
The one in the Shadows

Grindelwald was said to have claimed the throne of the Dark lord which was later taken by Voldemort. But there is nothing about the Dark lord who made the throne, the one true Dark lord forgotten by wizardkind...The story of a wizard who changed the course of both the muggle and wizarding world alike. The story of a man whose deeds paved the path for the future Dark wizards who would overshadow him; Gellert Grindelwald and He who must not be named -- Lord Voldemort. This is my job as a benefactor of the wizarding world to enlighten all wizardkind of a this monster in man's disguise.

Thushar_S_A · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter- 3

Modern period, 29/11/2012

Somewhere in Norway

"Lumos!" Said a gentle voice, the woman to whom the voice belonged used her wand to see properly in the dark, black night. "Are you really sure that this is the place we are searching, cause I am tired of apparating from one place to another, just because of your hunches or weird theories. We need to find it fast or else they might! You understand what I am saying?" Asked another voice, which sounded rather tired and slightly annoyed at the other person. "Look, I know things are on the edge and not everything is going on as we thought, but we are doing the best we can do; especially with this sudden storm battering us. I know how much is at stake here, Evie. This is the best we can do unless you have more curse breakers or aurors in your sleeve, you know?" Said Lydia, tired of being pushed around, traveling all over the world and getting taunted by the only person in her corner; her twin sister Evie.

The place was dark, given that it was night and a huge unexpected snowstorm battering the twins in the face, giving them a much more obscured sight. The lighting spell too was flickering out due to the wind. Their parents while happy that their children became investigators and explorers much like them, had always regaled the children about their adventures and warning them regarding the unforgiving and relentless part of nature. But in the storm where not even the snow covered mountains weren't visible, stood the gates withstanding the wrath of Mother Nature tall and proud. But what was truly baffling was that the doors which has stood tall for so long, according to the research conducted so far by the twins, it was built in the late 1600s, and a person who has lived for more than a century was unheard of; of course if you don't consider Nicholas Flamel and his wife Perenelle.

Gradually, the storm calmed down significantly, reducing the risk of putting the twins in danger. But, there was something in the air which bought them the chills, something other than the already freezing cold weather. The feeling of dread and the odd chillness emanated from behind the giant, monolithic gates carved within the mountain. The monolithic gates had strange carvings including Nordic Runes, Greek letters, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, and depictions of The Basilisk or also known to the Norse as Jörmungandr, The infamous Greek Minotaur, a strange multi-mouthed crocodile beast and a strange dark man with a horned helmet, a piece of clothing like pant and an evil smile on his face while holding a bowl which strangely looked like a skull. The depictions were all of terrible beasts and demons known throughout the history of the world. But in all the strange, out of place depictions and letters carved on the doors, the one thing that caught Evie's attention was the carving on the gates amidst all the chaos, there was one carved out part able to fit something long, like a key. Upon further research and investigation by the resident "find the missing part"- Evie let out a tired, exasperated sigh. This was the tenth time the twins had travelled from one place to another only for it giving them no clue as of where was 'His Mausoleum', exhausted, she stood up to tell her sister the news, the wild goose chase around the world continued on.

"La Grande Purge a été l'un des actes les plus importants et les plus horribles qu'il ait jamais commis, un énorme massacre devant les personnes dont nous recherchons la tête depuis des années - des sorcières. Dans une grande démonstration de puissance, il a tué des milliers d'entre nous humains et ces êtres qui ont vendu leur âme à ce Diable. Ses actions ont été le véritable porteur de marée de toute la guerre entre ces sales Anglais et nous Français, orchestrée par La Terreur de l'Europe, son vrai nom vaut mieux ne pas le dire que de l'entendre ; car il est le Satan de l'Enfer lui-même, ici pour faire les enchères du Diable - Meurtre et Torture de nous Saints Hommes, Nonnes, Jeunes garçons et filles. Mais, nos prières ont été entendues. Le Seigneur Tout-Puissant lui-même l'a banni du monde de vivant à sa place légitime - l'Enfer. Nous espérons que jusqu'à ce que la Seconde Venue commence, il sera endormi ; car s'il doit se réveiller à nouveau, le monde sera condamné, pour le Diable, le Satan sera libéré de ses chaînes et le grand prison construite par ces êtres maléfiques sans âme, Le Grand Maus oléum en souvenir des plus grands actes de terreur de leur seigneur."

("The Great Purge was one of the most significant and gruesome deed ever to be done by Him, A huge massacre in front of the people whose heads we have been after for years- Witches. In a grand display of power He killed thousands of us humans and those beings who have sold their souls to this Devil. His actions were the true tide bringer of the whole war between those filthy English and us French, orchestrated by The Terror of Europe, his true name is better left unsaid than to hear it; for he is the Satan from Hell itself, here to do the Devil's bidding- Murder and Torture of us Holy Men, Nuns, Young boys and girls. But, our prayers has been heard. Lord Almighty himself has banished him from the world of living to his rightful place - Hell. We shall hope that until the Second Coming begins, he be asleep; for if he is to wake again the world shall be doomed, for the Devil, the Satan shall be freed from his shackles and the grand prison built by those soulless evil beings, The Grand Mausoleum in remembrance to their lord's greatest, deeds of terror.")

The book Lydia was reading was a journal by a muggle priest of a church in Old France, there was also a description that was unbelievably, eerily similar to the giant vault doors they had seen a few hours ago. They had found His Mausoleum at last. But, Evie had discovered something else, a key to open what she thought was a gate to something useless, like bones of dead animals like the previous vaults. But, they were running out of time and had to do something before things could go extremely out of hand. Speculating that this key might be in France, whoever made this door was clearly uninterested in hiding things properly, clearly engraving the key's location on the edge of the hollow part of the gate.

Frustrated, Evie pulled Lydia, with no whatsoever explanation for a side along apparition to the nearest airport in Norway. They had a flight to board. But little would they know that things would go from bad to unbelievably worse.


The Cry of the Gargoyle

Le Cri de la Gargouille

Attention all! The French Ministry of magic has fallen

Attention tous ! Le ministère français de la magie est tombé

Le ministère français de la Magie est apparemment tombé de l'intérieur. Nos sources au sein du ministère disent que c'est quelque chose qui a été clairement planifié et exécuté méticuleusement. Les familles sorcières françaises sont dans un désarroi quant à ce qui doit être fait maintenant.

The French Ministry of Magic has seemingly fallen from within. Our sources within the Ministry say that this is something that was clearly planned and executed meticulously. The French wizarding families are in a dissaray as of what is to be done now.


Petite coupure du Cri de la gargouille

A little clipping from The Cry of the Gargoyle