

  Shelbrooke crushed the tiny remnant of cigarette in the ashtray before turning to face Gorge who stood before him, eyes on the floor. He folded his hands on the table, face hard.

  "What did you say is happening in Vampire City?"

  Gorge looked up slightly, beads of sweat all over his face.

  "The City is distracted the way I see it. They're concerned with a certain case going on in the palace."

  "What case?" Shelbrooke exhaled uninterestingly as he wondered if it was going to be about Zeidan and his little bride. He tapped the table before him lightly with his index finger.

  "Unfortunately, it's a case about Wikh."

  The tapping stopped and he glared at the plump man before him.

  "Why?" He blinked as he wondered if everything would go downhill. Now, their inside man is in trouble.

  "All our plans. Everything will go to waste!"

  "We're... we're trying our best to make sure it doesn't."