
the oath of a father Beyond the Veil: A Naruto Reincarnation

In the chaotic streets of the city, a young man's life abruptly ends, his existence forever altered by the cruel hand of fate. As he grapples with the harsh realities of his new existence, he is driven by a relentless desire to reunite with his family. Traversing the treacherous landscape between life and death, he confronts the shadows of his past and the daunting mysteries of the afterlife. Fueled by a father's desperate determination, he embarks on a perilous journey to safeguard his daughter's future, navigating a world teetering on the brink of darkness. a haunting saga of loss, resilience, and the enduring echoes of love that linger in the darkest corners of existence. just a side project, I'm tired of seeing these low quality fanfictions that keep tarnishing Naruto , I'm hoping to make a fanfiction that will be of better quality than these cultivation (Chinese) and harem FF . do leave some comments and reviews, I will do everything within my abilities to better what I do therefore you guys need to show me the way to betterment this is just a side project smh my novel version got deleted... anyway nothing except my plotline and the MC belongs to me everything else to the author of naruto if I used something from you or anything like that do tell me so that I see what I can do and take it down

Grigo · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Dumbledore is it you ?!

The sun was shining above konoha , kids were playing around ,adults were talking to each other and the tension in the village seemed to have washed away from the tension and worry for their beloved hokage .

While everyone was enjoying themselves:


"Fucking nature chakra! It's too slippery, it's like it's avoiding me! I will control you one way or another!"

Nature chakra was a pain in the ass. And I'm chill about it. Really, I could complain endlessly about the problems it's giving me, but I prefer to redirect that frustration into further mastering nature chakra.

I asked Hashirama for some pointers, but he has a summon, and what I'm attempting is quite different, hence the increased difficulty. I'm trying to harness nature energy without any summoning contract. Why is it harder? Dunno. If I had to guess, maybe the turf of the summons is richer in nature energy.

It's annoying, but I've got better things to do. Instead of frying my brains further, I'll take a walk.

I stood up and walked to my bathroom to cleanse my sweaty face. As I did, I caught my reflection in the mirror. For a moment, I paused, smirking at myself.

"Damn, I might be too handsome for my own good," I muttered, shaking my head with a chuckle. Then, with a deep breath, I splashed some water on my face, and went towards the village .

Sheesh! I have to admit, the village looks cool as hell. Everyone is smiling, and look at that! It's so different from what I'm used to—big cities where everyone is drowning in their own problems, and the demon realm... nope, not going there.

Anyway, after wandering around aimlessly, I found myself in front of the Hokage Tower. Guess I could drop in on Hashi-kun? Hehe, I'd love to see his face when I scare him! And just like that, my devious plans to make Hashirama jump out of his skin began.

But now... how do I go about it? Sneak up behind him? Yeah, that should work. Before doing anything, I sensed the chakra in the office. Besides him, there were other people—Tobirama and a team of younger folks? They should be around twenty-ish? Well, it wouldn't hurt to say hello, right? Nothing would happen, right?

So, I snuck into Hashi's office without being detected. As I got in, I could hear them talking about some war-related stuff—not that I cared. Hashirama looked a bit distressed, and Tobirama seemed frustrated.

As I analyzed everyone in the room, Hashirama began speaking, "So, you're telling me that the other villages are reinforcing their military? Did you find out why?"

I placed myself between Tobirama and the boy on his left, ready to speak out, but before I could, Tobirama cleared his throat.

"Hmm, I may have an idea as to why, but maybe Gorben-san can tell us?"

A second passed, and Hashirama started to sweat while looking left and right. "Tobirama, is Gorben in the room?!"

Why is he panicking? Did I traumatize him somehow? Oh, look at the faces of everyone here—they are so confused! Yeah, that's enough. They already know I'm here. I let myself be visible. "Tobi-kun, you are no fun, really~"

Before I could say anything more, the boy on my left sent a punch toward my face. I tilted my head to the side and grabbed his arm. Using the opportunity, I looked at his face and... is that Hiruzen?


Yeah, that's him, alright. Silence reigned in the office. Hashirama and Tobirama's students were looking at me with fear. Wait a minute ,Hashirama, why is he looking at me as if he did something and is scared to tell me?

"Hashi-kun!" I feel like I'm making him more scared by acting sweet right now. "Did you do something behind my back? Or is there any reason why you are acting like that?"

He looked aside while sweating profusely. "N-n-no?!"

Before I could ask anything else, Hiruzen tried to retract his arm, which I was still holding, and exclaimed, "Show some respect towards the Hokage!"

Hiruzen's outburst hung in the air, tension thickening the atmosphere. I released his arm and smirked, "Relax, kid. I'm just here to talk."

