
The Omni System

In a world filled with cultivators, mages, Telepaths, and strange humanoid creatures, Sen Direndal, a young man blessed by a god, receives the extraordinary Omni System—an all-rounder cheat that grants him the power to acquire any ability he desires. But this power comes with conditions; not everything is available at once. As Sen embarks on an incredible journey, he must learn to embrace the blessings and face the unknown curse that haunts his dreams.

MaitreyaNirvana · Du hí
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36 Chs

Giant Doggo! A Titan's Trust: Introducing Titanella!

As the two of them carefully made their way across the uneven terrain, the two of them spotted an abundance of unusually large dogs, Martha was quick to blow Sen's mind however. "Believe it or not, these are all Puplings, the lowest ranking hound in their hierarchy, they are the equivalent of new-borns."

"Puplings? They're all bigger than us though! Just how large are their parents?"

Martha let out a delighted laugh, "Oh, well, let's just say these little fellas would look like little mice next to an Elephant in comparison."

Sen blanched when hearing that, "That's just wonderful! Oh well, a giant doggo is just a giant doggo."

One of the "Puplings" came bounding over when he said that, and let out a high-pitched, and quiet bark yap that it had no business having. "Sen, I should probably mention that these dogs aren't like your average pups, even the younger ones have a very high degree of intelligence. You may have unknowingly insulted this little fella over here."

The then turned to Martha, and let out another outraged "BARK!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt the little doggy's feelings?"

Sen gaped at her, "Where do you see a little doggy, I only a majestic pup, aren't you being a little hypocritical here?"

Martha turned her smiling face towards him now, it was a little strained, "Care to say that again?"

Sen grinned at her, "don't you threaten me, any threat that you carry out against me will result in my death. You're being hypocritical, don't talk to me about insulting this dog here, when you're already doing a great job of it already!"

Martha looked like she really might just do that, but then she sighed, "You're right, sorry doggo."

The oversized puppy let out what sounded like a "harrumph". Sen decided to a little something that he'd thought about doing ever since the "little" dog had run over. He walked over to it, before jumping into the air and landing on the dog's back, reached over, and patted the pup's head. The dog was initially surprised at the human's boldness, but that pat on the head was surprisingly pleasant. It lay down on it's side, unintentionally throwing Sen off its back, before starting to pant happily.

Martha was there before Sen knew what had happened, and found himself in her arms. He felt his face heating up a little, which resulted in Martha releasing a rare giggle. He stared at her in surprise, she never giggled, she just wasn't that kind of person, it wasn't really in her nature to do so. "Sorry, I forgot that you'd lost your memory, we used to do this all the time, the hugging part at least."

Sen slowly got to his feet, but she hadn't let him go yet. The dog realised what it had done and bowed its head in shame, it then stared at Martha, and let out a sound that sounded like... a laugh? Martha immediately retracted her hands, "You saw nothing! I promise!"

"Thank you for catching me! Seriously! Can we save this for when we're outside the rift, these dogs know exactly what's going on here, they really are smart. I remember reading about beasts or so-called, regular animals within these realms are often smarter than the average human. It seems that the dogs in this realm are at least close to that level of intelligence, as well as wisdom, even in their stage of infancy! Correct me if I'm wrong doggo, sorry, I don't really know what to call you."

The dog seemed to nod and let out an affirmative bark. "I'm going to try that again now, please try not to throw me off again, you're much stronger than you may realise!"

The dog lowered its head again in shame, Sen shook his head before jumping on its back again and rubbed its fur as well as patting its head again. It gave him a delighted look, before slowly lying down on its front, this time making sure that Sen had a firm hold. "Alright, now that's all settled, would you be interested in starting a contract? From what I've learned, your parents let you out at a young age, in order to experience life for yourselves. I honestly can't think of a better way to do that than to sign a contract between beast and man."

"I understand that you may be a little apprehensive about this, why wouldn't you be? We've only just become acquainted. But think about it a little, you'll be the first of your kind to venture out into another world, this rift only recently opened. Our world has already established an alliance with another dimension, we have a trade route going. You've probably heard a little about trade relations from the elders of your beast clan. So, how about it?"

Martha stared at him, shocked. The dog looked even more surprised than before, and then, much to both Sen and Martha's surprise, it walked forward before tentatively holding out a massive, furry paw, Sen immediately took it, and he immediately heard a system notification.

{Congratulations! You have successfully initiated a beast contract with a female pupling! For successfully initiating your first beast contract, you have received 250k EXP, Ⱡ 50k, and the Dog Whisperer trait! Level Up x13! All Stats +13!}

Name: Sen Direndal

HP: 141.4M/141.4M

MP: 142.56M/142.56M

SP: 18.05M/18.05M

Stamina Remaining: 36.6k/36.6k

Rank: G-Rank Hunter (Unofficial)

Title: Beginner (Gives a 45% increase to all experience gained from killing monsters!)


