

  The door creaked open gently and closed in the same manner. Lyne knew it was Zeidan who had walked in but she didn't raise her head. She just laid on the bed, tired. Especially after what she just heard her father say. She just needed to be alone.

  "Hey," Zeidan called and she turned to face him slightly.

  "Look, I know I've been a dimwit all this time and I was so stupid to have acted that way. But, you know, I was just..." He tried looking for the right words.

  "You're just thinking of it in a wrong way."

  "I am?" Lyne rose from the bed, wrapping her arms around herself. "How?"

  "Luana can't possibly be working for Shelbrooke."

  "And how sure can we be?" Lyne asked, looking at him from across the room, two feet away from each other.

  "A hundred percent." She raised a brow. "Lyne, Luana has been with Vampire city since she was born. She knows the history, she knows the rules and she knows what the result of betrayal is."