Hashirama's expression softened slightly, though he still looked uneasy. Tobirama remained stoic, his eyes narrowing as he studied me.

"Why are you here, Gorben?" Tobirama asked, his tone clipped.

I shrugged casually. "Just wanted to check in on my favorite Hokage. But it looks like I walked into something important."

Hashirama finally found his voice, though it was shaky. "Gorben, we're discussing the increasing military activities of the other villages. We're trying to figure out their motives."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you think I can help with that?"

Tobirama interjected, "Given your... unique perspective and knowledge , any insight you can provide would be invaluable."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Fine, I'll bite. The other villages are probably preparing for war because they see Konoha as a threat and since you are slowly dying they see this as the perfect occasion to prepare themselves. Your strength, Hashirama, and the unity you've created here make them nervous. They know they need to bolster their forces to stand a chance against konoha ."

Hashirama's eyes darkened with worry. "I had hoped we could maintain peace for longer..."

I gave him a sympathetic look. "Peace is always a fleeting thing in the world of shinobi, Hashi-kun. But you're laying the groundwork for something better. Don't forget that."

Hiruzen, now calmer but still wary, spoke up. "So, what do we do?"

I looked around the room, meeting each of their eyes. "You need to prepare. Strengthen your alliances, train your shinobi, and stay vigilant. But most importantly, don't lose sight of the ideals Hashirama has set. Those will be your guiding light in the dark times ahead."

Hashirama nodded, determination replacing his earlier fear. "Thank you, Gorben. Your words mean a lot."

I smiled. "Anytime, Hashi-kun."

With the mood somewhat lightened, I clapped my hands. "Now, how about that spar, Tobirama?"

Tobirama's lips twitched into a faint smirk. "You're on, but we'll do that later ."

As I turned to leave the Hokage's office, Tobirama's students couldn't contain their curiosity any longer. Homura, Danzo, Koharu, and Hiruzen exchanged glances before Hiruzen, ever the bold one, stepped forward.

"Wait a minute, who exactly are you?" Hiruzen asked, his eyes filled with a mix of suspicion and fascination. "You seem to know the First Hokage and Tobirama-sensei very well, but I've never seen you before."

I paused, turning back to face the young shinobi. Suppressing a grin, I decided to keep the prank going a little longer. "Ah, you caught me! I'm actually just a wandering trickster, here to stir up some mischief."

Danzo, always the one to dig deeper, frowned. "A trickster, huh? What's your game?"

Before I could respond, Hashirama stepped forward, his usual relaxed demeanor replaced with a hint of mischief. "Gorben-san here is more than just a trickster," he said, a playful glint in his eye. "He's a master of deception, weaving intricate webs of mischief wherever he goes."

Tobirama nodded in agreement, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Indeed, his pranks are legendary among those who know him. But don't worry, he's harmless... mostly."

I struggled to maintain my composure, my playful facade slipping just a little. "Let's just say I'm the joker in the pack, always ready with a prank or two."

Koharu, ever the analytical one, narrowed her eyes. "So, you're just here to cause trouble?"

I gave her a wink. "Guilty as charged! But it's all in good fun, I assure you."

Homura, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke. "And what about your relationship with the Hokage-sama? You seem... very familiar."

Hashirama and Tobirama exchanged a glance, barely able to contain their amusement. "Gorben and I go way back," Hashirama said, his tone light and playful. "He's the mischief-maker ."

Tobirama, trying his best to keep up the act, added, "That's right. Gorben-san is like a mischievous elder brother to us, always keeping us on our toes."

Hiruzen nodded slowly, though a hint of suspicion lingered in his eyes. "Alright, but I hope we'll see more of you, Gorben-san. Just keep the pranks to a minimum, alright?"

I gave a mock salute. "No promises, Hiruzen-kun! But don't worry, I'll keep you guessing."

With that, I turned and left the office, barely able to contain my laughter. The sun was still shining brightly over Konoha, and as I stepped into its warm embrace, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

As I made my way out of the Hokage's office, a mischievous grin stretched across my face, knowing that my parting gift would soon make its presence known. Suddenly, a muffled explosion echoed from within the office, followed by a cascade of glitter that poured out of the doorway like a shimmering waterfall.

Hashirama's laughter turned into a surprised gasp as he looked around, trying to locate the source of the glittery chaos. "What in the world?!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Tobirama's stoic expression faltered for just a moment before he regained his composure, his annoyance evident as he wiped glitter from his hair. "It seems Gorben-san left us a little surprise," he remarked dryly, his tone laced with irritation.