STR: 109 -> 122

PHY: 111 -> 124

AGI: 107 -> 120

DEX: 108 -> 121

INT: 110 -> 123

WIS: 112 -> 125

VIT: 109 -> 122

END: 107 -> 120

STA: 110 -> 123

Stat Points: 242

(A/N: Oh no, plot armour! Whatever will I do?)

Sen managed to keep quiet, but Martha couldn't help but notice a significant increase in power from him, she remained quiet too, but decided to ask him about this later. "I really hope that this works, I did my research long before visiting another realm for the first time. I will now complete this contract, I apologise in advance if my language is too flowery, I'm just going off of what I've learned!"

"I, Sen Direndal, a humble traveller from Centropai, do hereby forge an unyielding bond with this magnificent Pupling of Canisoris. Through this sacred contract, we shall pledge our unwavering loyalty and commitment to each other, with the shared aspiration of fostering an unbreakable alliance between the Cross-Dimensional alliance and the realm of Canisoris.

As the rays of the sun bathe Canisoris in her golden embrace, I stand in awe of the Pupling's grandeur and grace. In the presence of this majestic creature, I solemnly swear to be her steadfast protector and unwavering companion, nurturing a bond of trust that transcends all boundaries.

With every step we take on this journey, we shall strengthen the bridge of friendship between our realms. I promise to offer her my support, care, and guidance, ensuring her well-being and prosperity as we navigate the uncharted territories of Canisoris.

In return, the Pupling shall grace me with her unwavering loyalty and devotion. Together, we shall protect each other from harm's way, standing united against any adversities that dare cross our path.

Should the trials of life test us, I vow to stand resolute, shielding her from danger. In turn, she shall be my guardian, watching over me with keen eyes and a loyal heart, offering her protection and support in times of need.

In the face of challenges, our bond shall be our greatest strength, a beacon of unity and harmony between our realms. As we journey through the vast landscapes of Canisoris, our friendship shall flourish, bound by trust and mutual respect.

As the sun sets over Canisoris, the stars shall bear witness to our unbreakable alliance, etching our contract into the fabric of the cosmos. Through this sacred vow, we sow the seeds of a profound friendship that shall one day bloom into an enduring alliance between the Cross-Dimensional alliance and the realm of Canisoris.

With this solemn pact, we set forth on a journey of mutual understanding and respect, with the shared hope of fostering harmony and cooperation between our realms. May our bond serve as a testament to the power of unity, echoing through the ages as a symbol of peace and cooperation between man and beast.

With the whispered breeze as our witness, I name thee, my loyal companion, Titanella! May this name reverberate across the realms, symbolizing our unyielding bond and the dawn of an everlasting alliance. Together, we shall stride through the ages, as friends and allies, forging a legacy of unity that will endure the tests of time."

Martha stared at Sen in astonishment once more! The newly named Titanella stared at him with a mixture of astonishment, nervousness, and excitement. Her eyes were also moist, and a single massive tear-drop fell to the floor, forming a small puddle on the ground. 'I guess she's still technically quite young!'

She then surprised him by speaking directly to him.

"Sen, I'm in! I absolutely love the name Titanella, which you chose for me! I feel a deep connection with you, and I'm eager to embark on this journey together. From now on, we'll be true partners, supporting and protecting each other through thick and thin. I promise to be your most loyal companion, and I know I can rely on you just the same. With our bond, there's nothing we can't overcome. Let's be an unbeatable team, and together, we'll face the world with courage and determination!"

With a joyful spark in her eyes and a wagging tail, Titanella wholeheartedly embraced the bond and sealed their partnership with unwavering loyalty. 'Oh yeah, I did receive the Dog Whisperer trait! No wonder I can understand what she just told me.'

"Well Titanella, that was amazing, I look forward to working with you from now on! That was adorable by the way! Sorry, I guess it's still part of my nature to respond that way when it come to dogs!"

Titanella beamed, "Of course, I understand! I am aware that other worlds keep lesser hounds as pets."

Martha was confused beyond belief at this point, her Sen had started to make near-perfect dog noises, and, she'd realised that the dog seemed to understand Sen and responded in kind. 'Since when could my husband talk to dogs? I never got this from my contract with Timothy, not fair! Oh well, I guess that these two are bonded now!'

"It's time for us to go now Sen, you come along too doggo, you two are an inseparable team team now, after all!"

Sen nodded to Titanella, who immediately stood up, before proceeding to follow Martha in the direction on the rift!

That's 3 chapters done! I hope that you all enjoyed these chapters! Volume 1 is now more than halfway done! I may become a contracted author sooner than I thought I would, but I'm not entirely sure! Anyways, I hope that you enjoy these chapters! Please leave a review/rating or a power stone! Also remember that this is completely optional! Until next time, peace out!