
the oath of a father Beyond the Veil: A Naruto Reincarnation

In the chaotic streets of the city, a young man's life abruptly ends, his existence forever altered by the cruel hand of fate. As he grapples with the harsh realities of his new existence, he is driven by a relentless desire to reunite with his family. Traversing the treacherous landscape between life and death, he confronts the shadows of his past and the daunting mysteries of the afterlife. Fueled by a father's desperate determination, he embarks on a perilous journey to safeguard his daughter's future, navigating a world teetering on the brink of darkness. a haunting saga of loss, resilience, and the enduring echoes of love that linger in the darkest corners of existence. just a side project, I'm tired of seeing these low quality fanfictions that keep tarnishing Naruto , I'm hoping to make a fanfiction that will be of better quality than these cultivation (Chinese) and harem FF . do leave some comments and reviews, I will do everything within my abilities to better what I do therefore you guys need to show me the way to betterment this is just a side project smh my novel version got deleted... anyway nothing except my plotline and the MC belongs to me everything else to the author of naruto if I used something from you or anything like that do tell me so that I see what I can do and take it down

Grigo · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

power of the eyes

In the depths of my solitude, a daring notion took root in my mind: what if I could craft my own dojutsu, a formidable ocular technique to elevate me above my adversaries? But such a feat would require vessels of unparalleled potency to channel the raw energy of my creation.

It was then that a chilling realization dawned upon me: the eyes of Lucifer himself, the very epitome of demonic power, would serve as the perfect vessels for my newfound abilities. With his eyes as conduits, I could unleash a torrent of devastation upon my foes, transcending the limitations of mortal flesh.

But to acquire such a prize, I knew I would have to confront Lucifer once more, to face the embodiment of darkness in a battle of wills and strength. Though the thought sent a shiver down my spine, I steeled my resolve, for the prospect of unlocking untold power outweighed any apprehension that gripped my mind.

Thus, with a grim determination burning in my soul, I embarked on a perilous quest to seek out Lucifer, to challenge him to a rematch that would determine the course of my destiny. And as I ventured deeper into the abyss, I knew that the road ahead would be fraught with peril, but I would not falter, for I had a goal to achieve and nothing would stand in my way.

It had been centuries since our last battle, but the intensity of our rivalry remained as potent as ever, etched into the very fabric of the abyss.

Though the passage of time had worn away at my emotions, my resolve to best Lucifer remained steadfast, a beacon of unwavering strength in the face of darkness.

I braced myself for the confrontation, my senses heightened by centuries of experience. Though I faced no other adversary but Lucifer, the stakes were no less dire, for this battle would determine the course of our eternal struggle.

The tension hangs thick in the air as Lucifer and I lock eyes once more. His gaze, filled with malevolence, is a stark reminder of our previous encounter—a humiliating defeat that still stings.

"I've come to claim what's rightfully mine, Lucifer," I declare, my voice firm, though my heart pounds with anticipation. "Your eyes will serve as vessels for the seals I require."

Lucifer's lips curl into a disdainful smirk. "You think you can best me, after our last encounter? How amusing."

I tighten my grip on my weapon, steeling myself against his mockery. "I've grown stronger since then. Your illusions hold no power over me now. Hand over your eyes, and this can end peacefully."

With a snarl, Lucifer lunges forward, his movements swift and calculated. But I'm ready for him this time, meeting his strikes with skill and determination.

"You seek to use my power for your own gain?" Lucifer sneers, his voice dripping with contempt. "You are a fool, mortal."

But I refuse to be deterred. "Your eyes will serve a greater purpose than feeding your pride, Lucifer. With them, I will become unstoppable."

The battle rages on, each clash of our weapons sending sparks flying into the darkness. Every blow exchanged is a step closer to my goal—empowerment through Lucifer's eyes.

As I marched towards Lucifer, a glint of desperation flickered in his eyes. Without hesitation, lunged forward, aiming for my torso with a desperate strike.

I barely had time to react as his hand pierced through my defenses, searing pain radiating from the wound. But even as darkness threatened to engulf me, my resolve remained unbroken.

With a grim determination, I pushed through the pain, summoning every ounce of strength within me. Gripping the hand embedded in my torso, I forced myself closer to Lucifer, locking eyes with him in a silent challenge.

"Is this all you have, Lucifer?" I growled through gritted teeth, defiance burning bright within me. "Your desperation betrays you."

With a surge of adrenaline, I wrenched the hand from my abdomen ignoring the searing agony that cours through me.

