
The One That Sees Everything

Born into the bottom of the hierarchy, abandoned by her parents and left with nothing besides these mysterious things that no one but she can see and hear. How will she fair, will she rise up and leave it all behind or will she never rise up and stay on the bottom

Kurumaru · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: The Adventures

( There is a leveling system, like your level, rank,

health bar, everything else but she can't use it because it has to be activated

Explained later )

She ran snuck around the corner, watching carefully. Eying a group of adventurers that were traveling. See in this place you have to be careful, the better your clothes the more likely you to be robbed. It was clear these people were adventures, since they were armed but clearly not soldiers, cause the soldiers would just start beating you up if you even bumped into them. 

As they walked down the road toward the city she followed them inconspicuously, acting like she was minding her own business. But clearly not, the few people that knew her little bit just looked at the people then at her, scoffed and continued what they were doing. She was waiting for them to reach the center, the most populated area.

 There were pros and cons to this, the pros were, it would be harder for them to see who took their money and she could blend in easily. The cons were, other thieves would see them and lock onto them, making it either be you split it if you help each other or beat the other person to it. 

And as such when they were closer to the main square she saw Shark Face and his gang, Shark Face is a mid aged man that makes weaker and younger people steal stuff for him by force but no one fought back because if they did he'd find them beat them, sometimes he's killed them to, he then would take all of the money and good stuff. She has encountered him a lot, but she is nimbler than all of them. She has even stolen from him a couple times.

I quickly sneaked into an empty building, hiding from Shark Face, since I memorized all of the buildings I could get into. She ran through the building, she slid underneath the wall where there was a whole. She jumped up and climbed the wall up to the second floor. Once she got there she went to the window and waited for the adventures to pass her. 

Since she was above them she quickly analyzed their weapons. There were two guys and two girls. The man in front carried a broadsword with a shield and a full set of heavy armor, the tank, while the second man was wearing light armor with a one handed sword. The two women were different, one wore leather armor, it hugged her body, showing it was tight and thin, carrying a quiver and a bow. The other one was clearly a mage, she wore a robe and had a staff in her hand. 

She was confused though, usually they had five or six members, they were missing a cleric. They could also have an assassin class too. See a mage focused on damage and such, while a cleric heals and buffs allies. She pondered a moment, then she came up with a couple answers. 

1: The cleric died and they are meeting at respawn 

2: they went without one

3: the cleric split when they exited or were following somewhere behind.

These were the most likely scenarios of which would have occurred. So she went with that. Right when the adventures were about half way past her and the corner, she jogged down to the other side of the room and walked into the next room. Once there, she ran through the holes until she was at the corner building, there she found the stairs and snuck up to the entrance hiding in the shadows waiting for the group to pass.

My heart was getting faster and faster, waiting right until the moment to strike. To me, nothing was more exciting, than the moment before and at it. It was as if time slowed down, I lunged forward, jumping out of the building and ran towards them. Since I was outside of their line of site they never saw me coming, I reached out.

Grabbing the bag of money from the light armored guy, I turned tail and ran, as I turned I saw the archer's face of surprise as I locked eyes with her warm blue eyes. I sprinted away as fast as I could, I heard the guy yell out and start chasing me. I heard him tailing me, even though he was faster than me he couldn't keep up because of his armor and other people that were In his way. When I reached the corner I looked back and 


I hit the ground hard, when I tried to get up I was pushed back down to the ground. When I looked back to see who got me I was genuinely surprised. It was the archer girl. The fact that she could move that fast was scary, she covered half a block that I made with a 6.7 second lag. That's impressive, especially archers, these people must be a lot higher level than most adventurers that walk through here. She dragged me upward, which even made it more surprising considering I was a little above half her weight.

"Give me the money." She said. I just looked away and held onto the pouch even tighter. She just sighed and tried again 

"Please, can I have it back. I don't want to take it back forcefully." 

I took a moment to think. My options were either give it back, try to escape, or wait for the other people to arrive but i don't like that cause the young guy looks pissed. I had a 15% chance of escaping but then I needed to run off and I then had a 6.3% chance of getting away. So I kept hand it over technique.

After I gave her the pouch she smiled. 

"Stay right here okay, don't try to run away again, do you understand?" She asked. I just nodded in reply and watched her walk towards the group that was approaching. She dropped the pouch in the guy's hand. She pointed at me and started talking to them. It seems that they were having a little argument but it seems that she won cause the others sighed in defeat. She walked back over to me and bent down until she was my height.

"How would you like it if we took you to the church in the city and they can take care of you? Would you like to come with us?" She asked. She smiled and waited patiently for my answer. I thought about it, I am alright with going to the church but this church here doesn't help us, I've seen what they do, when they come here instead of helping the people coming to them they just kick them down and laugh at them. The church would just get rid of me after a couple days. 

"Can you take me to any church or just that one? I asked. She looked confused by my question.

"What is wrong, why not go to this Church?" She replied.

"The church here doesn't give a fuck about anyone that doesn't benefit them or is powerful. They would just discard me when you leave." I replied dryly," did you not know that this church doesn't care, they benefit from this town, they get rid of stuff that they don't need here." She gasped when I replied, clearly not expecting my response. I guess she was assuming that I would love to go there, considering my current state. Then realization dawned in her eyes. 

The archer then walked back to her group, she told them what the girl said and from the looks of it they understood why she didn't want to go there but clearly didn't agree with what she was saying. Even the mage which had agreed with the archer first of them all disagreed. The archer frowned upon seeing all of them disagree with her decision. After a while of talking it seems they reached an agreement. All of them walked over to the girl this time. 

The first one to speak was the tank.

"She said that you didn't want to go to that church but is ok with a different one. We would be alright with that except to go to the other cities we need to walk or use a portal. Since your not an adventure we need to pay, but what level are you?" The girl replied with no hesitation," I do not have a level, I never did the ritual, since I was born on the bottom." The adventures groaned. The girl was giving them a headache. The mage responded first,"if you did do the ritual what class would you focus?" 

The girl took a second before replying," I believe I would be of a light class that doesn't take many hits, per say archer or one of the more stealth based rogue classes." 

The adventures were stunned by her response, they weren't expecting such a detailed explanation from her. The archer understood why she chose it, she was fast and nimble, clearly smart and cunning. The archer turned to the tank and started speaking. " if we do a ritual to make a class for her, if she can grow fast enough she may be able to help us in dungeons and quests. She clearly did research and knows what class to use, and we are staying for a bit. Even if she doesn't get high she should be able to survive by herself after we leave." The others just nodded in response, understanding her words