
The Olympians

Kronos the only son of Greek shipping tycoon Uranus and his wife Gaia is poised to take over his father's shipping empire Tartarus, but he holds a secret - a burning passionate hatred for his father. Navigating the underworld of New York City during the era of jazz and prohibition Kronos meets the beautiful Rhea and its love at first sight! From Rockefellers to Astors, Owney Madden to Al Capone, Kronos must play a game of chess with the Titans of American industry while outwitting the most notorious mafia gangsters in United States history. Kronos and Rhea's passionate romance set against the backdrop of speakeasies and boardrooms will create a powerful dynasty that will rule the world. You've heard the myths of the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. You think you know their stories. This series reimagines all the Gods and Goddesses of Mt Olympus not as deities, but as mortal men and women. The Birth of Man is the first based on the writings of Hesiod.

Katherine_Holm · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


This is a retelling of the Hellenistic myths of the Gods of Olympus in the genre of a romance novel.

My Greek heritage inspired me to begin writing this series. My father was born in Greece and immigrated to the United States. I was born and raised in the US.

Sadly, I never had the chance to know my father and only learned of my Greek heritage a few years ago. My desire to learn more about my heritage led to a hobby of studying ancient Greek history and the religious cults of the Olympic Gods.

This book is not meant to be an academic retelling of these myths. Changes have been made to fit the setting of this story.

If you've studied the myths around the religious cults of Ancient Greece then you know that the stories surrounding the Olympian Gods are no fairytales.

The twelve Olympians and their offspring more often than not were violent, malevolent, jealous, cruel, and manipulative. They were not kind forgiving benevolent deities. They did not look down on mankind the way a loving parent looks at their children.

The gods and goddesses of Olympus derived their power from the prayers and devotions of the mortals they used as pawns and playthings in their schemes and machinations.

This series imagines these Gods not as immortal deities but rather, mortal men and women living in our modern world. Through that lens, the stories of the Greek Gods and Goddesses look very different.

This will be an ongoing series with updates posted on Mondays.

WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This series is not PG13!

It is most definitely Rated R for graphic violence, sexual content, and language.

Please be advised if you are someone who is triggered by scenes depicting rape, miscarriage, physical and psychological abuse, etc. you should not read this series. The graphic scenes in this series are not gratuitous for shock value. They're included to remain as faithful to the original characters and stories as possible.

If you still want to read then welcome! Get ready to see characters like Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Aphrodite, Artemis, Hera and more as you've never seen them before.

In these stories the Gods and Goddesses are mortal men and women living in the twenty and twenty-first centuries. Their choices and actions are not dismissed as the will of the Gods. They have consequences. These characters are complex. Those you thought were good are in fact very bad, and those you may have thought were bad are in fact good, or at least not as bad as the rest.

If you want to better understand the myths that inspired these stories then I suggest you Google "timeline of Greek mythology"

I used the timeline provided at the link below (copy and paste it into your browser), which is based off Hesiod's Five Ages of Man. Book 1 is based on what Hesiod called The Birth of the World. It's the story of Uranus and Gaia, and Chronus and Rhea.

Set in the jazz age of American history in the world of gangsters, dames, and speakeasies this is the story of the passionate romance of Chronus and Rhea versus the passionate hate a son has for his father.

I would love to know what you think as you read so please leave comments. And, as always I don't mind constructive criticism aimed at improving the mechanics of my writing. Feel free to point out misspellings, grammatical errors, plot holes, etc.

And one last thing, if you enjoy this book please like and vote for my story.

Happy reading!