Finally, with a surge of determination, I shatter Lucifer's defenses and seize his eyes, their power coursing through me like a wildfire.

"This is the beginning of my ascent, Lucifer," I declare triumphantly, holding his eyes aloft. "With your power at my disposal, none shall stand in my way."


In my quest for power, I've stolen Lucifer's eyes, a daring move that now grants me unmatched abilities. My eyes, black as the abyss, are adorned with orange-red irises, a testament to their newfound power.

Drawing inspiration from two potent sources, I fuse the Domain of the Accursed Rest and the Eyes of Demons. My eyes inherit the Barrier Domain, an expansion technique that severs the senses of touch, sight, and smell within its domain. To sustain itself, it feeds on the chakra of my foes. Fortuitously, I hold the key, rendering me immune to its effects. Its activation is marked by the Domain Expansion Seal, executed with a practiced hand.

As for their abilities, they are manifold: future observation for glimpsing into the tides of time, precise future vision to foresee the moves of my adversaries, an expanded chakra reservoir granting unparalleled control over my body, manipulation of desires to bend the wills of others, and ultimate illusion manipulation, an echo of Lucifer's legendary prowess.

With Lucifer's stolen eyes and this amalgamation of power, I shall ascend to new heights of dominance.


Since I've stolen Lucifer's eyes, he relentlessly pursued revenge, his body regenerating within 24 hours with new eyes, fueled by the humiliation I inflicted upon him. It's undeniable that this constant confrontation has honed my skills and made me stronger. Facing one of the strongest demons for years has garnered me a reputation in the underworld; they now call me the "Untamed Devil."

Yet, amidst my rise to power, questions gnaw at my conscience. What must I do to reunite with my family on Earth? Are they safe? How much time has elapsed since my death? Were the grim reapers deceiving me? What is my path now?

With a heavy sigh, my mind settles on one course of action. To prove my dominance and secure my place among the strongest, I must defeat all the demon princes—Lucifer, Pride, Satan, Wrath, and the others. While Lucifer kneels at my feet, the other six demons remain untested adversaries, their strengths and strategies unknown to me.

As I ponder my next move, the weight of my responsibilities presses down upon me. The journey to confront these powerful entities will not be easy. Each one will pose a unique challenge, testing not only my strength but also my wit and resolve.

But I am determined. With each victory, I will inch closer to my ultimate goal. And perhaps, along the way, I will uncover the answers to the questions that have haunted me since my descent into the underworld.

With a grim determination, I set out on my quest, knowing that the path ahead will be fraught with danger and uncertainty. But I am the Untamed Devil, and I fear no challenge. For I am destined to rise above the darkness and claim my rightful place among the gods themselves.


As I lay on the stone bed I fashioned for myself, my mind churned with thoughts of my next target. "Now all that is left is to find my next victim," I mused aloud.

"Belphegor, perhaps? He's known for his laziness, though his strength pales in comparison to Lucifer's. But where could he be hiding? From what I've heard, he's not the most discreet individual. Some even call him Gorlock, though demons do love to gossip when they're too lazy to fight," I grumbled, frustration evident in my voice.

With a weary sigh, I realized I couldn't afford to waste time pondering. "What a drag," I muttered to myself. "I should just ask the demons here where Belphegor could be hiding in such a wasteland."

As I walked through the mountains of corpses, the weight of my mission bearing down on me, I couldn't help but question the path I had chosen. "Is the defeat of the seven princes really my ticket out of here?" I pondered aloud, the thought echoing in the desolate landscape. "If I'm to get stronger and stronger to finalize my adventure, I gotta defeat the strongest ones... Just like in those Pokémon games." I deadpanned, a hint of incredulity in my voice. "Pokémon? Seriously, what's wrong with my mind?"

Lost in my musings, I stumbled upon a lone demon amidst the crimson sea of corpses. As I approached, I took in his formidable appearance: broad shoulders, a well-toned body, dark skin cracked with fire, one eye, and a single horn protruding from his forehead.

"Hey, tell me where to find Belphegor," I called out, my voice cutting through the eerie silence of the scene.

The demon, seemingly unfazed by my presence, yawned lazily and merely pointed in a direction without bothering to look at me. My brow furrowed in confusion. "Is he asleep?!" I wondered incredulously, the absurdity of the situation not lost on me.

"I'm no genius, but I'm not dumb... If that isn't laziness, I don't know what is. But why is your body so well-built, Belphegor?" I called out his name with some hesitation in my voice, unsure if it was truly him, as he looked entirely different from what I had been told.

