

  The hall was filled with murmurs and gasps as to why a woman was let in the courthouse unless she was a Queen or a witness or the accused.

  "Your highness, she shouldn't be here." One of the lawmakers in blue robe called out, his face crumpled in disgust.

  "I thought you were poisoned," Wikh asked, his eyes wide.

  Lyne licked her lips and nodded her head.

  "Yes, I was." Further exclamations.

  "But I ran here as soon as I heard you were going to be prosecuted. I just needed to buy you some time." Her eyes were now laced with tears, especially after seeing the old man's face torn and covered in blisters. She touched it gently and tears rolled down her eyes as she had thought of Wikh as her father.

  She sniffled and turned to Zeidan who just stared at her, obviously confused.

  "Is this how you're going to rule your subjects to victory?" She asked him while walking toward him.

  "Is this how your pass your judgements? You let your emotions get the best of you?"