
The one in the shadows

This story is about 10 year old boy named jin snow, who at the age of 8 lost his parents and was forced to move into his uncle’s place ,where he was threated as a slave and worked like it,But this changed with a sudden Awakening of his power, in the current world where there are no magic or fantasy-like powers, he is “The only one who is different”

Oto_asana · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Ch 1:Awakening

This is year 2019, jin snow is currently living in with his uncle after his parents died at the age of 8, so he was forced to continue living with his uncle.

His uncle was a lazy man who didn't had a job, there jin was threated as a slave,

at day he was out making money for his uncle to buy drinks, And at night he was cleaning up the house.

When as usual at 8:00 he was going to the part-time job he got at grocery shop after begging the owner for it, on his way to the store, he felt terrible headache that was not going away,he saw that many people were looking at him so he got into alley because he did not wanted to be pitied by the people.

Jin thought:

'what is happening to me!? '

Then suddenly knowledge that was out of this world came in his mind. And world that was gray in color was colored in his mind, his eyes now were capable of seeing an ant far 100 meters away.

For few minutes his brain was analyzing all the data that his brain received and was perplexed by this sudden surge of otherworldly knowledge.

But after reading his memories he understood what happened.

He awakened.

He awakened as a F-rank whose abilities are slightly better than that of a adult man, now that he awakened he now could sense magic particles that were floating in the air, after a few minutes of astonishment and surprise, he finally noticed that particles were multiplying and growing bigger in size, jin hurriedly searched through his memories and soon found an answer.

Magic particles were reproducing and growing in numbers.

Magic power in surrounding is getting denser and denser. This was an early signs of entering the era of dungeons and monsters.

but after closer look jin decided that it needed at least 5 years for there to be a even a single awakener or a dungeon.

Then something struck him in mind

He had forgotten his work because of all this unexpected phenomens.

Jin was working to keep himself from starving because his uncle didn't had money, and even if he had, he would use to buy beer with it.

Jin had to work to keep himself alive, if he did not consider his uncle who always takes his money away for alchohol.

But then jin was struck with idea that could change his life completely.

`what if I use my power and free myself from him, I am no longer a boy who was being bullied'

'now I am strong'

In these 2 years jin adapted to this unfair world and new that if needed, he would even kill a man, but when he thought things through he knew that this approach would be dangerous.

Even though his uncle was scum he still had friends who will notice about his disappearing.

So he wanted to try a new approach that was less likely to got him into trouble.

He searched through his knowledge and found a perfect hypnosis technique for this situation.

It was a technique with 100% chance of working but it took a long time, it wasn't a technique that could be used in a fight,but that was not a problem to him because he was F-rank awakener and had a strength of an adult even in a child's body.

When he got home, as always it looked like a shithole full of cigarettes and empty alcohol bottles,

Then he heard a deep voice coming from a room.

"who is it!? "

"...…. "

"Jin is it you?"


His uncle noticed him and said:

" go the f..k away and work"


Jin slowly approached him, step by step he was getting closer, when he got into a room his uncle was at, his uncle as miserable as ever, drinking beer alone.

When he was 1 ft away from his uncle,he noticed the bottle that was flying at him, he swiftly avoided it and threw a punch with a power to knock out an adult.

Thrown punch easily knocked out his uncle, because of alcohol effects.

He then searched for the rope and tied him up with it.