
The One Kind of Love

Freddie is an average boy who's living alone in an apartment after leaving his family. But, all of that changed when he met Oliver in a popular Japanese restaurant. Freddie falls in love with him while they were eating lunch. During Freddie's first day of internship, he meets Oliver again but as his temporary supervisor for the day. They toured the office floor together and worked together with the rest of the department. Their shifts end and Oliver offers Freddie a ride back to his apartment. As they were in the car, Oliver asks Freddie out for a date. Freddie agrees and that's where their beautiful relationship starts. Unfortunately, they have to keep their relationship a secret, since a new internship rule forbids them to be together. By the time Freddie graduates, they can express their love freely and move into their new home and start a new life together. As they were going to their new home, they got involved in an accident, and Freddie was stuck in a come for almost a week or two. Oliver waited for Freddie to wake up as he visits him every day after work. Freddie wakes up a few days later, and Oliver never left his side as Freddie was on the road to full recovery. As their first anniversary occurred, Oliver proposes to Freddie to express how much he loves him. Freddie said "yes" and he was brought to tears of joy. They were engaged and both of them knew that a new chapter of their lives is about to start. The One Kind of Love is created by Aundrei, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

Aundrei · Thành thị
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51 Chs

Chapter 7: Date Night

The class was dismissed and I was worried. Lucy came to me and told me it’s time for us to go home. We went outside and walked together to my apartment. We arrived at my apartment, and before we part ways, Lucy said something to me.

Lucy: Freddie, I feel sorry for you.

Freddie: There’s no need to be sorry. Even if there’s a rule that says we can’t be together, we’ll make it work.

Lucy: How?

Freddie: A rule cannot be broken unless you’ve been caught.

Lucy: So, making it a secret as much as possible is the only choice for the two of you.

Freddie: You’re right, but there’s one problem.

Lucy: What?

Freddie: I don’t how to tell Oliver about it later. He has all these plans for us to have a wonderful night together.

Lucy: Freddie, I know you can do this. You just need to find the right time for you to tell him about it.

Freddie: I hope I find the right to tell him.

Lucy: You will, and since I’m the only one who knows about the two of you, I will keep it a secret as much as possible.

Freddie: Thanks, Lucy. I appreciate that.

Lucy: One more thing, can we meet? I just want to meet him so bad, he looks like a hottie from what you told me about him earlier at lunch.

Freddie: Well, how about later? He is gonna pick me up later.

Lucy: No, I might ruin the moment between the two of you. Maybe I’ll just wait until after we graduated from high school.

Freddie: Can you wait that long?

Lucy: I can, just send me pictures of him and probably pictures of you two, but mostly him.

Freddie: Lucy, I don’t know what’s running in your mind right now, so…

Lucy: I’m just messing with you, but send me a pic of him.

Freddie: Really?

Lucy: I mean the two of you.

The both of us started laughing and we both said our goodbyes. I went inside the apartment to prepare for our date. I decided to prepare my clothes first before I freshen myself up. I decided to wear my light blue long sleeves polo, light gray pants, and light gray sweater vest along with a light blue necktie. After preparing my clothes, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. As I was taking a shower, I couldn’t help but worry about it later. I still don’t know how to say about the rule later. I’m afraid that I might break our moment together later.

I went outside the bathroom, dried myself up, and wore my clothes. I decided to blow dry my hair since it’s wet and I only have a few minutes left before Oliver arrives. As I finished blow drying my hair, I hear knocking from the door. I checked from the window to see who it is and it was Oliver.

I went to the door, opened it and Oliver looks so handsome in his clothes. He was wearing brown pants, white polo along with a brown vest, and a brown coat.

Freddie: Oliver, looking formal, and let me say you look so handsome in that.

Oliver: You also look amazing, but I think you’re missing something.

Freddie: What is it?

Oliver then puts a gray flat cap on my head and leads me to my mirror for me to see what I look like with the gray flat cap.

