
The Odd World Of Pokémon

The world of Pokemon isn't as easy as it sounds.

DaoistJIIvmp · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Daylight

Chirp Chirp, Chirp.

As the birds chirped loudly, on a pile of rubble, a small child could be seen with dried blood covering his body and clothes. If the child weren't snoring so loudly it wouldn't be easy to mistake him for being dead, several hours had passed since the child passed out, and the Pokeball was still tightly pressed on the child's chest.

Sunlight reflected off the rushing water, sparkling until a loud yawn could heard followed by a scream of pain. The child had woken up yawning until a sharp pain rippled through his body, he was holding onto his chest gasping in pain.

He stared up into the blue sky until he glanced over at Pokeball. The child grinned before he spoke to himself. 

" It really wasn't a dream, I-I actually caught a pokemon! "

The sly grin remained on his face until a single thought dawned on him. If he released the pokemon out of the ball wouldn't it try to attack him? The child stared at the Pokeball in his hand pondering his options until he took a deep breath and pressed the button on the front of the ball.

The ball automatically latched open as a red beam gracefully flowed out of the ball before a red silhouette of the feraligatr materialized until it appeared directly next to the child. The child stared up at the feraligatr worried before the Pokemon looked down at the battered child before growling annoyed.

The feraligatr was obviously annoyed that it had been caught however, it wasn't in any place to complain, the feraligatr stared at sparkling water until the child spoke.

" You can stay out of the ball if you want, I don't even want to imagine how cramped the inside of the ball is. B-But I want to ask you a question because I think you can understand me. "

The child slowly pushed off the rubble under him gingerly standing up in clear pain.

" Do you hate humans or at least the actions of humans? "

Asked the child, the Pokemon stared at the child confused before it nodded its head, seeing the feraligatr nod. The child's expression changed to one filled with joy, as he stumbled to the feraligatr before collapsing on its burly legs.

The feraligatr stared at the collapsed child irritated before it lowered its head and gently bit down onto the collar of the child's shirt before lifting him up off the guard. The child's body swayed back and forth unconscious...

A few hours later, the child could be seen lying on a patch of grass in the middle of a clearing. Laying directly next to the child was the feraligatr with its massive tail covering the child's body. Rain had started to pour down, and even with the strong rain, the child slept peacefully due to the feraligatr shielding him from the rain.

The feraligatr stared through the dense forest, its piercing red eyes staring through the endless cover of rain droplets. No Pokemon dared approach the feraligatr, scared of its short temper. The feraligatr stared through the rain until a weak cough caught his attention making him glance down towards child, watching him slowly push himself into a sitting position. 

 The child glanced around still in a daze until he glanced up locking eyes with the feraligatr before an embarrassed look appeared on his face and he spoke apologizing.

" I'm sorry, I promise not to be such a nuisance next time, but thank you for carrying me. But I never asked you, what's your name? " 

" Feraligatr. 

" Lucky, I don't even have a name. "

Responded the child grinning at the Pokemon. The feraligatr just shook its massive head before the child spoke once again.

" Since you already have a name, how about you choose my name? Here, I give you options. "

What followed after the child spoke was him spewing out several names such as Joseph, Daniel, Mute and such. Until he finally spoke a name that caught feraligatr's attention.

" Hmm, how about. Feril? "

The feraligatr eyes widened at this name before it quickly nodded its head.

"HAHA, I knew you would like it after all it's basically just your name. With a few letters missing and swapped. "

Said Feril holding onto his stomach laughing still in agonizing pain, the feraligatr let out a scoff before Feril spoke again.

" You might not know this but there's a shabby town not so far away from here. And I need to ask you a favor, can you destroy it for me, "

The feraligatr stared at Feril perplexed as Feril eyes were filled with madness, the Pokémon just nodded its head before the rain slowly began to clear.

Feril gingerly stood back up on his feet before he snickered and spoke. 

" I can't wait to see their faces. "…