The demon finally opened his only eye, looking at me with indifference. "What? Are you confused because I'm not fat? Remember, dumbass, I'm Sloth, not Gluttony, and being lazy is so taxing on my body that it creates muscles...." His explanation left me speechless; indeed, it made sense—why would he be fat if his sin was Sloth? But what truly stunned me was his assertion that being lazy was taxing. "The heck do you mean being lazy is so taxing?!" I thought to myself. 'Is he messing with me? Yeah, definitely the sin of Sloth, okay,' I gritted my teeth, trying not to punch him in the face.

The demon sighed, "Troublesome..." I ignored his remark and took my katana, swinging it with full intent to kill him, fully aware he wouldn't be injured. "Arghh!!! You jerk, that hurt!!! What did you do that for?!" he exclaimed, clearly annoyed but too lazy to dodge or retaliate. 'Never mind, he's too lazy to even see if someone's attacking him,' I thought to myself, deadpan.

"I thought we could fight, but obviously, you're too lazy for that, aren't you?" I asked sarcastically, knowing he would just concede defeat and return to sleep if we fought. Belphegor looked at me with frustrated eyes. "As you said, obviously, you jerk! Who swings a sword at someone sleeping?!"

"Me," I deadpanned, unfazed by his outburst. "Yeah, like I said, a full-on jerk! What do I do now? My arm is lost because of you?! Take your responsibilities and do something!"

I sighed and picked up his arm. "Alright, stay still; it may sting a bit," I cautioned him. He just nudged at me. "Do it; I don't have all day."

I reattached his arm with iryo ninjutsu and stood up to leave .

But before I could leave, Belphegor questioned me, "What? Leaving already? Not even a sorry for disturbing my beauty sleep or something? Who are you anyway?" Growing irritated as I'd lost enough time with this lazy demon, I turned to face him and responded in kind, "Yes, no, Your Highness, I'm not sorry, and I'm being called the Untamed Devil by your kind."

He snorted, "Don't be so haughty, just because you've won against lesser demons."

I chuckled, "I don't know how Lucifer would react to being called a lesser demon."

His face turned grim, and he muttered, "Don't tell him I said that," before exclaiming, "But wait, you're the guy that keeps killing him? Damn, no wonder Luci's been even more angry than Satan lately... Hmmm, tell me, why do you wish to fight all of us?"

I answered, "Well, I've been sent here by the Grim Reaper to grow stronger and whatnot, and once I've become strong enough, I could see my family again," knowing he wouldn't understand how I felt before sealing my emotions.

"I understand how you feel, buddy, that's rough," he remarked.

I face-planted into the ground, thinking, 'What the heck is his business? Does he want to prove me wrong every time?'

Belphegor, not even noticing my state of confusion, continued, "I'll have to be honest; it sounds sketchy, you know? Why would he send you here and hope you grow stronger?"

"Shit! I didn't think about that," I muttered, realizing the flaw in my plan.

The demon snorted, "Moron..."

"The worst is I don't even know when he'd come back or anything! What do I do now? Maybe I should still fight each of your brothers and sisters," I thought aloud.

To which Belphegor just responded, "Ehh, yeah, no, don't... Don't do that."

Arching my eyebrow, I asked, "Why not?"

He sighed, looked to the side, and muttered something, but I couldn't hear it. "Come again? I couldn't hear ya."

He looked at me and said, "Because you're already stronger than every one of us. That's the secret behind our strength; we are linked together. If one of us becomes stronger, then everyone follows. That's why I look like that."

"Okay... It makes sense for your appearance. Now the question begs, is there someone stronger than your siblings?" I asked, hoping for a positive answer.

He closed his eyes and breathed out, "Nope."

"God damn it! Somehow everything goes to shit!! You know what? If he doesn't come in a week's time, I'll just have to create a commotion big enough to make him come here!" I stated.

"Uhhh, and how would you do that?" asked the sleeping lazy bum.

"Destroy this realm," I said bluntly, though I didn't mention my ideas to get even stronger. 'Maybe I could use this realm as some sort of fuel for my own being, like the Otsutsukis.'

Belphegor fell from his sleeping position. "I hope you're joking because if not, you'd be killing us all!"

"I. DON'T. CARE! If you wish to live, find a solution to bring him here. Remember, you have one week's time before I do something," I declared as I turned and left towards my outpost, hoping to take some rest before working on the destruction of Hell.