Freddie: Oliver, it’s perfect. I look even more amazing.

Oliver: I told you I have plans. Ready for our date?

Freddie: I’m ready, just let me wear my shoes.

I wore my black slip-on shoes as we went outside the apartment. We went inside Oliver’s car and left. We chatted as we were on our way to our destination even though I don’t have any idea where it is since he wants to surprise me.

Oliver: So, how were extra classes?

Freddie: You were right about it. I did look exhausted.

Oliver: I don’t want to tell you but, I told you so

We both laughed about it and then suddenly I felt worried. I still don’t know how to tell him. I feel like if I told him about it, there might be no us in a relationship. Before reaching our destination, Oliver tells me to wear a blindfold. I asked him, he told me that he doesn’t want to ruin the surprise. So, I wore the blindfold minutes before we stopped and reached our destination. Oliver tells me to wait for him as he goes outside. Oliver opens the door on my side, escorts me outside, and stopped walking.

Freddie: Oliver, why did we suddenly stop walking?

Oliver: You can take off your blindfold now.

I took off my blindfold, looked up, and surprised to see that Oliver and I will be eating dinner at the famous Eat N’ Ride Ferris Wheel.

Freddie: Oliver, I don’t know what to say. I wanted to eat here ever since I heard about it. Also, how did you get reservations for this? It takes months for you to have a confirmed reservation here.

Oliver: My father owns the place.

Freddie: You told your father about us?

Oliver: No. What I told him is that I’m gonna eat here along with my friends.

Freddie: What if he caught us?

Oliver: He won’t catch us. He’s with my mother right now in their house. And don’t worry, I don’t want anything quick between us. Let’s just take our time before we introduce each other to our parents.

Freddie: In my case, that will be a long time.

Oliver: I kind of forgot about that. Anyways, shall we go?

Freddie: Let’s go.

Before riding, we ordered our food first as we wait for our turn. While waiting, I suddenly felt worried again. I can’t hide the feeling that well. I guess that this is just too much to handle. I told Oliver that I needed to use the restroom. Oliver agreed and waited for me in line as I went to the restroom. I went inside, locked the door, and looked at the mirror. I feel like I’m gonna look like a mess if I haven’t told Oliver about it. I took a deep breath and splashed my face with water to calm me down a bit. I went outside the restroom and Oliver tells me to hurry up because we’re up next and our food is ready.

We went inside the cabin of the Ferris wheel. The cabin was big and it has a built-in table for two. We sat down and Oliver served the food. We started eating, then Oliver asks me.

Oliver: Is everything all right? You look worried.

Freddie: Everything is fine. Let’s just have a great time.

Oliver: Freddie, you can tell me anything. I know something is bothering you. I can see it on your face.

Freddie: Well, no point in hiding it and telling you later.

Oliver: Tell me what later?

Freddie: I don’t know how to say this but, there’s a new rule stating that the two of us can’t be in a relationship. But it’s not that I want things to end early between us, I just want to be with you.

Oliver: If that’s what you’ve been worrying about, why tell me later and not earlier?

Freddie: I just don’t want to ruin the moment. And I’m sorry if I already did.

Oliver: You didn’t ruin the moment.

Freddie: I didn’t?

Oliver: I know you’re having a tough time after hearing that but, let’s leave that behind and enjoy the rest of the night. I know that the two of us will be together.

Freddie: What if they found out about us? Even if we keep it secret, I’m afraid that they will find out.

Oliver: They won’t and we will make it work for the two of us.

Oliver holds my hand, rubbing his thumb on my hands for me to calm down. He then holds my cheeks, pulls me closer, and kisses my forehead. We smiled for a bit while our foreheads stick to each other. The feeling inside me is warm, different from the first time we met. I feel like I could trust him more. Our lips grew closer and I can feel his breath beneath my lips. We kissed for the second time, and the feeling was passionate. Our first date together was already a sign that the two of us will be together, and we won't waste the feeling we have for each other.