

  A sigh escaped Zeidan's lips as he stepped backward. His hand bled as he held the knife hardly by the tip and looked down at his new bride who looked ignorant of everything going on.

  Poor Lyne. He thought.

  Everyone has stopped walking around.

  "What was that for?"

  "What was what for? You kissed me." Lyne thought he was talking to her since his eyes are still locked with hers.

  "I wonder how much freaky magic you can do." Charles' voice made Lyne turn towards him.

  "So many powers but you can't even fight your people."

  Lyne looked at Zeidan and her face caught blood dripping down his hands as he held it. That was when it dawned on her that Charles had thrown it at them while they were kissing. She covered her mouth in shock, tears rolling down her cheeks for two reasons. He just risked his life to save hers and he looked like he cared for her.