
The Olympians

Kronos the only son of Greek shipping tycoon Uranus and his wife Gaia is poised to take over his father's shipping empire Tartarus, but he holds a secret - a burning passionate hatred for his father. Navigating the underworld of New York City during the era of jazz and prohibition Kronos meets the beautiful Rhea and its love at first sight! From Rockefellers to Astors, Owney Madden to Al Capone, Kronos must play a game of chess with the Titans of American industry while outwitting the most notorious mafia gangsters in United States history. Kronos and Rhea's passionate romance set against the backdrop of speakeasies and boardrooms will create a powerful dynasty that will rule the world. You've heard the myths of the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. You think you know their stories. This series reimagines all the Gods and Goddesses of Mt Olympus not as deities, but as mortal men and women. The Birth of Man is the first based on the writings of Hesiod.

Katherine_Holm · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


Chaos had a decision to make. Should he tell Uranus about the child? He couldn't imagine his friend and boss as a father.

At least not one he would wish any child to have. Chaos had known Uranus all his life. They grew up together.

Uranus was vicious and cruel. He had never cared for anyone but himself, and Chaos doubted that would or could ever change.

The child would certainly be better off with any other man for a father, or no father at all.

On the other hand, the girl was now shunned by her neighbors and the people on the island. She was alone. How would she support the child?

Chaos could already see their future. Mother and son begging on the streets of Crete while being spit on by passersby.

She didn't deserve that. Neither did the child.

He leveled his gaze at his boss. "Everything is set. The men on the dock know what to do when the shipments arrive from Turkey."

Uranus nodded "Good, good. You'll be in charge here while I'm in New York. I'm counting on you old friend. I expect you to keep things here running smoothly."

Chaos nodded. "There is something else you should know."

Uranus cocked an eyebrow at him. Chaos drew in a deep breath. "While I was on the island I saw that girl from the market."

Uranus narrowed his eyes. Chaos continued. "You remember her don't you? The one you ah...took to dinner." Uranus smirked. "Ah yes, what was her name? Gina?"

"Gaia." Chaos stated quietly. The smirk disappeared from Uranus face at tone of voice Chaos used to correct him.

"What about her?"

Chaos looked Uranus in the eye for a moment carefully weighing his decision. Unsure if he was doing the right thing, he swallowed hard before speaking. "She's pregnant."

Uranus went completely still as if struck by a thunderbolt.

"Are you sure?"

"There is no doubt."

Silence hung in the air while Uranus absorbed the news. It was Chaos who finally broke it. "She's alone. Her father committed suicide."

"How does this concern me?" snorted Uranus. Chaos stared at Uranus with a blank expression on his face giving away no emotion.

"She is carrying your child and she is alone with no one to help her. If you do not step up and take responsibility, they will be in the street. Your child will be a beggar."

Uranus flinched slightly. He stared at his desk for a moment.

A child. The word rattled around in his head like a penny. He had never thought about becoming a father, but now, the more he thought about it, the idea didn't seem all that terrible.

After all, a King needs an heir.