
the one who rose above all

the story of the boy who was cursed by many constellation to someone even the high constellation cannot look down upon this is the story the the strongest mortal moher the all

Muhammad_Tayyab_9932 · Võ hiệp
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As the boy entered the room the old man


"So your finally here" said him "You sure

took your time "

"Sorry,sorry just got a bit lazy today"

Our mc replied

The old man sighed and said " Well now

that your here sit down so we may begin"

Our mc nodded as he went to sit down

on his chair. On his right side was a

smaller child that looked a year younger

then our mc. Infront of him was a elderly

woman in her 30s while the old man sat

on a corner of the table

"Now that your finally here , maids bring

the food" said the old man

As he said that around ten maid came

and brought the food

As they were eating the old man said "So,

are you ready for the next month. Moher"

"Not really"said our mc "Though i do hope

I wont dissapoint you father"

"Heh, is that so" siad his father

As they were talking the women had

finished eating. "I will be on my way then"

After saying that she left the room

Moher father Arthur sighed as he said

"Alright i will be off as well make sure you

two behave alright" as he said that he got

Up and left the room

"Soooo, are you coming today" said the

little child

"Don't worry I won't be becoming that

lazy, though I myst say you sure have a

lot of patience to keep up with that

professor, Leon"

"Its not that I have alot of patience its

just you don't have any" said Leon as he

got up

"Ouch, you sure know where to hit your

poor old brother huh" said moher

"That reminds me i always forget to ask

but why is your name moher" asked Leon

with a confused face

"You know even I don't know, when I asked

father he just said that he couldn't name

me anything else. Literally like he said

he tried to give me a thousand name

but in the end the moher got out of his

mouth" said moher with a annoyed face

"Could it be, were you chosen by some

constellation " said Leon with a amazed


"A constellation huh" moher thought as he

opened the doors of the room. "Its

possible but the chances of it being

real is very low you know"

"Well I guess so " Leon said as they

walked through the corridor

"Altough Leon has a point since a

constellation does have the power to do

such a thing but they aren't gods I don't

know what or who had such power but

they were powerful enough to even put

rules on those constellation" thought

Moher as they passed though the

corrider and finally reaching a door

"In my opinion that being who was able to

put such rules on even those constellation

is the true god" Moher thought as he

opened the door revealing to a type of

study room

"Your late" a person who appeared to be

a professor said

"Haha sorry teach" Moher said as he

rubbed the back of his head

"Just go sit down" the professor said in

a annoyed and disappointed face

Leon giggled as he went to his seat

"Well wether my name be due to some

constellation or not I don't really care

beside its not like knowing will change

anything " Moher thought as he went to

sit down " Right now all i care about is that

i am living a pretty good life and thats all

that really matters. I have a pretty loving

family , have enough food and water ,

theres no war and on top of all that i am

loaded with money" as moher was thinking

this sitting on his chair and listening to

his professor lecture "I just hope it

remains this way"

To be continued