
The Omniverse Adventure

This is a major wish fullfilment story with a OP MC and some cringe so if its not your thing pls dont read! What happens when a extreamly unlucky person gets killed in the funniest way possible and gets to transmigrate as a OP MC! Lets find Out!!! (REWORK)

P0R0tastic · Ti vi
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15 Chs

Prologue 1: Death and Exploring

AN: Guys this is my very first try in making a fanfic so there might be delays in some chapters as i am new to this, and english is not my native language so please i would like to ask for constructive advice and ideas. i wil view any comments that can help me.

AN: This is a major wish fullfilment story with a OP MC and some cringe so if its not your thing pls dont read!

Prologue 1: Death and Exploring

"Hello there, i am Jarven Stark, yes the MC of this story and although i am breaking the 4th wall i am not that Dumbass Merc with a Mouth Deadpool, so stop asking!!!"


"Anyway, before i was reborn in Planetos as another person, more specifically Jarven Stark, i was someone else on earth. Allow me to tell you who i was and how i came to be."

Earth year 2022 AD

Antwerp Belgium

"My name in this life was Michael Valentine, and i was a walking contradiction. I was a 33 year old nerd, 5ft 5 tall and weighed 205 pounds, but i was also very social and interacted with all my collegues and went out to party almost every week."

"But despite all that i was still one of the most unlucky people you could find. Let me give you several exhamples:

1. I had a family full of people with substance abuse from my parrents who were coke fiends to my brother who would do anything to score a fix from robbing people of their bikes to stealing from family, so i had no family except my sisters to rely on as only they and i had any semblence of decency.

2. i had several relationships that went south real fast, from coming home after work to find my GF in bed with what i thought was a friend, to finding out the new girl i was dating left the party we were at to hook up with some rich boy in his Maserati MC20, to the last relationship i had tried when the girl i was dating decided to put her hands on me with violence, and when i struck back in self defence i was the bad guy and send to jail for 30 days.

3. When i was 31 i had won the Euromillions jackpot of 127 million euros only to destroy the ticket by accident when i forgot my wallet in my pants and putting them in the washing machine.

"But i digress, non of that kept me down as i had found a goal to work toward when my sisters told me they were with child and i was going to be a uncle, and given i could not have children of my own due to being born with dead swimmers, i was extatic! I kept working for them and spoiled them with a sence os mesure ofcource and i loved every minute watching them grow up and of course i introduced them to my geek nature from anime and cartoons such as naruto, dragon ball to the batman and justice league series to several types of games and played everything together from pokemon cards to teaching them how to play CoD to Batman arkham series to my favorite game series Metal Gear Solid and Romance of the three kingdoms to League of Legends and World of tanks. "

"Ofcourse my sisters were not that thrilled with our shenanigans and wanted my to teach them other things to i signed us up for mma classes were i and my neffews and niece found out we were pretty good."

"As the years went by i turned 33, i was currently working in a department store called Media Markt and that's when i died, and how did i die you might ask? wel apparanty one of the clients had the grand idea to do a shit and drop on the floor and bail it out of there, and my unlucky ass did not notice the huge pile of shit on the first step of the stairs. I had just been called downstairs for a order for a client when i slipped on that huge turd and was launched by inertia on my back cracking my skull on the corner of the first step right where the turd was located and then everything turned black."

*A soul could be found floating arround when it suddenly started to tremble and move about as if just waking up confused after a passing out drunk.*

"DAMN!!" I yelled as i couldn't hepl but groan due to the pain i felt from my fall. "Anyone see the bus that hit me?" I asked only to recieve no reply from anyone, but as i looked arround i found that i was no longer at my job but i acctually did not feal anything, pain or otherwise. As i took a second to compose myself i suddenlly realised something. "WTF, where are my hands and legs???"

I immediately started to panic and as i looked arround i started to realise i wasn't in Kansas anymore as they say, all arround me was a sea of endless stars and nebulas and all i could think was (HOW THE F*** DID I GET HERE???) but then it hit me like a ton of bricks, did i die from my fall at work? NO F****** WAY!!!!

After a couple of minutes panicking i asked myself a very important question that every geek i know would ask himself, (What now? do i meet a ROB, or am i already being reincarnated and am i just waiting in my new mothers womb? or am i going to heaven or hell?) preferably i would like to meet ROB.

As i waited for ROB to find me as i read in many stories i had decided to move arround exploring the cosmos i found myself in, and i got to say i move arround quite fast as a small soul, that's for sure. i dont know how long i was exploring but i definatly had fun going arround and i went from the moon of Jupiter Europa, to the kuiper belt and beyond from the milkey way to andromeda galaxy and even the small and large magellanic clouds and i have to say this to any sceptic of alien life on other planets, suck eggs!!!

I encounterd amazing civilizations and life forms, from people still in what we would call the stone ages to civilizations spanding several solar systems, some nice people and some civilizations that made me nearly shit my pants sort of speak. But as i was having the time of my life exploring these worlds even if i cant interact with anything or anyone on them i did not realize that over 707,513,800,837 years had passed, and that a certain ROB was royally pissed he for some reason could not find me due to my own bad luck that was on a omniversal level.

to be continued.