
The Omniverse Conquerer

First time writing a novel so please be easy on me. I know my English is not good but bare with me as i will improve. I may not update regularly due to my lazy nature and school affecting my imagination. So enjoy the limited updates i give. Synopsis: A man travels around the Omniverse trying to find entertainment and enjoyment. But not before getting strong enough to achieve that. Starting from the "Bottom" to the top. To Conquer the Omniverse and live a life free of struggle. Worlds: 1st World: Highschool DXD | Current World 2nd World: To Be Decided Additional Info: Wish Fulfilment Type The MC is neither good nor evil, he is both. He has limits and toleration. If some people go beyond the limits he set, he will not tolerate it. If you find the MC not tolerable then go on with your life.

LunisVonArchean · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Know Yourself

{Last Chapter Recap}

{Lucien transmigrated into the body of an orphan of a similar name, in rome. Lucien was surprised by a system appearing in front of him, but before he could check it out, he was being questioned by a man in armor}


Lucien, after being questioned by the man wearing armor (Who he figured out was a guard patrolling the city), was brought to a nearby guard station for interrogation.

Thankfully, the guard interrogating him was understanding and let him go after a few minutes of explaining.

After getting out of the troubling situation, Lucien let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly checked out his system.

'System are you there?' Lucien asked with skeptism.

It wasn't because he was unsure but because he was afraid it was just his imagination.

Thankfully, a familiar transparent screen appeared in front of him. And due to Lucien being a Anime enthusiast, he figured out instantly the system functions only by reading the names.

'Status' Lucien thought.

{Name: Lucien}

{Age: 18}

{Level: 1}

{Race: Devil/25%, Angel/25%, Human/50%} {Click for more info}

{HP: 5,500/5,500}

{MP: 2,000/2,000}

{Strength: 55}

{Constitution: 55}

{Agility: 55}

{Intelligence: 105}

{Attributes of a healthy adult is 10 in everything}

{Skills: Devil Transformation (Not Unlocked), Angel Transformation (Not Unlocked), Observation (Maxed), Light Magic Affinity (Lv.1), Dark Magic Affinity (Lv.1)}

{Remarks: Has the potential to be the Strongest}

While reading his Status Screen, Lucien gradually turned from a smirk into a smile but suddenly, he remembered what happened when he smirked while staring into nothing.

'I better find an inn or something before i get interrogated again'

Lucien thought with a drop of sweat dripping on the side of his head.

Thankfully no one saw him so he was safe... for now at least.

Lucien then hurriedly went to find an inn to book for a night. Thankfully, the guard who interrogated him gave him a new pair of clothes (Although cheap) and a few silver coins after learning of Lucien's past.

Speaking of which, Lucien was very grateful to the guard and swore that one day he will repay him.

After asking for directions from the passerbys, Lucien stood in front of an inn.

Lucien wasted no time and entered the building. Looking around, the place was what he expected with people eating food or talking with each other.

Lucien then booked a room for one day which costs 2 silver coins, including food.

After Lucien got the keys, he hurriedly went to the room which had 1 bed, a counter, and a table with one chair.

After getting comfortable, Lucien went back to check on his system.

{Devil Bloodline}

{Tier: Legendary}

{Description: A person who has the blood of a devil cursing through him, giving him the powers and attributes of a devil}


Skill [Dark Magic Affinity] gained

Skill [Devil Transformation] gained {Not Unlocked due to having only 25% purity}

Gain 100 Str, Con, Agi every Level {Gain only ¼ due to having only 25% purity}

Gain 50 Int every Level {Gain only ¼ due to having only 25% purity}

{Note: I will not write the Description of the Angel Bloodline as it is the opposite of the Devil Bloodline except for the last two effects being it's only similarities}

{Human Bloodline} 

{Tier: Common}

{Description: The most abundant Bloodline in the Omniverse}


Gain 10 Str, Con, Agi, Int every Level {Gain only ½ due to having only 50% purity}

{Note: I will not write the Description of Attributes as it is pretty self explanatory. And I'm pretty sure you would not want an info dump.

Instead, i will put it on the auxiliary chapter}

{Devil Transformation} {Active} (Not Unlocked)

{Tier: AAA}

{Description: Transform into a Devil, increasing your Attributes temporarily}

{MP Cost: 100/m}

{Cooldown: 30 min}


Increase Str, Con, Agi 10x 

Increase damage of [Dark Magic] 100%}

{Note: Again, the Angel Transformation is the opposite of the Devil Transformation being the first effect it's only similarity}

{Observation} {Passive/Active}

{Tier: GOD}

{Level: Max}

{Description: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. — Sun Tsu}

{MP Cost: None}

{Cooldown: None}


Be able to see the Status Screen of someone

Be able to percieve emotions of the people around you}

{Dark Magic Affinity} {Passive}

{Tier: A}

{Level: 1}

{Description: Dark Magic is one of the most powerful magic in the world, used mostly by Devils}


Increase damage of [Dark Magic] 100%

Increase Exp gain of [Dark Magic] related skills 100%}

Lucien was not shocked when he saw that he had the bloodlines of both Devils and Angels. As when he gained the memories of his predecessor, it included the memories of when he was born.

After getting familiar with his Status Screen, Lucien went and opened his inventory.


1x Novice Gift Pack}

Seeing what was inside his inventory, Lucien was overjoyed.

He didn't expect that the system was generous enough to give him a Novice Gift Pack.

But before opening the Gift Pack, Lucien took a quick bath to wash away the blood and stench on his body.

[A few minutes later]

Lucien, after taking a quick bath, became more handsome.

With his Platinum Blond Hair and Red/Gold eyes, he was surely a lady killer.

'Damn I'm handsome af' Lucien thought with a narcissistic smirk while looking at a mirror.

After a few more narcissistic comments, Lucien went and hurriedly opened the [Novice Gift Pack].

{Congratulations, you gained.....}


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