
The Olympians

Kronos the only son of Greek shipping tycoon Uranus and his wife Gaia is poised to take over his father's shipping empire Tartarus, but he holds a secret - a burning passionate hatred for his father. Navigating the underworld of New York City during the era of jazz and prohibition Kronos meets the beautiful Rhea and its love at first sight! From Rockefellers to Astors, Owney Madden to Al Capone, Kronos must play a game of chess with the Titans of American industry while outwitting the most notorious mafia gangsters in United States history. Kronos and Rhea's passionate romance set against the backdrop of speakeasies and boardrooms will create a powerful dynasty that will rule the world. You've heard the myths of the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. You think you know their stories. This series reimagines all the Gods and Goddesses of Mt Olympus not as deities, but as mortal men and women. The Birth of Man is the first based on the writings of Hesiod.

Katherine_Holm · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


Kronos POV

I slip into the building and make my way to the stairs leading to the basement without being seen. This time of day the lobby is so busy I'm able to blend in with the other suits wandering around.

I follow the stairs down to the basement and slip in quietly. The mail room is always chaotic which means I am able to walk through without anyone really looking up to see where I'm going.

They probably assume I am just another broker from upstairs whose lost. That works for me.

I make my way to the back where my father's office is. There are no windows. Just a door. When I was here before the door was left ajar.

Today its closed. I try the handle and of course its locked.

Economics and finance aren't the only things I learned at college. Sneaking out around campus with my friends, playing pranks on professors, the ability to pick a lock was quite useful.

And I'm damn good at it.

It takes me a minute, but I'm able to get in. I close the door behind me so no one will notice. I check the time. Its nearly noon. My father won't leave his mistress for another hour at least, likely longer.

I've got plenty of time.

I begin searching through the desk. Nothing could have prepared me for the revelations I found in this tiny office today. My father didn't make all his money with the shipping company. Not that Tartarus is doing badly. Its a very profitable company.

But, turns out its not where the real money comes from. My father's fortune has been made by importing opium, whiskey, and rum from Europe and exporting guns from America.

I think I might throw up.

Sure, I suspected my father's dealings were dirty and underhanded, but I never imagined they would be this bad. My father's business activities are seriously criminal.

Looking through his files I see that my father has business dealings with Arnold Rothstein, Al Capone, Vito Genovese, Frank Costello, and someone called Lucky Luciano.

I had heard whispers of these men. These were not men to be crossed.

If he were ever caught, he could be prosecuted in several different countries. He would go to prison for the rest of his life. That is, if his associates didn't take him out first.

I look at my watch. Its getting close to two o'clock. I need to get out of here. I'm careful to leave everything exactly as I found it. I slip out quietly locking the door behind me. I exit through the mailroom again and once in the lobby I take the elevator to the fourth floor and walk straight into my office.

My office is on one of the lower floors but it does have a window. I sit and stare down at Wall Street contemplating my next move. I must be very careful. I found the ammunition I need to take my father down, but it has to be done right.

I need to protect my mother, and I am going to protect Tartarus. The legitimate side of this company is my birthright. I'll be god damned if that monster will take it from me.

My secretary knocks on my door and informs me my father would like to see me in his office. I nod and rise from my desk. I walk over to the elevator and press the button. I'm calm as the elevator carries me up to my father's office.

He can't possibly know what I've been up to and its not unusual for him to summon me like this. Edith nods at me as I approach her desk.

I don't bother waiting to be announced. I open the door and walk right in to the King's office like the prince I am.