

  It's 6:03 pm and the King was sitted still on his throne in a black and gold robe that made him look powerful. With his crown and his face held in all the fire that burnt within him as he looked at this man with a god-damned cloak and grey hair.

  Everywhere was silent except for the random murmurs of his five lawmakers and three council members in the courthouse.

  "Silence!" Everyone straightened and with the look on their face, it was obvious they had never seen him react this harshly before.

  He tried to balance feeling guilty for Samantha's death but all through, the only thing in his mind was Lyne and how she was faring. He couldn't bear to see her face because he knew he had hurt her and her feelings before he left for the human city and seeing her in pain would only worsen matters.

  The only thing he knew he could do to settle the rage within him is to make sure Wikh is brought to book. But he has to do this after proving him guilty.