

  Shelbrooke removed his hat and wiped his face that has been wet with sweat. Not from the scorching sun but the heat of rage welling inside of him. He should have known coming to see the Alpha would be a waste of time and energy. He should have changed strategies and formats instead of stopping so low to come and plead with him.

  Wearing back his hat, he removed a stick of cigarette and ignited the fire to light it. He looked back at the building he had just emerged from and shook his head.

  What the hell has he done? He thought.

  Puffing out his fury along with the heavy smoke that came out of his nostrils, he thought about what to do. Yes, he has plenty of his men around Vampire city now but what's the assurance that the Wolf army won't help in overpowering the Werecats. He groaned at the thought.