

With a totally sunny day and around ten in the morning Lily woke up screaming, "where I am, the monster where he left ... I have to get up or catch me" was what he said while Saria and Franz watched her in silence.

"Fast Franz, let Rose him," then he left the room where they were running and shouting: "Rose ... Rose ... already returned with us." Saria tried to calm Liria while saying "Everything is fine, they have left" "Really? She responded, "yes, calm," Liria remained carefully and then calmed down and lay down in the back of the bed.

Rose arrived immediately and hugged him very strongly while saying "I thought you would not return."

Liria was silent and relaxed as she thought about what was happening, so she hugged Rose that she had hit her chest among cries.

- Can you tell me what happened?

The three turned to see with intrigue and quite surprised "I suppose that so many days spoiled your head, but you remember it, then there is no choice, I will do it," Franz said.

- So many days ... what do you mean, a moment ago, as if I just saw it I was with the hooded man named Tylos Librando a battle against that bone monster and then something shine ... Ahg I cannot remember anything later.

- It happened when we listened to a chilling sound during the early morning that made us hurry from the church, and in that hill we could observe something wrapped in a dark fog that in turn was locked in a kind of giant sphere, we intuited that it was A distortion of the space created with magic, those flying monsters next to that colossus had a really spooky presence, we could perceive it being out of the area, even so we rushed to go three.

When we entered the sphere, the atmosphere felt vitiated, we almost vomited, it was a horrible feeling, I simply felt that something was not right, even so, we continue, but the only thing we could see was a flash of light that made those monsters back When we arrived what there was a desolate plain, everything was destroyed, and miraculously you were there of a piece, at least you, because he was returned a sack of broken bones. We tried to wake them up, but they did not do so that we loaded them as we could towards the Church. Some villagers who lived in the cabin helped us before the monster attack and since then you have remained unconscious until now. A week has passed, Rose has been maintaining you with magic all this time.

Liria got up and thanked them for taking care of her, put on her armor and left, it does not seem to leave since she had left her other belongings thought the others, she went to see the people, and with amazement she saw that the repair work already They had ended, observed everywhere and it seemed that people were fine, reached the door of the town and Colt was amazed to see it "how good you woke up, you had very worried," she crouched her head with a little shame while He said in a low tone "I feel the inconvenience", the guards turned to see and could not contain the laugh "what are you talking about, discomfort? You helped us a lot of lady, that is not any discomfort," there were some villagers and they met even more and more and with a smile they nodded the comment of his teammates.

Some children approached her and hugged her, "Thank you for protecting our brother," Liria smiled at them sweetly as she caressed her heads, so that Rufián is your brother.

Among the crowd that had been made, an elderly couple came out, they invited her to take a walk, she nodded and left with them, walked for a while behind them in silence until she decided to speak.

- Everyone is being very friendly with me, taking care of even after the problems I caused.

The old woman looked at her sideways with a kind smile and said

- Surely you always see the bad of situations.

- I just followed what I thought selfishly and dragged others with me.

- Maybe you should see how good you achieved instead of seeing that you were wrong, perfection is not something that we humans should aspire with such devotion

- Even if he says so, it is not something so simple for me, I did not come here to make mistakes, I came to help, to protect them, and look at this place, a disaster was done, they could barely rebuild it.

- But you are wrong, you will not be able to learn, and you will not be prepared for something even bigger, the times are changing young lady, if we never had faults, we would not change our way of doing things and when we fail it will be even more painful, it is allowed to make mistakes, There is no rule that prevents that, however, what should not be allowed is to keep your arms crossed without doing anything while the world falls apart, without improving, without trying to be better, keep it in mind.

Without realizing where they were going, or perhaps wrapped in the conversation she had not realized that the place where they were walking was the hill where the cabin was there where they had had the encounter with that giant creature.

- Please don't look away ...

Although incredible, there was a new constructed cabin where the other had been destroyed, the young woman remained silent to see him.

- Thank you very much for protecting the boy, we thank you.

Those elderly are Sofia and Robert, and the children were Cory and Clara, they all tilted their heads as a sign of thanks.

- I only protected it because he did the same for me

- But you still protected it to the end, he told us.

- Well, I guess yes,

Is that ruffian your family?

- You are wrong, tell Robert.

- Before you got a young lady here, Tylos, that ruffian you are talking about, I found him on the way when I headed here to the crimson village, I was lying, I thought I was dead, but for our fortune it was not like that, it honestly seemed like someone strange And suspicious, but my grandchildren, these little girls here thought otherwise and immediately silenced them very well, and it was not until the night that the kind of person who is, he saved us from some horrible monsters on the way out here when risking his risks here Life, he almost dies, or so we thought it had happened when he suddenly returned to life, we were very scared, and we thought it was a monster, I know that it is difficult to believe that something like that can happen, even if it is some kind From a monster or something else, the truth is that it has saved us on more than one occasion, that is undeniable.

There, here, the people, he has tried his worth, so I ask you not to judge him without knowing him before, that boy seems to be someone lonely, although strong, and does not seem to be someone we should fear.

- Where is the now?

- For your bad fortune he left in the morning, saying, if I stay more time she will come for me, thank him for saving me and tell him that I will not give my sword.

Maybe he already knew you were going to wake up ...

- I see, but since this place, this house, everything had been destroyed, although it is not the same, it looks a lot like the cabin that I saw that day.

- You will see, unlike you, he, the next day he was already well, your friend treatment with magic and seemed to be stable during that day and when we went to visit him the next day, he was no longer in bed, we were looking for him Everywhere, and we didn't give their whereabouts, until we decided to go to this place, the children thought that maybe they could find themselves here.

It was then that we saw him, he seemed like a child trying to fix his broken toy, and when he saw us he did not know what to say more to apologize with his eyes.

Everywhere, and we didn't give their whereabouts, until we decided to go to this place, the children thought that maybe they could find themselves here.

It was then that we saw him, he looked like a child trying to fix the broken toy of him, and when he saw us, he did not know what to say more to apologize with his eyes.

- Yes, as Robert says it was very funny, although it seemed tender to me, I remembered my son, the dad of these children, when I was still small, I always broke things and spoiled them trying to fix them right like him.

Tylos had here some tools that it seems he had taken without permission from the village, so it seems that he had been trying to build something, although he knows nothing about it, at least in that he has not impressed us haha.

- And well to summarize the young story Lad It was, I never saw someone so clumsy and kind, although it is true, it does not seem human, but their actions show much more of humanity than anyone who has known, that is undeniable.

Liria was quite surprised about what the elders told her, the background history of that mysterious young man in her stay in the village seemed unbelievable, but there were no reasons for her to lied about it and she also did not have reasons to believe what That they told him, so he took it as a truth, after talking a little more with the elderly, he returned to the church again.

- You seem quieter, which happened there, they told you tell me ...

- It seems that this Tylos is a kind of hero for these people, they almost idolize it, however, there is something in which it does not let me trust me. We will start back tomorrow, hopefully we will find it somewhere near here, if it is destiny that crosses our paths again.