

  Stale smoke and antiseptic greeted her as she became conscious. The blurry ceiling came into view as she blinked gently to suppress the pain at the back of her head.

  Soon, the blurriness cleared and she could see Chloe standing over her.

  "Hey?" Her warm voice seeped through her ears.

  "Hey." She replied softly, smiling carefully.

  "How do you feel now?" Chloe asked as she moved to touch her forehead.

  "I feel like a cat now." Lyne chuckled but regretted it immediately.

  "Ouch. I mean, as lethargic as a cat."

  "There's nothing wrong in being a cat." Chloe laughed as she stood up to a metal table by the side that had different medicines and bandages spread out on it.

  "I used to have a cat. She lived for only two years before I gave her up to join the army." She stopped talking as if that particular topic dug up a dark part of her. She fiddled with the scissors and needles on the tray.

  "I'll just...I'm just going to..."