

  It is almost morning and Luana stands at the gate that guards the vampire city. She was now wearing her fighting gear of black pants, boot heels, and a brown leather jacket. Her hair was worn up.

  Before her, several men stood with glowing cat eyes and fangs out. Their faces have the tribal identification Werecats are known with, stripes.

  She grabbed two long swords from her back, one on each hand, and swirled them.

  "Let's say we strike a deal, cats. You get outta here and I'll spare your lives or we do this the hard way." Her mouth twitched and her eyes were expressionless giving out an air of confidence.

  "The only deal we shall strike, Luana," she heard a voice call out from behind the men and her face looked frightened. He walked up to her front and tilted his hat like a cowboy. "Is about the treasure."

  "Shelbrooke?" Her voice was shaky as she saw the man with a deep-cut scar running diagonally across his face.