephildis almost forgot about him, despair, hopelessness, all of her negative feelings vanished when Kaito appeared in front of her eyes.

"Wait here, girl, look good."

He softly smiled before disappearing from his spot and reappearing not far from Narrus, assisting her with all those roots monster.

Dinelynd, who was also silent due to the presence of a true monster in her eyes, could not help but notice Ephildis, whose eyes were beaming with a faint blush on her cheeks.

'There's no way... Right?'

Dinelynd's corner of her mouth twitches as she looks at Ephildis, who looks like a maiden who has just experienced love at first sight.

To be continued

= = = =



I would like to solicit feedback from anyone who has read this far: what world should I include after this? Is it still the world of Kyonyuu Elf, as there are two other stories?

So give me your opinion or suggestion if you can.

Also... power stone kudasai, senpai~!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

GyaruSupremacycreators' thoughts