
The Omniversal Dragon: Chronicles of an Ancient Evil

DevoureringDragon · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

The Forgotten Era

Deep within the annals of Primordial Realm history lay a chapter shrouded in darkness and chaos—the Forgotten Era. It was a time when the savagery of the realm reached its zenith, as factions vied for supremacy amidst the roiling tides of chaos and destruction.

At the heart of this tumultuous era stood a being of unimaginable power—the Omniversal Threat. Its true name lost to time, it was known by this ominous title, a symbol of fear and devastation. The Omniversal Threat took the form of a colossal dragon, its three heads representing the culmination of primal forces.

Towards the end of the Forgotten Era, a battle broke out between the dragon and the major factions that existed at the time. The factions united as one against the dragon forming a huge army to confront it. In the devastating battle that shook the very foundations of reality, the dragon's overwhelming power decimated around 90 percent of the allied forces. Finally towards the end of the battle the allied forces managed to seal one of its innate powers of the dragon and defeat it by trapping it within a the dragon-god killing formation.

The defeat of the dragon was not without consequences. Its immense power and malevolent spirit lingered, threatening to plunge the Primordial Realm into further chaos and destruction. The surviving factions realized that the dragon's essence could not be destroyed, for it was bound to the fabric of existence itself. Instead, they devised a plan to seal the essence and power of the dragon within 20 of its own scales.

These scales were not ordinary objects but vessels capable of containing the immense power of the dragon. As no other material or artifact in the cosmos could withstand the sheer magnitude of the dragon's energy. The surviving factions worked tirelessly, using ancient rituals and powerful enchantments to bind the dragon's essence within the scales.

However, after the sealing was complete, the factions realized the inherent danger within the scales. The dragon's power was not dormant but pulsated within the scales, seeking to reunite and restore its former glory. The scales were imbued with a primal attraction, drawing towards one another in an attempt to become whole again.

Realizing the potential catastrophe if the scales were to reunite, the surviving factions of the allied forces took possession of ten of the scales for safeguarding purposes. They hid these scales in different areas of the Primordial Realm, each location guarded by powerful wards and hidden from prying eyes.

The other ten scales were subjected to a powerful teleportation spell, crafted by the most skilled sorcerers among the factions. The spell scattered the scales to random locations across realities and sub-realities, ensuring that even the casters of the teleportation spell would not be able to track down these elusive artifacts.