But Hashirama's reaction was quite different. Despite the mess, he couldn't help but be impressed by the prank. "That Gorben-san sure knows how to make an exit!" he exclaimed, a hint of admiration in his voice.

However, his enthusiasm was short-lived as he surveyed the glitter-coated paperwork strewn across his desk. "Ugh, look at this mess! Now I'll have to fill out all these reports again," he grumbled, his playful demeanor giving way to a touch of frustration.

Tobirama shot him a pointed look his annoyance not fully concealed.

Despite the chaos, Hashirama couldn't help but chuckle at the situation.

Meanwhile, Tobirama's students, Homura, Danzo, Koharu, and Hiruzen, were caught in the glittery aftermath. Their once pristine uniforms were now covered in shimmering specks, making them look like they had just stepped out of a fairy tale.

Homura shook his head, trying to rid himself of the stubborn glitter that clung to his hair. "I can't believe this," he muttered, his voice a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

Danzo, ever composed, brushed off his shoulders with a sigh. "Well, that was unexpected," he remarked, though there was a hint of amusement in his tone.

Koharu giggled, a rare sight for the usually serious kunoichi. "I must admit, it does add a certain... charm," she said, twirling a strand of glitter-coated hair between her fingers.

Hiruzen couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "I guess this is what they mean by 'shining bright like a diamond'," he joked, his grin widening as he looked at his glitter-covered comrades.

Despite the inconvenience, there was a sense of camaraderie among Tobirama's students as they shared in the unexpected prank. And as they made their way down the hallway, leaving a trail of glitter in their wake, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. After all, sometimes the most memorable moments are the ones you least expect.

After leaving the Hokage's office, leaving behind a cascade of glitter and bewildered expressions, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I navigated through the lively streets of Konoha. The sun warmed my skin, and the cheerful chatter of villagers filled the air, creating a vibrant atmosphere that was hard to resist.

As I strolled along, I couldn't resist joining in the playful antics of the children who were pretending to be ninja. With a wink and a grin, I showcased a few flashy jutsu, igniting their imaginations and leaving them with wide-eyed wonder.

Finding a quiet spot by the riverbank, I settled down, allowing the soothing sound of rushing water to calm my thoughts. The events of the day swirled through my mind, from the serious discussions in the Hokage's office to the lighthearted pranks I had pulled. Despite the looming tensions between the villages, I refused to let it dampen my spirits.

Instead, I focused on the present moment, relishing in the simple pleasures of life—the warmth of the sun, the gentle breeze, and the company of my own thoughts. With a contented sigh, I leaned back, allowing myself to be fully immersed in the tranquility of the moment.

But as much as I enjoyed the peace and quiet, I knew that I still had work to do. Urgh, there's something wrong with me. Why am I frustrated? Why do I feel fucking emotions?! I thought I had sealed them away, for fuck's sake! Shit! You know what, I'll just go and ask Hashirama and Tobirama for some help, because last time I tampered with the seal, it turned into a fucking disaster.

*Scene change: Hokage office*

What... the actual fuck is going on here? Why are these two morons still talking? They're covered in glitter?! Go take a bath or something, I don't know??

"Urgh," I groaned, making these idiots notice me.

Hashirama jolted from his position and stared at me. "Uhm, Gorben-san? Why are you back? Is everything alright?"

"Nope," I muttered.

Tobirama looked me up and down, smirked, and drew a conclusion. "You need our help for something you fucked up, I imagine."

Shit, he is really too smart for his own good!

"Yeah, yeah, alright. I need help because it can get fucking wild... You remember that big-ass incident a few months ago? Where half the forest was disintegrated, the sky turned black, etc.? That might have been me."

Their eyes grew so big they almost popped out of their skulls. Tobirama slowly turned his whole body in my direction and locked eyes with me.

"What. The. Fuck! That was you?!"

Yeah, he's lost it...

"You! The whole area is just a wasteland! What happened for things to go like that?!"

Hashirama was also curious, although he preferred to stay silent. Still, he nodded at the question to signal that he wanted to know more as well.

"Damn, Tobi-kun, never took you for one to lose his composure like that."

He snorted. "Me neither, but this is just unheard of. We thought it was a natural disaster or a clash between tailed beasts!"

"Yeah, nope, that's not what happened." *Sigh~*

"So... I didn't tell you guys everything about me. You already know that I had to fight for 1500 years in a realm full of demons, right?"

To my question, they both nodded, which prompted me to continue.

"There was one demon that utterly destroyed me, almost killing me. He used genjutsu to show me my worst nightmare, used my own emotions against myself, used my family against me... and that hurt, badly , he showed me the bodies of my wife and kid , murdered and raped ,over and over again!

I didn't want that to happen again. I promised myself to kill him until I am satisfied, until the pain stopped, until he begs for mercy. Thus, I created a seal, or rather multiple seals, to seal my emotions away. It was helpful at first since I found myself in an environment where I couldn't use emotions, and this seal allowed me to defeat that opponent. It was a great tool for me.

But since I am here in your world, the seal has weakened, probably because it's old or for whatever reason there is. My emotions are leaking. What happened is that I released the seal for a little moment, at best five minutes. And everything I have experienced for the past 1000 years or so came back, and I lost control... voila?"

I took a deep breath and looked at them.

Tobirama's eyes were still wide, but he managed to compose himself quickly, his shock morphing into a stern expression. "So, you're telling me that your loss of control led to that catastrophe? And you've been carrying this burden alone?"

Hashirama, on the other hand, looked like he was physically feeling my pain. His brows furrowed, eyes softening as he stepped closer. "Gorben-san, I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through. The weight of those memories, those emotions... I'm so sorry."

Tobirama crossed his arms, his tone calm but laced with concern. "We need to address this immediately. If your seal is weakening, you could be a danger to yourself and everyone around you. We have to find a way to stabilize it."

Hashirama nodded in agreement, his empathy palpable. "We're here for you, Gorben. You don't have to face this alone. We'll help you find a solution. There has to be a way to reinforce the seal or find another method to manage your emotions."

I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. "Thanks, guys. I knew you'd understand. I just... I didn't expect it to become such a mess."

Hashirama placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We'll figure this out together. We've faced worse odds before tobirama and me , haven't we? And we've always come out stronger."

Tobirama, still serious but with a hint of softness in his eyes, added, "We'll need to research. There might be a technique or a jutsu we haven't considered yet. For now, just try to keep the seal as stable as possible. We'll find a way, Gorben."

Their support, their belief in me, it was grounding. For the first time in a long while, I felt a flicker of hope. "Alright, let's get to work. I've got a lot of shit to make up for, and I could use all the help I can get."

Hashirama smiled warmly. "That's the spirit. We'll get through this, just like we always do."

Tobirama nodded, determination in his eyes. "Together, we'll find a way. We always do."

I took a deep breath, looking directly at Hashirama. "Hashirama-kun, to help me manage this outburst and the mess I've created, I need you at full strength. Your current condition isn't going to cut it. We need you healthy and at your peak."

Hashirama's brow furrowed in concern, but there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "But how, Gorben-san? We've exhausted all our options in trying to treat my illness."

I met his gaze squarely. "I have a plan. My blood possesses extraordinary healing properties, and I've tested it on sick animals before. Those that survived became practically unkillable, thanks to the infusion of my chakra during the healing process."

Hashirama's eyes widened in surprise, his expression a mix of disbelief and cautious optimism. "You're saying your blood could cure me?"

I nodded firmly. "Yes, but it won't be easy. The process will be intense, and there are risks involved. But if it means restoring you to full health and strength, then it's worth it."

Tobirama's skepticism was evident, but he nodded in agreement. "It's a risky gamble, but if we manage to pull it off hashirama will get stronger ."

With a determined nod, Hashirama steeled himself. "I trust you, Gorben-san. If this is our best chance at overcoming this obstacle, then I'm willing to take it."

A sense of relief washed over me as I calculated how we could do it. "Alright, let's do this. With your strength and my blood, I am certain you guys will get even stronger. And yes, I said you guys; don't think you won't get a boost, Tobirama-kun." Heh, that dumbass will need to get stronger. I don't want them to die, actually, screw the plot. I could keep them secretly alive somehow.

"But before that, I have to tell you guys that you were destined to die early on. If you agree to the plan and become 'immortal' like me, then you have to be careful about it. I don't want to disrupt the way everything is supposed to unfold, and thus you will have to live in secrecy. But fear not, I have a plan. So, what do you say?"

Yeah, I don't want them to die at all. These guys are my brothers... And I never had a brother.

Hashirama's expression shifted from hope to concern as he processed my words. Tobirama's eyes narrowed, his analytical mind already processing the implications. "If what you say is true, then it changes everything. But living in secrecy, hiding from the world... It's a drastic step."

I nodded solemnly. "I understand the gravity of the situation, but it's the only way to ensure your survival. We'll need to proceed cautiously."

Hashirama exchanged a glance with Tobirama, their silent communication speaking volumes. "If it means protecting our village and each other, then I'm willing to consider it."

Tobirama's demeanor remained composed, though a hint of apprehension lingered. "Very well. We'll trust in your plan, Gorben."

A sense of gratitude washed over me as I looked at them, my companions in this new life . "Thank you, both of you. We'll navigate this new path together."

With our agreement reached, we prepared for the operation .

*Scene and time change*

Under the cover of night, the operation unfolded in the dimly lit living room of my house. Mito, Hashirama's wife, stood by with her expertise in seals, ensuring our privacy and security. With the room prepared, Hashirama and Tobirama laid on tatami mats, stripped of their shirts to expose their bare arms.

I carefully extracted blood from a vein in my left arm using a syringe, then injected it into the corresponding veins in Hashirama and Tobirama's arms. As the blood mingled, I focused my chakra, flooding their bodies with a stabilizing energy to counteract any adverse effects.

The room was filled with a tense silence, broken only by the sound of our breaths and the faint hum of chakra. With each passing moment, I monitored their vital signs, ensuring the process went smoothly. As the night wore on, the weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air, but we remained steadfast in our determination to see it through.

Despite our careful preparations, the process proved to be more taxing than anticipated. Hashirama and Tobirama grimaced in pain as their bodies reacted to the influx of foreign blood and chakra. There were moments when they would grunt in discomfort, and at times, they even passed out briefly from the intensity of the procedure.

Mito and I exchanged concerned glances as we worked to stabilize them, adjusting our approach as needed to mitigate their discomfort. Despite the setbacks, both Hashirama and Tobirama showed remarkable resilience, pushing through the pain with determination etched on their faces.

As the night wore on, the intensity of the process gradually lessened, and eventually, they both regained consciousness, albeit weary and drained from the ordeal.

With the operation finally complete, a sense of relief washed over us. As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, we gathered in the living room, our bodies feeling like lead from the night's exertions. Mito and I were visibly exhausted, our faces etched with fatigue, and our words were tinged with crude remarks about how drained we felt. Despite our weariness, a sense of accomplishment hung in the air, knowing that we had successfully completed the operation.

In stark contrast, Hashirama and Tobirama seemed revitalized, their bodies brimming with newfound energy. They sat upright, their expressions determined and their eyes alight with vigor. It was as though the infusion of blood and chakra had breathed new life into them, rejuvenating their spirits and fortifying their resolve.

As I grumbled about feeling like I'd just been trampled by a stampede of bulls, Mito let out a grunt of agreement, her fingers massaging her temples in a futile attempt to alleviate the ache. Seriously, if this headache gets any worse, I might have to consider a career change. I hear lion taming is less stressful.

Meanwhile, Sunshine Hashi, ever the optimist, suggested with a grin that could blind a man at twenty paces, "Well, looks like you two could use a cup of strong tea to perk you up!" That son of a bitch. If I could, I'd punch him so hard in his no-no touch region that they'd come out of his mouth, I swear!

Tobi-wan, with his energy seemingly boundless, interjected, "Speak for yourself, Hashirama. I feel like I could run a marathon right now." His eyes scanned the room with a keen gaze, as if searching for something to occupy his restless mind. Great, just what we need, a hyperactive Tobirama on the loose.

Unable to resist a jab, I quipped sarcastically, "Must be nice to be a human battery, Tobirama-kun." Seriously, where does he get all that energy from? Asking for a friend.....

Mito-chan, her tone heavy with exhaustion, added, "Yeah, some of us are running on fumes here," as she reached for a nearby cushion to support her weary frame. Been there, done that, got the eye bags to prove it.

Hashirama's unwavering optimism shone through as he encouraged, "Come on, let's not dwell on the negatives. We've accomplished something incredible tonight." Easy for him to say when he's practically radiating sunshine.

And just when I thought Tobirama-kun couldn't get any more insufferable, he affirmed with a determined voice, "He's right. We've set the foundation for a new era for Konoha." Great, just what I needed, more speeches. Seriously he's better off staying serious like usual.

"Yeah, yeah, let's save the pep talk for later. Right now, I need some shut-eye," I declared, longing for the sweet embrace of sleep, my eyelids threatening to close on their own.

"Amen to that," Mito agreed wearily, her voice barely audible as she finally surrendered to the exhaustion that had plagued her since the night began.

Despite our exhaustion and crude remarks, there was a sense of camaraderie and unity among us, a shared understanding of the sacrifices made for the greater good....damn that sounds like fucking dumbledore .As we sat together in the soft morning light, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bonds that bound us together, stronger than ever . As the first light of dawn crept through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room, we allowed ourselves a moment of quiet.

Yeah everything will be alright, I think ?


Yeah don't know what to thin of this chapter , tried something a bit different tell me what you think in the comments and if you'd be so kind and leave a review I'd be grateful.

Oh and Powerstones as well kind of hungry yk.